Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Indymac Boys Get Sweetheart Deal

A tip of the hat to Black Swan for sending me this at a perfect time...

This Morning, Florida Today Featured Blogger Sheree asked the question "Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail? Thanks to Swan, I can give her an answer.

I know almost everyone reading here realizes that both political parties enjoy the benefits of having Big Business as Friends. It amazes me how sucessful the Democrats have been keeping their true believers conviced that they're the only thing protecting average Americans from the evils of Big Business... Hope this video finds its way to some of those poor trusting souls...


  1. Interesting that Goldman Sachs was in the tank for the dems. As I heard early in 2010, so was AIG.

  2. Yeah, not sure Sheree realizes the Dems owe Big Money and the Federal Reserve as much or more than the GOP

  3. Gentlemen, remember if you can 1979 when Phil Donahue still had gray hair and Milton Friedman was around. Milton lives on.

  4. The Fed is Laundering Money:

  5. John Maynard Keynes is too, damnit

  6. I a conservative. I'm not sure who's watch this happened on. It seems like Bush brokered the deal. If there are binding contracts than what, if anything can Obama do? Maybe like he did to GM stockholders ??? I don't see why not other than Soro's and the gang can sue with the very same money they seemed to have stolen !!!


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