Friday, October 15, 2010

Democrats and Alice

Alice In Wonderland is how U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson described the Obama Administrations defense of Obamacare on Friday.  I wasn't expecting that statement, it didn't make the headlines ir deserved. I found it as a headline on Politico  If it had it made MSM headlines it would have sealed the fate of even more House Democrats and probably put an end to Harry Reid's career.  The headlines in Nevada would have been great.

In a year with accusations of witchcraft, the President telling Americans were they should and shouldn't get their news. Alan Grayson and a President who says;  "You know, I actually believe my own bull".(yes he said that in an interview with Ricard Wolfe).   Somehow The Senate Majority Leader doing mushrooms seems to fit right in.

The Headline wouldn't make much difference in Pelosi's San Francisco, her supporters understand mushrooms and Fantasyland..   Although lately I'm wondering if she's bordering on Never Never-land Senility.  Is she refusing to accept reality or is she going senile?  Her claim that the Democrats are are going to hold the House is nuts.  Travis, Bowie and Crockett had a better chance of holding the Alamo.

I was looking at the Real Clear Politics House Projections earlier.  I like the real Clear Politics Site because it averages the polls from reputable Pollsters. It's non partisan and it doesn't cherry pick the polls it uses.  To help keep things clear the RCP writers try to explain how to interrupt the data from several different polls into something understandable..   Just to be clear, I said I liked RCP, I don't always like what they tell me.

Anyway back to Nancy in Never Never-land.  or maybe on acid.

The only number that's going down is the number of US House of Representative Seats seats the democrats can feel comfortable about holding. starting at the beginning;  Currently the Democrats hold 255 Seats the Republicans 177 and 3 are empty.  The magic number for control of the House is 218

As of this morning the Democrats can safely say out of 255 less than half;  126 are considered completley safe

Out of 177 Currently held by Republicans 163 are considered bullet proof.

That leaves 146 less than secure seats,

Democrats are currently expected to hang on to 58 giving them a total 186
Repubulicans are not only expected to hang on but show a pick up of  34 leaving them with 211 likely seats.

40 Seats are considered "Toss Ups" for one reason or another, in many cases it's because the GOP candidate has the numbers but the district is traditionally Democrat...  will conventional wisdom hold? In some cases, yes not in all.   Regardless of how the Democrats try and spin things this election is all about Obama and his Agenda.  The most likely voters are those that Strongly Approve/Disapprove of Obama and his Agenda.  At the moment that Ratio is roughly 2-1.  In that means the the GOP should easily take 27 of the Toss Ups

That would give the GOP a total of 238 Seats, a 61 Seat Gain and Control of the U.S. House of Representives...  Not a record turnover, but impressive enough to alter the thinking of the DNC if not the President.

He'll continue to believe his own Bull


  1. One thing I forgot to mention. The Obamacare Lawsuit filed in Virginia starts to get serious Monday. Several Things can happen. None are helpful to the democrats.

    The proceedings could continue for several days, each day reminding Americans how much they dislike the law, two weeks before the election.

    The Proceeding end quickly and judge withholds his decision until after the elections. This is the best hope for the democrats. It won't help them, it will just hurt less.

    The Judge announces his verdict before the election and the Administration wins. This will PO the 60% of the country that wants it gone. Voters who had not planned on voting, vote.

    The judge announces and the Administration loses. Democratic moderates realize two years and billions of dollars have been wasted on Obamacare instead of the economy and jobs. Yhey rally against the party.. Dejected Obamaites stay home... Indies and Republicans turn out in droves and all bets are off.

  2. I agree with your assessment but I also think a lot of Reps that are down 5 or less points could pull off an upset due to high turnout for other Rep candidates.

    i.g. Scott could win over Sink for Gov of Florida due to the popularity of Rubio.

    I also like for a quick breakdown of the races.

  3. Tecwzrd, I see that as a very real possiblity, but I'm not smart enough to figure out a realistic way to factor it in.

    I appreciate the link to Election Projection. I added it to the list of News Services on the left side of the page.

  4. My pleasure, new to this blog but added it to my feed :)

    I like the NY times site also for projection % based on an averaging of the polls, funds raised, incumbency, ect..

    All of them are pretty close in their predictions and it will be interesting to see which site gets it closest to being correct :)

  5. Don't consider the NYT the best source in the world, if there's a way to slant, they will,

    It been a long time since we've had a grass roots movement like this one


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