Sunday, October 3, 2010

Alan Grayson: sorry couldn't resist

This is a fake Alan Grayson Ad

Almost no one deserves to be portrayed the way this video depicts Alan Grayson, but Alan Grayson is some one, almost no-one anyone wants to know.

Call it a slight ethical lapse, but after his recent stunts, and fraudulent ads,  well let's just the Devil made me do it 


  1. Grayson loves Grayson and may well be Satan.

  2. This clown has brought dishonor to my party.

    An angry Democrat

  3. Liberals, Progressives, Socialists & Commies (in that order), have NO SENSE OF HUMOR. AT ALL!

    I was asked to leave a dinner party last night because I refused to keep quiet after my host's wife went into a idiotic rant about Sarah Palin, and John Boehner. The joke that I told was "off-color", but so ridiculous that no one could have possible taken it seriously. And it was funny.

    I was asked to leave the party. Now I am faced with "what to do", because her husband works for me. Lol.

  4. Saw a blog once about liberals being opposed to anything fun except sex and drugs- cigarettes and booze don't make their approved list of drugs/

  5. What you want to bet grayson is related to the varmint.

  6. The varmint ddi do an entire blog praising the SOB

  7. Grayson is a total waste. Don’t worry about him, he is history. That campaign add with the out of context wording about his opponent is out in the open. Any one interested, tomorrow on TV the Glenn Beck show, he is going to identify all Obama czars and show clips of their views.
    Keep your powder dry.

  8. Check out this site to see more about Grayson:

    This is what some of his constituents think about him...



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