Sunday, October 10, 2010

Will Obama declare war on Califorina

I don't think anyone has forgotten the standing ovation Congressional Democrats gave Mexican President Calderon when he gave his speech in the United States Congress denouncing Arizona's Illegal Alien Law.  For myself and many of the people I know it was embarrassing to watch our elected officials kowtowing to a foreign visitor who was telling us, how we should run our country.

None the less, in what amounted to a power play the Obama declared war on Arizona and used Calderon's Speech as part of his justification. in the case.  This is how he worded it in The United States of America,

Plaintiff,  v  The State of Arizona; and Janice K. Brewer, Governor of the State of Arizona, in her Official Capacity, Defendants.  On page 16 we find this statement'  

President Calderon’s Address to Joint Meeting of Congress, May 20, 2010, available at S.B. 1070 has subjected the United States

to direct criticism by other countries and international organizations and has resulted in a

breakdown in certain planned bilateral and multilateral arrangements on issues such as border

security and disaster management. S.B. 1070 has in these ways undermined several aspects

of U.S. foreign policy related to immigration issues and other national concerns that are

unrelated to immigration.
Now that we know the States need State Department consent to consider any law that might remotely affect some unknown and unheard of, Top Secret State Department negotiation.. Don't ask me, You find it in the Constitution.   That at best is an idiotic statement, at worst it is a blatant attempt to undermine the ability of the states to enact any law about anything without the permission of the administration.  Allowing a precedent like that would open a door to Executive Power unimaginable in the United States 
 However, in some ways the Administrations Lawsuit Against Arizona may have already opened that door, the question is, are Americans going to realize it.. President Calderon isn't just upset about Arizona's Immigration Law, he's also upset about California's Proposition 19 which would legalize Marijuana
According to the LA Times
Mexico's president opposes marijuana legalization
Prop. 19, the California measure to legalize pot, would undercut Mexico's fight against drug cartels, President Felipe Calderon says. He calls on the Obama administration to oppose the measure
October 09, 2010

By Ken Ellingwood and Richard Marosi, Los Angeles Times
Reporting from Mexico City and Tijuana — Mexican President Felipe Calderon strongly opposes the California ballot measure that would legalize small amounts of marijuana, saying it reflects softening attitudes toward drug consumption in the U.S. that are undercutting efforts to control organized crime groups in Mexico.

Calderon, in an interview in Tijuana, said he was disappointed that the U.S. federal government, which for years has pushed Mexico to crack down on drug traffickers, has not done more to oppose the measure.

"I think they have very little moral authority to condemn Mexican farmers who out of hunger are planting marijuana to feed the insatiable [U.S.] appetite for drugs," he said Thursday.

Read the entire Story

So where is the Obama outrage against California.  Where is the Attorney General threatening a law suit if Proposition 19 Passes.  Clearly this law also risks our "to secret to mention" discussions with Mexico.  Prop 19 isn't in conflict with a DOJ Opinion of A Federal Law, it is direct conflict with Wording of existing Federal Law.

My argument has nothing to do with whether or not pot should be legalized.. It has every thing to do with equal justice.  Frankly when the Federal Government sticks there nose into the rights reserved to the state or the people, it deserves to get it cut off.

It looks to me like the Obama Regime is stuck on using the Justice Department against those pick-up driving people. clinging to their guns and Bibles and for the Big City Liberals

Call it equal justice, Obama Style


  1. Did I mention legalizing Pot in California would drive down the value of an important Mexican Cash Export. Calderon might not be as anti drug as he would like to appear.

  2. Nice one. Grumpy, what needs to happen is more states following in Arizona's footsteps. This is what I was referring to in my exchange with Black Eagle in my post. The Feds aren't doing anything about medical marijuana laws because they can't. They don't have the resources, and the feds rely on local law enforcement quite a bit.

    Nullification is the answer to the unlimited federal power that has been usurped over the years. It is Constitutional, and is the only peaceful method left to us.

    The only thing that is holding it back, are the cash-strapped states. They still listen to the feds because they are all broke, and the feds can print money using the Federal Reserve. But that's coming to an end as well.

    It's all coming to and end. It's not going to be pretty (especially at first), but it will be liberty. And I like that, a lot.

  3. Not that I enjoyed getting smacked it the face with reality. Long term though, Obama may have done us a favor by giving us a glimpse of how far Federal Government will intrude if it's not stopped. For decades personal freedoms have been eroding but we've accepted it because it's been gradual.

  4. I posted this on the Today blog:
    Maybe their theory is illegals will vote and sick people won't. Nothing for the administration to gain on the Prop 19 thing. Millions of votes hanging on the Arizona lawsuit.

    BTW your friend cayote is over there too.

  5. Grumpy, I think the Nov elections will also open some eyes, because it will cause even more anger. It will be a Tea Party victory, but in a few short years, they will realize that the Rebpulican establishment is still calling the shots. Boehner and McConnell are big government frauds, just like bogus 1994 Contract With America was. It didn't accomplish anything really.

    Things are different this time around. People are paying attention and are mad as hell. They want the welfare and the warfare state gone. Establishment Republicans really want status quo. Does anyone really believe that McCain would have done things much differently than Obama? Maybe by degree, but he still would have had big government solutions to government created problems. McCain's also never seen a war that he wasn't in support of. War is the health of the state. It needs to go as well.

  6. Yes fishy, but the 0 in stead of the O works well when you're resurrecting a user name that's been banned in lower and upper case, as well as with a couple other little slight of eye tricks. Welcome back cayote.

    Figured I'd rescue this before the monitors got it.

  7. The only option if Nullification not pretty at all.

  8. Lew, I wore a uniform long before I was old enough to vote. I served under a Democrat that used the Nam to get elected and I served under a Republican that used Nam to get elected.

    I was an Independent a couple generations before it was fashionable. In 1970 the poor clerk at the courthouse didn't think it legal. She to ask a judge,

    The TEA Party scares the you know what out of both the established parties. The Dems responded by mocking and calling names. Republicans.. considered almost dead at the time decided they'd make allies long enough to sucker them in.

    I doubt the momentum will last, but if it does it will be interesting, we are long overdue for a minority party. 30-40 seats in the House, 7-8 in the Senate and the traditional numbers game gets shot to hell. Nothing happens without that minority.

  9. Oh please no. His Prepping the area would include bombarding the impact area with 100 dollar bills in hopes they would all like us and play nicer in the sandbox.


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