Thursday, September 30, 2010

Diaz Santillan

There suddenly appears to be considerable turmoil in the California Governer’s race. The controversy centers around Diaz Santillan – an illegal immigrant – who worked for Ms Whitman, the GOP nominee for the governor’s race.

Democrats such as her attorney, Gloria Allred, are trying to sabotage Ms Whitman’s run for governor. It is unclear why this is a big deal since both Jerry Brown and Ms Allred support illegal immigrants being in the USA.

Here is what we know without a doubt. Ms Santillan’s employment application included a copy of a Social Security card and a California driver's licenses thus wrongfully indicating she was a legal resident.

We know that the Obama Justice Department would sue Ms Whitman had she requested additional proof such as a green card for the Obama Justice Department is suing the Maricopa County community Colleges for asking legal immigrants to provide their green cards before being hired. According to the Obama Justice Department headed by Eric Holder, the Colleges “intentionally committed document abuse discrimination” for asking to see green cards (which must by law be on the person of the legal immigrant at all times).

We also know that Ms Santillan is an illegal immigrant and that she engaged in fraud and deceit to obtain her position (that paid $23/hour).

What we do not know, however, is the following: Who is paying ultra liberal Gloria Allred to be her attorney? Why is Ms Santillan not in jail for fraud and deceit? And why she is not in jail for being in the USA illegally?

It seems Ms Santillan should either be in jail or have been deported by now. One could also argue that all of her possessions should be seized and sold to re-imburse Ms Whitman for the costs she is likely to bear due to being deceived and defrauded by Ms Santillan.

The biggest question, however, is when will she be deported? There should be no need for court hearings or a trial since she has admitted to being in the USA illegally. So why is she still in the USA?


  1. Just to keep it real, here is a copy of the document this woman used to obtain employment. the key information is on the last couple pages

    That information includes a copy of her Social Security Card, a California DL and a Alien Registration number.

    Ms Santillan had to commit multiple frauds to obtain those documents, She commited additional fraud by using fraudulent documents to obtain employment. She is in the country illegally.

    Why are we supposed to believe that a fraud and con artist is the F'ng victim

  2. I don't see why the employer would need the green card if they had the alien registration number. And if she had a green card, she could legally have the SS card and the driver license.

  3. Yes, But it starts to look like the Alien Registration is phony or at best long overstayed

  4. $23.00 bucks an hour sure doesn't sound like cheap ILLEGAL immigrant labor wages. I suppose E-check was not yet available when Ms Whitman contracted with that Employment service.

  5. USMC1949 - this was about 9 years ago.

    Old Lady - the law specifically requires they carry their green card on their person. Therefore asking for the green card was no different from asking for a US citizen driving a car to produce their drivers license. And if the GC doesn't match the DL and the SS then it is a flag. Remember, Eric Holder and President Obama want to hold the employers responsible for hiring illegal aliens. Thus a reasonable person would ask for all lawful documentations to confirm the person is a legal citizen. Of course PO wants to sue you if you do that.

  6. So then she should be carrying her papers.


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