Friday, October 8, 2010

Philosophy of Liberty

My philosophy, that of liberty, is probably totally alien to most politically active types - right, left or center. True libertarianism is one that respects natural law, therefore it is against all force except in self-defense and in defense of inherent rights of individuals. Of course, humanity's chosen method for trying to respect natural law has been government. That doesn't work, and it cannot work...ever. It will eventually collapse, as every government that has ever existed has. That's because government ALWAYS strays from that central purpose. No matter what the form. Democracy, or even Constitutional Republicanism, will eventually fail. The Anti-Federalists knew this, and they were right. Government doesn't work, and it will never work. Any use of force other than self-defense against violence and fraud is immoral. It will not stand.

Even Judeo-Christian philosophy is based on this mindset of liberty. Israel demanded a human king like their neighboring pagan kingdoms. God granted their wish, but warned them that their human king would rob them blind, and send their strong men off to fight his wars. The Book of Daniel describes the statue from Nebuchadnezzar's dream, as it was a representation of all human world-ruling kingdoms though history (Babylon through the Roman Empire). The last kingdom (feet of iron mixed with clay) was smashed to pieces by the Rock not cut by humans hands, and that Rock grew to fill the whole Earth and became a Kingdom without end. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus returns to put an end to human rule and establishes his rule of peace. All of mankind's suffering comes from not respecting natural law...the law of peace.

The only thing that will ever work is for the mind of humans to evolve away from using force in any circumstances, and instead use voluntary, peaceful interaction and exchange. This will not happen in our lifetimes. However, the coming world-wide financial collapse will hasten it along further than would otherwise happen. Natural law cannot be overcome, as it is part of nature. Liberty will eventually prevail. We just won't be around to experience the full blessing of it.

If you are interested more in the philosophy of liberty, this site is the best resource on the net that I know of:

I have been studying this philosophy for over 20 years, so I am confident in explaining it, but it isn't intuitive, so it will never be widely accepted by the masses. It is much easier for would-be controllers of men to deceive them, especially when bribes are attached (ie, vote for me and I'll give you xyz). But I find, that it is best to know the truth, because it will set one free.


  1. My question Lew, is why don't Libertarians put more candidates on the ballot and actually campaign for the candidates they run?

    This year would have a perfect opportunity. It wasn't hard to predict a year ago the Democrats were in trouble and the biggest asset the Republicans would have, is they aren't Democrats.

  2. I would suspect that's because libertarianism isn't concerned with acquisition of political power. I've never identified with the Libertarian Party. True libertarian thought is simply a philosophy of voluntary, peaceful interaction with others; so that would only translate into an advocation and education of this philosophy.

    One would not normally seek political office to diminish the power of political office. This is the theory behind why only some of the worst among us seek political office. By nature, it is a system of plunder, not peaceful cooperation.

    This is also the theory behind why many of those in industry that wish to control the reigns of political power aren't really capitalists, but far from it. They are anti-competitive and seek an unfair advantage that is backed up by use of government force.

    The only libertarian politician that I am aware of that has any national media exposure would be Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. He only ran for President last time to "educate". There was no chance, and is no chance of a libertarian becoming President. Certainly not in this present political climate. I would also assume that he brings home some goodies to his district, otherwise he wouldn't keep getting re-elected. (even though he always votes "No" on every final federal budget resolution)

  3. Several years I was involved with the resurrestion of a family homestead in Maryland. Parts of the house dated to around 1710, it had been passed down, male heir to mail heir ever since. The house had been unoccupied since sometime in the 1940's.. and was a day away from a dozer when the family had a change of heart and rebuilt it.

    I was invited to the party when the job was finished. One member of the family was running for Governor as Libertarian. We talked for a while. Our views on most subjects were very close.

