Saturday, October 16, 2010

Where did it go

UPDATE,  10/18 20:15

 Just heard from Bud,  His Blog is MIA Again..  If it gets returned before I hear from Florida Today I'll remove this update until then, keep those cards and letters coming.  Inspite of what was said this morning, someone didn't get the message

If you're a Grumpy Reader the odds are you're also a regular reader on one or more of Gannett Companies Eighty-plus websites...  As a regular Gannett reader you figured out quickly  the comments are often more informative than the article itself.  They are always more entertaining.  Somewhere along the line most of you most of you decided to become a member and join in the fun.  If so at some point or another you've seen this.

Comment on: Democrats in Never-land .
Posted 10/15/2010 9:07 PM EDT on

Grumpyelder's comment has been removed for violating the terms of service
(that comment was not offensive to anyone unless they burn up dozens of user names a month filing illegal Abuse Reports)

More often a comment or blog post just vanishes, the result of "Abuse Button Abuse" by someone with a grudge or other issues.  In order to prevent this from happening "Gannett Moderators" review the Offensive Post.  On The Florida Today Site this review is conducted by Pluck (you know the Powered by Pluck people)

So What Happened here??      

On Thursday 10-14, Florida Today Moderators Removed a blog written by gpabud and posted on FT's Blog Page. The blog titled Operation Bingingham is a first hand, historically verifiable story about Bud's role in the mission. You can read the blog here

Operation Birmingham, Gpabud

As you can see, there is nothing remotely offensive in the story. The blog is well written, understandable and offers a damned good perspective on the real life communications issues our people faced in Viet Nam. 

A quick look at Gpabud's Florida Today Profile Tell's you he's not a bad guy..  How many men do you know that after 55 years of marriage are still "Married to my smokin' hot wife for 58 years" A look at his blogs and comments will assure you he's not they type person who makes baiting, antagonistic, contraversal or degrading comments.

Yet his Blog Post "Operation Birmingham"  was deleted along with every comment readers had posted to it.

 That makes it reasonable to assume that the person who made the abuse report And theGannett/Florida Today/Pluck moderator who reviewed it, have a problem with;

A.  Veterans       
B.  The American Military      
C.  Historical Fact.      
E.  Personal Issues

Possibly the correct answer is All The Above..  Hmmm, leave a comment, I could run a poll if enough people want

We all know the Gannett Sites slant things to the left, even so  I would hope this isn't Gannett policy. If it is every Military Veteran in the Country needs to know.  

It's always possible but maybe the moderator wasn't moderating, just having fun deleting posts  In that case Florida Today might not realize what's going on   If they don't then Bob Stover, Florida Today's Executive Editor needs to know.  I'd want to if I was the guy in charge, wouldn't you?

This is as simple as I know how to make it.  Click the link below, the FT Contact page will come up.  Directly under the News Heading, you'll find Bob Stovers name, as soon as you click on his name.. you'll be set to email Bob directly   

 In roughly the same amount of time it will take you to comment here, you can tell Bob what you think about gpabuds Operation Bingingham Blog disappearing and remind him that his moderators are the ones that deleted it.

I'd appreciate it if you came back and told me as well.. comments are open. 


  1. TOTAL and COMPLETE BS. Bob never replies to me. His minions occasionally reply. I had a post pulled today on Phoenix's thread about a loss in her life. Stupid a&&hole SoBeach tries to make everything about him. Idiot made the mistake of posting all the details of his ugly divorce and then got pi&&ed when someone brought it up. OK I'm done venting. Off to right the world

  2. Fishy, I don't expect him to answer directly, that's beneath him. If he gets enough emails he might get the idea. I'm also inviting some people that post other Gannett sites.. It's not an unusual issue across the Gannett.

    I don't care about readers haveing fun... and using different names to do it. but the person that did this has been known to file thousands of abuse hits a week... and to do it to Bud and on that post?

  3. Good thought Grumpy. I'll fire one off. Gpabud is the most harmless and gentle of all I have known. There are some real buttheads out there. I keep telling people just because you see it on the internet doesn't make it true and "most" of these people do not want to be your friend. Lot's of true idiots in the world and I think we have one among us. I ask though, what does this person have to gain from this? Guess that's what I don't get.

