Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spinning Dirty tricks part II

What a year,  in California we have Meg Whitman getting "Mugged" by the Democrats and Labor Unions for obeying the the law.  In Illinois Debbie Holverson should get a  Dirty Trick Award award from Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer for her attempt to slander The One of the dirtiest tricks so attempted so far this year by a Congressional candidate, right here in Florida..

Alan Grayson compared his opponent Daniel Webster to the Taliban in a television ad that makes Webster appear to say just the opposite of what he really said.  In doing so he also mocked Webster's religious beliefs.  

It's funny, after the advertisement was aired, I didn't see anything about it in my favorite local online Media Outlet.  But the stunt did make national news.  MSNBC is not exactly a supporter of conservative ideas, but even they called Grayson out big time in this interview. 


Politico in "Rep. Alan Grayson's 'Taliban' ad backfires" put it this way says the narrative crafted by the Florida Democrat's campaign distorts what Webster was actually saying.

"Grayson has lowered the bar even further. He's using edited video to make his rival appear to be saying the opposite of what he really said," the nonpartisan site, sponsored by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, wrote on its blog Monday.

All things considered that was pretty bad review.   The thing is, what accomplishments does Grayson have to run on;   The "Grand" Obama achievements tat he supported are only a little more popular than Prohibition in the early thirties.   He's advertisement  created a distraction, any thing to keep peoples attention away from real life issues.  Believe or not,  his base is not likely to see as biased, improper or unethical.  We'll get to that.

Then we have Obama,  I can claim "being old enough to understand" for almost fifty years.  I understood the Cuban Missile Crisis.  From a couple points in the Junior High I attended you could see The Capitol Dome,  the old USSR's primary nuclear target.

In all that time, I don't recall a President of the United States ever saying a legitimate news organization was destructive to the United States of America..  This President called Fox New destructive to the future of the Unites States.  At the same time Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton was praising  Fox Competitor MSNBC specifically,  Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, "who provide "an invaluable service" to the country."

CNN was caught in the middle, and happy to be there, that allowed them to produce this video comparing Destructive with Invaluable.

I want your opinion on "Destructive" and  "Invaluable".  Comments are open and appreciated. 

From what I saw,  at least in these clips;  Obama  is attacking  at a personal level the Corporation that  disagrees with his point of view  and agenda as destructive.   MSNBC attacks the the people that disagree with Obama agenda therefore they are invaluable.   Was there any great difference in the in the "bias level between the two?  Not really.  One guy ranted and raved, one guy ranted and cried.

The President of the United States is advertising one media outlet and condemning another.  Now that is Biased. I'm sure that every President has had his Media Favorites and those he wished he could give a black eye.  I know, I know Give 'em Hell Harry threatened to punch a reporter for a comment about his daughter.  That was personal. 

With Barack Obama it's politics..  In tomorrows blog I'll show you the polls that indicate strongly Barack Obama. Alan Grayson, Debbie Holverson and Jerry Brown are trying to appeal to the base.  The only chance the Democrats have is to rally the base.  Try to sucker in some of the old line Roosevelt Kennedy Democratic Base and pray for a lighter than expected vote from everyone who doesn't watch CBS or MSNBC.  According to the Polls people who watch FOX and to a lesser extent tend not to believe  the Media Taking Heads as much as those who watch CBS and MSNBC

So If Keith Obermann says TEA Partiers are racist then it must be true, regardless of the facts.  If MSNBC uses Obama's endorsement to promote itself.  WOW that proves were watching the right News.  If MSNBC says it's a smart move for Grayson to lie about someones beliefs

You get the idea.

I'll show in tomorrows blog how income and education play into the FOX- CNN-MSNBC-CBS statistics

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