Thursday, September 30, 2010

Old Lady

Hey everyone.. The Old Lady is a Grandma

William has arrived, Finally..  Not sure when she'll give us the details..

Her personal website is

Might take her a day or six, ( One to recover from the wait, several to celebrate, and few to recover from celebrating) but I'm sure she post some pictures there shortly


  1. Good to hear. Hope momma, baby, and gma are all doing well. As I recall, gma is more fidgety with the arrival of a grandbaby then with her own. Just keep in mind, these can be sent home.

  2. Old Lady.. atch your breath, break out the champagne you've had a long couple days..

    Pretty sure Fishy and a couple of the other young ladies that drop by here are going to want to know all the details.

    Thats the best part of grandchildren Marine, You can spoil 'em and let the parents deal with 'em..

  3. Young Lady, If I ever meet you or this handsome young gentleman, I owe you a gift. It so happens that today (30th) is also my Birthday. the 28th was my grandson William's. the 26th my Grandaughter Anna Grace. My daughter just could not hang in there a couple extra days.

  4. Grand kids are the best. I should have had them first.

    Congratulations granny - grannies rock!

  5. Congrats. My children (23 and 27) are under a moratorium by me to remain child free until they are 30.

    I loved my Maw Maw...and Im sure that baby will love you.

  6. CONGRATS to you and I want all the details. My second one is due January 13th. His brother is 9. Long time to wait but they have been trying since he was 4.

  7. Congrats Lady and many happy returns. Grand kids are the right name for them.
    Fishygal, Trying is good too!!!

  8. my grandkids got der own der own grandkids now.. course dey caint see me, I'm always watchin, sumptin special bout knowin in a way yur still livin

  9. Yes gpa it's even better when you know babies aren't a possibility. :)
    Yea Huck. a great grand parent. I remember my ggrandama. my son was a fifth generation baby.

  10. Okay - here goes. I'm amazing so many people want details. William Kent was born yesterday at 1:58 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and 20 and 3/4 inches long. He has a head of dark wavy hair (which had my son's mouth hanging open for hours - LOL). Mother and baby are doing fine, and Tanya's gallbladder pain has subsided, as predicted. Her mom is with them. My husband will go up this coming Friday for a week (NC) and I will go up the following week.

    William's older brother Caleb (who will be 3 yrs old in January) is delighted with his younger sibling and wanted to hold him last night.

    The really neat thing is that the family will be moving here by the end of the year so Tanya can go to graduate school at FSU (on-line at first), so they will be with us for at least three years.

    Any other questions? BTW, Kent has posted all the pics so far on Facebook - as soon as I get one, I'll upload it for you.


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