  4. Do me a big favor Fishy, ask PR and some of the other really decent Forum People to help out.

    Bud deserves it less than any person I know..

    But even worse, if they'll do it to Bud, they'll do it all Veterans.

  5. I'll tap a few I know will work. PR is dealing with a death so might be hard to get her attention. Give me until tomorrow and I'll see what I can do.

  6. Sent a few and will work on a few more tomorrow. Working on dinner right now. :)

  7. Grumpy, I will certainly help, even though I have never read this particular blog. My husband is a Viet Nam vet who fought in the battle at Khe Sanh and I know how important it is to write the historical accounts down and how hard it is for them to relive emotionally. So to have it just disappear like that really angers me. Someone needs to explain WHY that was done.

    On a side note, I am a little confused to you referencing the "left" and Veterans. I am a Dem and I don't know ANYONE who doesn't love and appreciate them, as well as all who serve and their sacrifice for our country. If I were to guess, the abuse button was pushed by someone with a grudge. But I will help you get to the bottom of this. Please keep us up to date if you hear anything.

    selinasnina :)

  8. Thank you Selina, ignore the politics for now. Grumpy is more than fair. We just want to get this fixed for GrpBud.

  9. Selinasnina.. the person behind this far to the left of anything normal.. I was referring to the very small group obsessed with the idea. Think left of Code Pink

    I've read dozens of your posts, that's not you..

  10. Selina.. I didn't mean to make this about politics, I aplogise..

    Fishy is absolutely correct this is about Bud and his right to tell his story without having it deleted.

  11. I'm still trying to figure out who could be offended by a veteran telling a story about his time served. For heaven's sake what if the guys from WWI and the Civil war never shared their stories?

  12. It's OK Grumpy. I understand where you are coming from. I want to show your blog to my husband because he would really get into it, but before I do that, need to find out why Bud's posts were deleted. I just don't understand why and I can't imagine how that makes him feel. Fishy, thank you for bringing this to me..... I'm here to help!!

    How do I get my pumpkin face on here??? :)


  13. Blogger is hosted by Google.. To get your name, and pumpkin on here they insist on a gmail address. If I'd realized that in advance I might have tried Word Press instead. This was my first attempt at a website.. and Blogger is an easy set up. Here's the Gmail URL, the registration takes about five minutes

    Then selinasnina and her pumpkin can comment on any Blogger website that accepts nonmember comments. The gmail address also entitles you to set up your own websites.. I'm not sure if an animated avatar will work

  14. ....My neighbor..whom we love,is suffering from agent orange.Worst than the AO, is his memory of being called "a baby killer" upon his return he was spat upon..Why are OUR brave Troops & Vets disrespected??..As we talked about this issue. We found a strange irony...Those who spat upon him, & called him a "baby killer"..are the ones who support ABORTION today. Probably the same ilk that deleted your Viet Nam Vet...

  15. Anonymous.. I find it hard to disagree. A few words come to mind when I think about those people.Most I won't use publicly.

    It doesn't excuse Florida Today, THEY physically deleted the blog. I'd be willing to bet the person who filed the abuse reports was too cowardly to do so under their own name.

    Rare for me, but on this one blog I don't want to get into political issues

  16. Looks like Bob has responded to fishy...the publisher chimed in as well:

  17. I think that might be Mary, but I have been wrong before. What makes your think it is Bob?

  18. It's not Stover, of course...not YM either. Take another guess.

  19. I think it's time for me to send my email to Stover.

  20. Email sent...and a copy to you grumpy.

    Ok..back to building my thermo-nuclear/time machine.

  21. I kiss em a bit before kicking them in the buttocks.

  22. burn up names like your faggot friends use? usmc1949 and fastz? time for another email to julie and Mark Mikolajczyk

  23. oops, i meant smartgal, fishygal not_slo, gogirl, mrspeel, hard2bhumble bitterpill6 usmc_1969, gridlicker, madpole, examiner, Sol
    _ova, itwasheridea, sol4eva munkeypuzzler, captainmorgan, captblacleagle eddobloggo markle, oldlady, lewis ect ect ect

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Grumpy,
    GP-Bud is your best contributor. A moderate these polarized times his comments are usually something that both moonbats and wingnuts can agree on. His wisdom and dry sense of humor are always a good read and all patriots can agree with his support of both veterans and currently serving heroes.

