Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spinning Dirty Tricks, part I

Contrary to what most doctors will tell you, sometimes drinking will sometimes make thing clearer. This is especially true if you're trying to follow this years political campaigns.  Democrats, are fully aware that this year it's them, not the GOP being  thought of as, being polite,  "Failures".

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they are desperately trying to spin their way out of it. The spin would be hysterical to watch , if you lived on another planet.  On this planet, it's not so funny.   Sarah Palin sneezes on stage, and it gets reported in countries most of us couldn't find with Google.  If Joe Biden is overheard using the  "F" word in a private conversation it's headlines for a week..

If as you read, you get the impression I'm using democrats to make my point, you're right, there's a couple reasons, one is this election they've made it easy, way too easy and for a reason.

The real issues are getting buried by distractions, distractions make headlines.  People forget if the right legislation isn't passed, and passed soon, everyone's taxes go up.  People forget the Democrats,  the President declared war on Arizona, they won't have time to think about Obamacare.  They won't notice_________ and the _______________ (fill in the blank, attach extra pages as required)

Let's start in Illonis were Debbie Holverson is trying to hold her House seat against Adam Kinzinger.  Kinzinger is an Iraq War Vet.. the easiest way to attack him, a minor distortion of his military service.  The South Town Star puts it this way;

 "Halvorson jumped on the Mark Kirk bandwagon and tried to see if she could find any similar "lies" in GOP candidate Adam Kinzinger's bio. Kinzinger is a Captain in the Air Force and flew missions in Iraq. His website bio stated his history as follows: "I now serve as a captain in the United States Air Force Special Operations Command flying reconnaissance aircraft."

Halvosron is claiming that this is a "lie." Why is it a lie? Because Kinzinger is not now engaged in that duty. And so, he's a liar.

The Southtown is not amused. The paper says that whether he is now or just "was" doing that duty is immaterial."

Now I know some of you won't take my word for it, so read  SouthTown Star Scolds Rep. Halvorson for Specious Attack on Opponent's Military Record

From the up Midwest let's take a trip out west.  Meg Whitman in California finds out her housekeeper is an illegal alien, fires her and the SIEU stuff hits the fan. It seems to have cooled bit since Whitman was able to show all the employees required documentation. On top of that the illegals lawyer, Gloria Allred, turns out to be a rabid (whoops), make that avid supporter of Whitman's opponent, Jerry Brown. You can read a blog posted here on Grumpy,   Diaz Santillan and get a quick idea whats going on.  It's become more complicated  since that was written.  Much like they did  or tried to do Governor Brewer in Arizona,
Liberal Democrats are trying to make people believe obeying American Immigration law is is Racist.

Social Security sent the Whitman's a letter in 2003 mentioning there might be a problem.  Ms Whitman says she doesn't remember the letter, her husband believes he passed it along to Santillan with the suggestion she she should follow up and get the matter resolved.  How many of us remember what we did with a piece of paper that passed though our hands, Seven Years Ago?

Jerry Brown's Camp, as well as A is screaming this proves

The picture on the left is similar to all the pictures we've see of Ms Sanitillan since the story broke.  She always seems to be crying,  the perfect victim.  Don't forget this victim and her lawyer Gloria Allred are also suing Meg Whittman for monetary damages.  Allred has quite a reputation. she once sued a store for having separate boys and girls toy sections.

Before we go any farther, on pages 12 and 13 of the document linked below, you can find copies of Diaz Sautillan's Social Security Card. Driver's License and certification that she is a "Legal" Alien and entitled to work in the United States.  The would be victim has commited Social Security Fraud, that Social Security Number belongs to someone.  She also misrepresented her legal status when she applied for and received her Drivers License and commited fraud when she provided an  Alien Registration number and certified she was in the country legally and was allowed to work in the United States.  I wonder if she's register to vote as well?

Legal Aliens, Illegal Aliens, and  Naturalized citizens have been lumped into one pot by the left in order to confuse the entire immigration process.  There is a huge difference between the each of the three categories.  Citizens are entitled to all the privileges of Citizenship, including the right to vote.  Legal Immigrants are welcome guests.. but they are only guests.  Illegal Aliens are burglars, they sneak in and take what they can. 

The Latino vote is considered critical in California, there are supposed to be 2,000,000 Hispanics there.  The big question is how many of them have earned by birth or naturalization the right to vote?  The bigger question is;  How many who haven't, have fraudulent documents, and will.

Later tonight or tomorrow I'll post the second part of this.  Things get really dirty when you put Alan Grayson into the mix..  worse when you add a cup of Obama. 

I'll also get into why the progressive left is incapible of seeing stunts like this as dirty politics.


  1. I love those optical illusion things. It's amazing how the brain interprets actual information to make sense of it for us (or sometimes deceive us). Thanks Grumpy


  2. Lew, good to see you,,

    If you still have the regular email, drop me line if not.. leave me a note at FT and I'll give it to you.

  3. I once waited on Jerry when he was dating Linda Ronstat (sp) in 1976. (I also met my hero Ronald Reagan the year before) Jerry was a Horses butt then and still is a horses butt. As for Allred, she gives women a bad name. Can't wait for the Grayson story. Could anyone sink any lower than he has in the last week.

  4. hope you got all those posts back to july

  5. And the July before that, not a problem.

  6. Fishy; As strange as it sounds, a couple recent polls indicate the HARD LEFT is blind to the bias coming from their side.

    To them. Calling someone a racist, are is perfectly acceptable, if it comes from the left.

    On the other hand, if a conservative says we need to close the border. To them that is an offensive statement. It's in tho Polling daata I'll use tomorrow.

    The hard left isn't a large percentage of the population, but they exert a tremendous amount of influenece over people like Obama and Grayson,

  7. Grumpy you silly man, the left is never biased. Just ask them. God forbid anyone should ever call them racist, all of their friends are either, African American, Latino or gay. As in, I work with a gay guy and he's my friend. I live next door to a AA person and he is my friend or I have a Latino cleaning lady and she does a great job. I think they call it Pandering


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