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Leroy Comrie-D, NY |
Please, take a moment, look up again, and allow this to sink in.
So why is this man targeting restaurants which provide toys in 'kid's meals' upset?
- Does he not 'like' the toys?
- Was he attacked by Grimace as a young child?
- Is he more of a 'Wendy's' kind-of-guy?
Well, let's check out what the folks at CBS News have to say: "Comrie planned to introduce his own bill Wednesday that would essentially rewrite what could currently be considered a “Happy Meal.” The bill would require establishments that offer toys with food make sure the meals are 500 calories or less and have low fat and low sodium totals."
Okay, so he's doing it 'for the Children' (is he in Wisconsin by any chance?).
Super! What a nice man! He cares about meals which are 500 calories or less (once again, you may want to re-visit the photo above) for our kids.
That's special!
But what happens if I attempt to sell an un-healthy-toy-laden-meal to a small child under his proposed legislation?
According to CBS: "Penalties would be steep: between $200 to $2,500 for repeat restaurant offenders who use toys to sell unhealthy meals.
Comrie said fast food restaurants know exactly what they’re doing.
“It comes as no surprise that these ads and meals are also targeted in low income and minority neighborhoods that are already at risk for childhood obesity. These are the same communities that have limited access to supermarkets, limited access to healthy food options,” Comrie said."
Um, no. I must respectfully disagree with Councilman Comrie (only one letter off from another word, can't just seem to place it, though).
Mr. Comrie, McDonalds restaurants are ALL over the United States - saying that they are targetting 'low income and minority neighborhoods' implies that every neighborhood in the US is 'low income', well, that's just CRAZY TALK...
Although, over the past few years, he MAY have a valid point here - I'm feeling a bit 'low' myself, at least when it comes to income...
Okay, so folks like Mr. Comrie want to guarantee women the 'Right' to abort their children - but once born, the kids who survive can't eat a Happy Meal at McDonalds'? Am I getting this right?
Yeah, I know it's a stretch, but it is, what it is...
What poisonous foods being offered for sale at McDonalds'?
That's right, a Cheeseburger, low-fat milk, and apple 'dippers' (dipped in LARD and SALT no doubt!)
Are there other 'less-healthy' food choices which can accompany your child's 'Happy Meal'? Sure there are. You could give your child arterially-challenging FRIES with a lethally-injected-carbonated-corn-syrup-infused 12 Ounce Sprite with NO ICE! (Oh, the horror)
But here's the thing: McDonalds' provides you with the Choice to select the healthier alternative, vs. the 'Bad' alternative for your child.
You get to choose with your child (for now).
In Mr. Commie's world (oops, sorry, it's, 'Comrie'), affordable meals need to be free of choice(s), joy, AND without a toy. If a toy is provided with a non-healthy meal, the owner of the establishment gets to pay...
A Tax, a penalty, a fee, a punishment for doing business (Call it what you want, but it all comes down to the same)
So is the debate really about healthy meals, or is it about raising incremental tax revenues while taking 'choices' away from parents?
In looking at the McDonalds' Nutritional site for Happy Meals, it appears that many of the meals available today are fractionally 'just above' the caloric requirements specified by Mr. Comfrie's proposed legislation. I wonder why this is?
Even the artery-clogging-old-hen Chicken McNuggets with Low-Fat Milk and Fries come in at 520 Calories, yet Mr. Comfrie specified a '500 Calorie' maximum.
Isn't it strange that McDonalds' numbers are so close to the Councilman's numbers, and yet, so far away? Yes, the word 'strange', does come to mind.
Enjoy those fries and sugary drinks while you can kids, because if there IS a Boogie Man in your closet, chances are he's wearing an ill-fitting suit, a white shirt, a striped tie, and is sporting ketchup stains on his lapels.
And for all you 'poor people' out there forced to eat at fast food joints, here's a tip for you - stay at home and cook for your own dang kids. You'll save money and you'll be able to feed them whatever you want (while the food is permitted, of course). Just make sure they get a toy. I hate it when kids cry...
Perhaps you can give them a nice little gray donkey to remind them of what they've lost?
I'm thinking...
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"Thanks for noticing me... Now leave me alone." |
NEXT NEXT UP: They'll be banning 'Bag Lunches' in schools. Oops, too late...
From the article linked above: "One principal in the city of Chicago has set off a firestorm after a Chicago Tribune report of a ban on home-packed lunches. Students without a medical excuse must eat the daily offerings in the cafeteria at Little Village Academy.
Well, they have to eat it or do without, which many students are doing.
The principal, Elsa Carmona, defended her decision to the Tribune, saying "Nutrition-wise, it is better for the children to eat at the school."
I say: "FROM MY COLD, DEAD HAND", and,
Today's post is brought to you by the Letter 'D':
The nuttiness seems to be contagious. Florida Republican legislators bill to have teachers give parents report cards died this year; but Rep. Kelli Starkle believed the coverage she got on CNN was a sign her bill resonated, so she'll try again next year. A good breakfast was one criteria. Doesn't look too good for Happy Meals, does it.
ReplyDeleteOMG, what does this do to the free breakfasts Micky D offers kids on standardized test days?
ReplyDeleteFir try to help their local schools not get defunded, will they be fined? Will the manager be handcuffed in a restaurant full of third graders, for feeding them?
This is a perfect example of what is wrong in politics today. We elect them and send them to do serious work. They instead do this kind of crap. Same thing in the Florida house last week. You all know how much I like Jimmy Buffett but in the midst of everything going on in Tally, some democrat dude decides to introduce a bill making April 16th "Jimmy Buffett" day. I love having a Jimmy Buffett day but I would love it more if we had a plan to create jobs, some common sense when it comes to education, I95 finished, lower insurance rates, and many more important things.
ReplyDeleteMaybe McDonalds is just nature's way of thinning the crowd!
What if a Seventh-day Adventist who is a vegetarian chooses to send his/her kid with a vegetarian lunch (or maybe a vegan lunch) but doesn't have a medical excuse? Will they be punished for exercising their religious freedom even when it has been shown to cause life expectancy to increase 7 to 12 years over the general population? These kinds of bills are a mess. But that's what you can expect from the Democrats who think your stupid and they know better than you how to run your life. If only governmnet were always right.
ReplyDeleteThat's a loaded question Brickony, in Detroit the schools have been forced to make special concessions for Muslims, so why not? I'm thinking the pricipal may be taking on more than he realizes...
ReplyDeleteMoos, the critic is getting older, he took one look at Comrie and said "He needs to ease off the donuts and leave McDonalds alone" That from a 10 year old..
Fishy, you mentioned Tally before I finished my morning coffee.... that's almost inhumane...
I just finished my first pot. Drink faster Grumpy we have serious stuff to chat about ;-)
ReplyDeleteGreat article Mike. Will you please run for something?
ReplyDeleteI also take the words of a "Born Again Christian" with a grain of salt. Obviously this very credible legislator speaks from experience.
ReplyDeleteI posted a little something for Leroy on the forums.