Sunday, October 10, 2010

How many words is a picture worth

I don't like using Fox as a reference, but since this time all they're doing is quoting the Democratic National Committe

From Fox News

The Democratic National Committee is promoting an upcoming rally for President Obama by sending out a blog that touts the musical act preceding him as "f---ing awesome."

A DNC spokesman blasted out an e-mail alert Monday that included a post from the Philadelphia City Paper's website. The paper reported that hometown heroes The Roots would be performing at Obama's Oct. 10 rally in Philadelphia 

Read the whole thing here  DNC Uses F-Bomb Review to Promote Upcoming Obama Rally

And just who are these Hometown Hero's Playing for the President of the United State of America

This is the cover of their new alblum, 


  1. I'll be adding more to this later, or I may turn it over to someone more Computer Savey and talented than I am.

  2. That is a pretty racist band. So racist they don't even show the white guy playing bass.

    WARNING...the F word is the only one they can say plainly.

  3. Also...why not quote Fox...they are more accurate than the Communist News Network.

  4. My thanks to Bayoumariner from USA Today for the tip

  5. Capt it's more fun to get accused of using FOX and being able to point out in came from MSNBC or Huffington

  6. Huffpoop...the greatest works of fiction on the planet. ;)

  7. Here's a couple of interesting pictures from the rally in PA. Apparently someone believes we should 'throw the book' at obama. Bummer that it missed.'

    Interesting that when President Bush had a shoe thrown at him the press had a field day but where was the press here?


  8. Fast "Z" you know there is an entire new set of rules for Obama.

    Can you imagine if Bush had used a performer that had an image of a white demon attacking blacks on the cover of an album?

    A performer that used racist lyrics and that kind of language?

  9. I sure would not expect "Celtic Woman" from anybody or anything associated with barry.

  10. Oh you guys, can't you just get 'down' with the following lyrics from John Legend (he steal that name from 'Lennon'?) and The Roots?

    Come on, like those radical Doobie Brothers of old, let's take it to the streets with the hit recording of 'How I got over'. Lyrical sampling here (slightly modified for family-friendly posting):

    'How I got over... where the people come apart
    Don't nobody care about cha, only thing you got is God
    Out here in these streets.. if you get down on your luck
    You can stand out, with a hand out
    But nobody give you a duck
    Out here in these streets, every man is for himself
    They ain't helpin noone else, it's a hazard to your health
    Livin life in these cold streets
    Hey, WHO'S worryin 'bout cha, babe?
    When you whylin out, runnin 'round in these streets'

    The only thing I'm wondering about? Why wouldn't they give this guy a 'duck'? Shoot, I'd give this nitwit a whole flock of ducks if he'd just be quiet.

    Then, maybe the Roots AND President Obama would just get the flock out of here...

    Sorry, I was inspired by the very Earthy lyrics of THE ROOTS. President Obama, of course, being THE ROOT of the problem in DC.

  11. Looks like in a few weeks most of Obama's flock will be getting the fluck out of town

    Mike, always a pleasure to see you, as always a great comment.

  12. Maybe Public Enemy was booked... Black Eagle, I thoroughly enjoyed your blog on Montana. You have to stick to your basics. What is distressing is that basic constitutionalism has applications for all parties, and that it gets put in a box labeled "extremist republican offshoot". Guess that it's tough to give up the right to decide what the writers really meant and then decide if you are special enough to change that (like with the second amendment... "you don't need a militia today").
    Let me ask you gentlemen this: is the Tea Party were all the moderates went? They're the ones that usually decide the elections, and it would be good to know where they're voting now.

  13. Anonymous. I can't speak for all Tea Parties..I can tell you that the ones I have attended included moderates who were compelled to become activists.

    I have voted for person's in both parties..I probably still will.

    Where will the moderates vote? They will vote for what they feel will best serve their interests.

    The argument is not about what the extreme on either side believes..can't change that..but we can educate whenever we can. That is how we can show the moderates what their best options are..then they will decide.

  14. I've voted for people from both parties, too. The most fundamental problem, I think, facing any political activist is that government has seemingly become ineffective. People have no faith in any politician, simply because they are a politician. Wasn't it Arthur C Clarke who said "The person who wants the job is, by definition, not the person that you want to give it to." The founding fathers were, feel free to correct me, people that gave something up to serve their country. Most Americans can do that, even without running for office. It's tough to get people to take the long view, though.

  15. BTW - I think that a national party dropping the "f-bomb", especially in reference to a musical act, is completely without the decorum necessary to maintain global credibility.

  16. I think the Founding Fathers took a great gamble. Had we lost, then they would have been hung.

    I think you are right about Clarke. Today, actually long before today, the common man can not afford to run for office. In effect, those in power are expecting us to believe that they will go after special interest groups. The very same people that pay them.

    How do you fix the time..lots and lots of time.

  17. Obama has not a clue when it comes to what is best for America. He is a Lawyer who has never run a business, met a payroll. He has no understanding of economics and how his foolishness will make for unintended consequences!

  18. It seems to be politically impossible to go after special interest groups without lots of backup. You'd need a block of politicians to do it, and they'd become a special interest group of their own. Like Neitzche's "Those who would hunt monsters" observation.
    It would have to be done by the person that we were talking about that has sacrificed to enter politics.
    Thanks for the discussion, for your time, and thanks to Grumpy for the blog. I'll be keeping up as best I can. Good luck.

  19. Thank you for those comments Anonymous. Thoughtful insights and intelligent conversation are always welcome here.

    Only one thing, I don't like calling anyone Anonymous. I think you deserve a name.

  20. Anonymous said...
    BTW - I think that a national party dropping the "f-bomb", especially in reference to a musical act, is completely without the decorum necessary to maintain global credibility.

    I think we can call her/him "SMART PERSON"

    Great discussion Gentlemen

  21. Speaking of "Roots", check out a website by Laura Ingram's ex-squeeze Dinesh D'Souza. He wrote the best seller "The Roots of Obama's Rage". For those of you who think Obama hates this country and Western Judeo-Christian culture, just read the "Forward". If I had any money I would buy the book.


  22. SOL - Purchased it this weekend. Had to burn up a few Borders Bucks, and had finished Laura Ingraham's "Obama Diaries".


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