    I finally asked why no one even knew he was a running. He was on the ballot but there had been nothing on the news or in the paper. He laughed and said

    "I don't want the job, I wouldn't know where to start, I'd have to leave the country if I got elected" and continued, 'Thank God I don't have to worry, Maryland hasn't even elected a Republican since Agnew"

    It was funny in a way, that was the year Maryland elected Bob Erlich, the first GOP Governor in 30 some years.

  4. yolu are still a faggot every time you censor people and cry to tom keyho to get people banned cause you can't handle the truth and YOU WANT TO DICTATE WHAT WE IN BREVARD SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO READ, WHAT A POMPUS ASS YOU AND YOUR PALS ARE, WE WILL FIGHT BACK TOOTH AND NAIL FOREVA AGAINST YOUR POWER CONTROL TRIP BAGGER BOYS

  5. So is that the banned "truth" we're all missing out on? Yeah, that's some scary wisdom you have there. P.S. - I've been banned by Tommy more than you, lightweight.

  6. Well well, look what the cat dragged in, one of the Progressive Left's most talented writers. I'm working on a blog right now you'll really like.

  7. Whoops, what do you think Lewis, spam pit, or leave him here so the world measure his IQ.

  8. Up to you, it's not my blog. I would leave it. I don't exactly agree with most other political commentaries, but you put mine up, and you didn't have to. If that's the best "Anonymous" has to offer, then fine.

  9. Lewis, it's all about free speech. Free Speech wasn't meant to include abusive or slanderous speech. With every right comes a resposiblity. These clowns feel thier right to free speech allows them to stomp on the rights of others..

    Your blog didn't violate any standard I know of. Their's does..

    Yes the site is registered to me. This is still your blog, you are one of my co authors.

    Capt Black Eagele's blog was also hit.. As you know, he's a Tea Party Founder. He's about to invite some friends to see the mentality of these folks

  10. I am Almost a you pointed out there are some issues my mortal body is not good peaceful side is not that peaceful.

    As for Anonymous. They have no idea who they are playing with...while they may fight with their singular tooth...I just put my computer on auto-pilot and let it do the work while I dip my toes in the Gulf.

  11. Black Eagle, I agree with you. No one is perfect, but it's something to work for...I'm not a turn the other cheek kind of guy, either. Self-defense is not just an inherent right, but I believe a duty to oneself and one's family.

    One thing I know for sure, you cannot affect positive change through unprovoked violence or aggression, because that is the tool and the M.O. of the state. Positive change is made through ideas. Ideas on Liberty.

  12. I can agree with you on that Lewis. Unprovoked violence is certainly not the answer.

  13. Black Eagle, are you aware of the 10th Amendment movement that is occurring in some states? They are educating on the idea of "nullification", which was first proposed by Jefferson and Madison against President Adam's Alien and Sedition Acts.

    The basic theory is that since the state legislatures created the federal government, the federal government cannot be the final say on what is and isn't Constitutional, as this would give the feds unlimited power (tyranny). Evidence of this is SCOTUS rulings that the "Commerce Clause" basically means that the federal government can regulate any behavior by anyone in any state, commerce or no commerce.

    Nullification means states are a line of defense against unconstitutional federal laws (such as the Alien and Seditions Acts). State legislatures simply declare an unconstitutional federal mandate null, and of no effect in their state. They refuse to enforce it (since the feds rely heavily on state and local law enforcement), and furthermore make any attempt to enforce it by federal agents in their state, a crime.

    Although the media and academia attempt to portray state nullification as being promoted by racists (to continue slavery, or segregation, for instance) it has actually been used to fight slavery. It was used by some states to nullify the Fugitive Slave Act.

    Most recently, it has been used against the Real ID Act, federal firearms regulations (where there is no interstate commerce involved), and in support of state medical marijuana laws.

    For more info, check out this site:

  14. I am very aware of fact I will argue the Feds are attempting to nullify themselves in Arizona.

    My Favorite Nullification issue was that of Jackson vs. Calhoun

    That website is one I visit often.

  15. That is great to know. We need many, many more like you.


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