    The Gannet moderators should pay better attention to who and why postings are getting deleted. With all the crazy commentators out there why would they delete any of Bud’s work when it’s usually better (and probably better read) than their paid editorial staff.

  26. Early this morning I received this reply from Florida Today, I asked for some clarification

    We understand your frustration. I contacted our moderators about this on Friday. It has nothing to do with prejudice against vets: The reply was that the blog had been removed because of a possible copyright violation. I think they're being extremely over-broad in how they are defining a "potential copyright issue." Apparently, a LOT of posts have been removed because of that.

    At Bob's suggestion, I contacted our corporate folks on Friday, and was assured that the standard that is being applied is not correct. She promised to review the matter with the moderation service to make sure that posts are not being deleted unnecessarily.

    Unfortunately, because of the peculiarities of the system, once a blog is deleted, there's no way to restore it.

    Tom Kehoe
    assistant multimedia editor

  27. Anonymous

    Typos? Most of those names are modifications of the real poster's name. I know that in several of those cases those modifications were used by someone who borrowed the persons name and avatar and then made comments the person would never make themselves,

    I have a few examples in my spam file

  28. I received another email from Tom Kehoe. He Did Not ask me to not publish it, However it contained a statement about an FT internal discussion I felt shouldn't be published unless he specifically approved.

  29. I heard from Tom Kehoe, This is the email I was referring to in my last comment.

    I can't tell you that politics isn't a factor in the deletions, because I don't know that. And obviously, the person who complained was motivated politically. But it is clear to me that a lack of clear guidelines IS a factor I the explanation that I've been given. And that may be something that can be fixed.

    Tom Kehoe
    assistant multimedia editor

  30. Kudo's to Tom for stepping up. They (the mods) let comments from people like anonymous post crap all day and then some jerk leans on the abuse button and all of their common sense goes out the window and they delete Bud's blog.

  31. Many thanks to all of you who have supported me. But don't worry about me, I'm a persistant "cuss". Perhaps this will work out favorably for all of us. If we get poofed, maybe they'll let us know why.

  32. Not so fast.. I just got an email from Bud saying he'd reposted the blog.. two minutes later I received another one saying it was gone.

    I just Checked Bud's Florida Today page, the blog is gone from both his recent activity and his blog archive..

  33. Grumpy, Visit my forum...the method for keeping your blog alive indefinitely is posted there...with about 20 minutes of effort you could keep it there all week.

    I also have a way of beating the copyright issue legally. How do you think I get my videos on to Youtube...The record labels in some cases would rather I didn't...but the Digital Millennium Copyright Act allows for fair use.

    Bud's article falls squarely in the fair use clause and is legal.

  34. Operation Birmingham has been returned to the Florida Today Blog Rotation, minus the report by Col Ray, Bud included in his original Blog.

    Please comment and recommend quickly before anything else happens,

  35. Gone again. Wonder who has this much pull? Florida Today is looking like an ass with this one. I could get very nasty here but I shall restrain myself and ask WTF are they doing? Who rolls over for liberals so much? Which a&& hole is pushing the abuse button? DISGUSTING

  36. Don't know, but I'll bet he has no problems keeping his Florida Today Blogs alive

  37. They are a disgusting group. I have blogged and commented on boards throughout the nation, and FT is the only one where this problem exists. Yeah, a couple of loons and whack jobs on other sites, but usually by noon they have faded into oblivion. Even the hard core basket cases realize they are now vastly out numbered and definately out gunned intellectually. I particularly enjoy the rants on Rand Paul, Sharron Angle, and Ms O'Donnell. Like a mental case in S. Florida could actually affect the outcome.

    Their desperation is obvious when they go after gpabud and Mariann Simms. Then 7 active Blogs all in the same font with an identical theme, but different aliases. What a sad and lonely thing it must be.

  38. And all at best those 7 are a cut and paste conglomeration of other peoples work, and some are nothing more than a direct cut and paste from legitimate sources.

    Yet Bud's own original work is removed "alledgedly" because of possible copyright infringement.

  39. Grumpy,

    Post GPa Buds piece on your blog so we can read it.

