Saturday, October 2, 2010


As the elections get closer we're starting to get more and more illusionary spin, It comes from both sides, this year most of it is coming from the far left as they try to convince themselves and the Democratic Base People that they know what's best, A couple recent polls have indicated that Possgressives look at things "Differently".  This helps explain some apparently strange behavior.. by people like Alan Grayson and the guy in the White House.. More on that this afternoon or tomorrow. 

I stumbed on this this early this morning, since the blog I'm working on is about creating spin and illusion, based on polls AND this is fun, if you don't get dizzy I figured every one might enjoy This Brain Teasers piece.  Just click the title to see the rest, it's worth it- If you don't get dizzy easily.

Another "false spiral"

-- actually a series of concentric circles, hard as it may be to believe. To prove that there's no spiral, try tracing your finger around one of the circles. You'll see that it never moves inward or outward.

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