Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tributes laughs and Memories

Didn't see smiles like that in choppers
when I was in

Omar Khadr, a very bad guy being attended by
American Medics  
I'm going to reopen

Tributes Laughs and Memories

to the public and for comments on the
11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month of this year.

There are roughly 25,000, 000 million men and women living Americans who have served in the United States Military.  Everyone of them have their own stories' Some of the stories are are funny and some horrific.  Some people, like myself were never in a a dangerous place.  Others spent far too much of thier Enlistments or Careers in places were you could get hurt or killed very easily.

This is very especially true of the men and women serving today, never before in our Country's History have we asked such a small percentage of Americans to risk their lives over and over so many times over so many years.

The sacrifices of this small group are  making it possible for millions of other Americans not to get involved. For these men and women the stories are fresh.  Those that would like  are more than welcome to share their photographs, video's and and stories on TL&M

Some of us remember another war that became their war.  The men and women who served during Viet Nam  gotten grey and all to soon they'll be fading away..  I doubt that more than a billion pages have been written about the Nam Era.  I have no idea how many miles of film footage there are.  many of the people that served  have written and published books and stories.  Many others haven't.  Their stories deserve to be told as well, that's the purpose of this site. 

I'm not looking for professional writers, just people that can tell their stories in a way others will find interesting and won't make their  9th grade English teacher die.

In 1950 American  found herself in Korea...Like with Viet Nam as few years later, when the Korean war started most Americans could't find it on a globe.  I doubt most of them could now, but they have Google. The  "Forgotten War" in Korea cost America the lives of  38,000 men for a War the Politicians wouldn't let them win.

I remenber a Korean War Vet talking about three days under fire without sleep or food.  When
his unit finailly got a break, along with chow he got his mail.   One letter started out "Greetings from the President"  You have been............... He marked it Return to Sender with a very short message scribbled on the envelope.   I've heard some other stories as well,  Those stories need to be written down and preserved,

Even the very youngest of America's Greateset Generation are pushing eighty now, and those are the ones who "borrowed" thier older brother's birth certificate so they could enlist.  There's not many of them left and many of those that are, don't think as clearly as they once did.  .  Many of them will need help from from a family member their families to save thier stories.  With today's technowleagly there is little reason not to save those stories for their great-great grandchildern..

On "Today I'm Grumpy About"  I posted two pieces from Tributes Laughs and Memories this morning they should be just below this one.  I Fought for You and The Most Imporant Oath of my Life


Couple things,

I'm not asking for finacial contributions, nor do I want any, as long as I'm capible of operating this site myself or with the aid of a couple volunteers.

I am asking  service members, past and present to contribute their stories, video's and photographs so they can be shared with others..  Keep the language clean, and if you type like I do, ask for some editing help.  I won't be able to post them all, so I'll be the judge of what gets posted. 

Many Vets are unaware of services avaliable to them.. if you are an organization dedicated to helping vets I'll be happy to link your website.

Comments to this site are restricted and must be approved... Comment derogatory to past or present service members will be rejected.

I can be contacted at Grumpyelder@gmail for more information.


  1. To All Marines Hard Corps Turn It Up to 10 and enjoy. From one who is appreciative, but hardly worthy of your sacrifice.

  2. Try this one if the one above did not open. The Warrior Song:

  3. SOL.

    Haven't been able to set it up so links in comments link. Like in the Stories Section of FT you have to paste the link in your browser.

  4. What is my browser and where is it located?


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