  40. DFTTS commenting here:
    I read GPBud's blog. It's likely the use of images that is the copyright violation. I only checked on one, Mighty Mouse. Unless specific permission was given to reuse it, bloggers just cannot take an image from Google or Yahoo images and juse cut and paste. Best to read the rules on image and fair use. Knowing the rules, all the rules, is a blogger's responsibility. Examining for copyright infringement is FT's responsibility. In any case, it would be helpful for FT to alert the blogging community of what is a problem.

  41. I would agree..

    Not sure it would apply to the aircraft images. Thousands of men, including Bud, own pictures of the aircraft they flew and worked on. Applying that standard to a Photo of a Viet Nam Service Ribbon is absurd, Millions of men and women, including Bud, EARNED that ribbon. Thousands of men, including Bud, EARNED ownership of a Operation Birmingham Citation.

    That leaves with the Mighty Mouse picture.. If that if a violation why do all those-- nothing but "cut n paste blogs" remain in the rotation for days?

  42. Hello all. I just got the punt on Usatoday.. all my posts were clean. However, there be trolls on those threads. oh well... Howdy Grumpy.

  43. Swan.. Not the way I like to make new friends, I hate to see good people get booted. and you come with some great recommendations.. So I'm glad to have you here.

    It's about ownership of the photograph or place that it came from. If it's categorized as copyright free, then that info is easily added to the end of the blog. The Service Ribbon is likely available in a "free-use" area.

    "That leaves with the Mighty Mouse picture.. If that if a violation why do all those-- nothing but "cut n paste blogs" remain in the rotation for days?"
    Mighty Mouse is not a small item. What others do is no excuse for a blogger to continue to do what is incorrect. Since I don't loook at many blogs, I cannot say what might be copyright infringing but Mighty Mouse is a no-brainer.

    Take the input or leave's up to the blogger to apply the rules of the road or not. THe FT should be clear about what their specific rules are.

  45. The fair use of Mighty Mouse is of no question...He can use it..and that is that.

    Here is the portion of the DMCA that allows for fair use.

    ": Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"

  46. DFTTS replies to Capt. BE:
    Fair use is applied as a defense if the copyright owner complains or disputes a fair use interpretation. Such matters are resolved in courts. The person who uses an image without permission must be fully aware of what fair use means and what it does not mean. Criteria for fair use exist as a result of court cases. The rule of thumb is if you're not sure ask permission or don't use the image. Taking a risk is another decision.

    There are millions of images available that authors have released to the public domain or common use if a blogger prefers not to ask for permission. Published FT Community Rules prevent the "Use the site to post or transmit any information, software or other material that is protected by copyright....without obtaining permission from the owner or rights holder." The FT TOS describes that how a complaint can be filed for copyright infringement if one believes their work has been misused. Mighty Mouse belongs to Marvel Comics. The blog was not commentary, criticism, or educational use regarding comic book characters or drawing.

    The blog space is a free service provided by the FT and they set the rules. If it's copyrighted material, they have set the rule.

    However, the FT has not clarified what their rules are or communicated to the blogger or the blogging community as to what rules they are applying. They could do much better in this regard. I hope GPABUD gets an answer from the FT.

  47. DFTTS; In all honesty I don't believe they have one.

    There are very few people that will buy them deleting Bud's Entire Blog for the sake of a cartoon image that could have been removed very easily.

    Many people will see it as using a technicality to justify themselves..In fact many already have..

  48. I direct you to my Youtube videos...Youtube has been sued by the most powerful industry on this planet...the music industry. Sony, BMG, and WMG being the most powerful all agree that the pupose of "Fair Use" is to allow the public to use intellectual property that may otherwise be infringement under certain circumstances.

    The key is not whether the article is about Mighty Mouse..but whether the use of that character is used in a non-profit and personal use tips the balance of all other arguments in favor of the individual.

    This is not conjecture on my part, this is based on my education. My profession depends on knowing the Copyright Laws as they pertain to this medium.

    Many of my videos are posted based on the Fair Use clause of the DMCA. Youtube is bound by legal judgements to enforce the copyright of those who hold the copyright. They only allow me to use it in a non-profit manner.

    I hope this clarifies the issue for you.

