Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cleaning up after children

For the last what, three years now the progressives have been telling the rest of the us to get out of the way and let the Grown Ups clean up our mess.  I guess we should have gotten the first hint of there clean up skills immediately after the Presidents Inauguration.

It seems this bunch of adults can't clean up after themselves,  Let start right at the beginning of Obama's Presidency

This Video was taken immediately after Obama's Inauguration It is titled

Post-Barackalyptic Wasteland by amccaske

What a mess, no big deal though, It was Obama's Inauguration

Well then Glenn had his restoring Honor Rally on 9/12/2010 Remember theses are the people that CBS and Obama's friends at MSNBC have been calling  "Neanderthals ever since Obama was sworn into office
in fact the Main Sream Media was by this time calling them Rednecks and Neanderthals.

I'll bet they really trashed DC Huh??

On the Mall after the Restoring Honor Rally.flv by neonmoondancer

By all the accounts I've seen the Redneck Neandrathls left the place almost spotless

So not wanting to be showed up by those TEA Partiers when the Liberals Held their Counter Protest the One Nation Rally. the liberals must have left the place spotless right?

Let's take a look

The video shown was taken by


One Nation Rally - Trash on and around the Lincoln Memorial

Yes these adults are clearlu qualified to tell us Consevative neandrathals how to clean things up


  1. They really are unsanitary, slovenly, and unkempt. Wish their parents had taught them better hygiene.

    Disgusting pukes. All the TEA parties I attended were left much cleaner than when we arrived. Easy to see who/what practices "Individual Responsibility.".

  2. That was my take on it. I guess an FT poster didn't like it. The blogs back now but it was gone within minutes of posting.

    Same thing happened yesterday.

  3. Appears the few in attendance appeared to be more because of the fences and barricades to make the crowd look greated than it actually was.


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