    Thanks. :)

  49. how do you like the poofs you and your faggot buddy usmc1949 and your fASTZ skankz DIRTY little hamster are dishing out. maybe thats why they got banned too. the sheeet wont stop till you get your children under controll and stop your f-in nonsense from your teabagging friends who have caused all the trouble in the beginning. Till then you poof us, we poof every last one of you till the end of time

  50. usmc1949 banned on FT for making physical threats and death threats, aka usmc_1969, aka bitterpill6, aka bang bang, aka hard2bhumble, aka ect,,,
    dirty little skank fastz banned for poofing blogs and starting major problems between opposing partys, aka fishygal, aka smartgal, aka not_slo, aka gogirl, aka MrsPeel

    we got your number you immature children teabaggers

    They are a disgusting 2 asses. I have blogged and commented on boards throughout the nation, and FT is the only one where this problem exists. Yeah, a couple of loons and whack jobs on other sites, but usually by noon they have faded into oblivion. Even the hard core basket cases realize they are now vastly out numbered and definately out gunned intellectually. Like a mental case in S. tennesse could actually stop us.

    Their desperation is obvious when they go after sheree and marianne simms and even play with dftts like a pet hamster, and poof her and pretend to be her friend, when fastz is so jealous of other women. Then 7 active Blogger all in the same font with an identical theme, but different aliases. What a sad and lonely thing it must be to be a banned teabagger like fastz and usmc1949

    WHY DON'T YOU BAGGER send a clear message and DON'T VOTE!


  52. What "number" do you have, "Anonymous" (aka, closet queer)?

    Your world-view is over. Unfortunately for you, you won't survive the collapse of the welfare state. You'll be just like the parasites they herded into the SuperDome after Katrina; they didn't have a clue how to survive after the gov't cheese stopped, and neither will you.

    P.S. - congratulations on being irrelevant across the nation, not just on FT.


  54. How does is feel to be completely impotent, "Anonymous" Completely - intellectually, physically, and morally impotent?

    You aren't impressive at all with your words, and I'll guarantee you are even less impressive in person.

  55. varmint - Actually, USMC1949 was never banned. Some disgusting little puke with nothing better to do between midnight and 4:00 AM hijacked the ID and User Image and posted vile disgusting obscenities. By the time I had seen it on 8/5 at 7:00 AM, I just deleted the account. I just wrote it all down to attend to at my convenience. That is if the problem is not corrected by someone else before I get around to it. Believe me, at this moment in time you are not my priority. Besides, if I wanted to correct the problem, the perpetrator would not know when or where.

    I feel your blogs under varmint, dumBfla, sidobs, obesefems, youngputz, woofdung, etal does more good for the Conservative cause than harm. We like to use them as examples of bamabot campaign techniques. I send links of those Blogs to soldiers, and they enjoy the chuckles.

  56. Ahh the mind of an Obama devotee at work..

  57. And they consider themselves the Intellectual party. Yeah right. Not to fear though. Halloween is just about here. They will all be glued to the Freddie Krueger marathons.

  58. I resent his statement that I've ever had a thing to do with deleting either Marianne's Blog's or Dftts's comments..

    Neither have ever said ot done anything to make even think of the abuse button. I happen to like both of them..

    Dftts took a little getting used to, but she's smart, will we ever agree on much.. maybe, but doubtful

    Marianne has brilliant imagination, and she's not a Cut N Paste Artist why would I try and harm her?

    I don't hide behind anonymous when I use the abuse button..

  59. So.. you guys got the old copy right Slam. Anything on google images is FREE domain. Those images' patents expired long ago.

    Grumpy, I just got the word why I got the punt.. It was because I MORPHED into my OLD handle.. Bluebird.. when I paid tribute the 33 miners that weekend. I even put on a song for them on my profile page.. bluebird of happiness.. I morphed to my old avies.. of long ago.. They told me that since Bluebird was punted and never reinstated. That I couldn't do that. I told them I morphed back to Black Swan.. had no intention to use my old Handle. I also told them to show me Black Swan's violations.. They still haven't gotten back to me.. I tried to open up another account so I could comment on an article yesterday.. They punted it. I guess they don't LIKE me. IT's FDR and his liberal groupies.. They reported me. Ha ha. He is the Pits and Magoo. I also don't HIDE behind avies.. my style.. I am ME.. I enjoy doing a funny avie.. but I don't think they want those on Usatoday.

  60. I like.. but will anyone of those Kook aid folks understand it.

  61. How'd you get all the way back here Swan, this was almost a Month Ago


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