Saturday, September 25, 2010


If you read "Today I'm Grumpy" or the Opinon and Blog Pages of the Gannet's Publication,  "Florida Today" you've gotten more than one smile or laugh out of Gpabud's blogs.

Bud originally posted these two videos titled "Soldiers Surprisng Loved Ones"  here on Grumpy several months ago.  More than a few people reading this, have caught parents, girlfriends,  wives and kids completely by surprise, returning unexpectly from an overseas tour.  There are countless ways to pull it off, even if the "victim" is anticipating the return. 

A friend of mine's son is serving with the Air Force in Korea and due to rotate back shortly.  He'll see this blog, I'll leave it up to him to let you know who he is.. if he so wishes.  The Internet is a very public place,  and ............

Since the Airman's father is a friend of mine, I wouldn't want to give him any idea's about how to shock the Hell out of his old man.... I'll leave that up to you

Enjoy the videos first..

Soldiers Surprising Loves Ones, Part 1

Soldiers Surprising Loved Ones, Part II
Video's won't load?

Happened to notice this comment posted on U Tube when I copied Part II, seemed to fit

I'm coming home in 3 weeks! I'll be sure to post the video for you all to see and thank you for your continued support! It's people like you all that give us the courage and strength to do what we do!

Like I said earlier, the Airman's father is a friend of mine.  I wouldn't want to suggest anything to his son that would give the old man momentary heart failure.  

I'll leave that part up to you... all I'll do is make sure the Airman gets your advice.

A quick note to readers who might consider leaving derogatory comments about our men and women in uniform, don't waste your time here, this is a private website, those comments will be deleted    .


  1. Here is a plan. You know when he is due in. Kinda tricky here but do this.

    Plan to pick up your buddy and take him out for coffee. Pick a point along the route that has a stop sign. Have his son their waiting to cross the street.

    Best I can do for plans. I know when I was rotating back I was in such a hurry Babara Eden (I dream of Jeanie) was in the terminal giving autographs..I just breezed past her like she didn't exist. My eyes were wanting to see my parents.

  2. I think sitting on the front porch when they get up that morning would be good.
    Dang Capt you missed Jeanie!

  3. I came back from 3 years in Germany without telling any anyone.. When I got back I called the house, my father answered, I asked for my younger brother. I pulled it off, and got my brother on the phone.. It took a couple minutes to convince him I was about three miles away having breakfast.... and I was real. As planned, everyone thought I was still 4000 miles and an ocean away. My brother came and got me.. By the time we got back the old man was pissed.. He'd gone to use the car my brother had taken, without telling him. In fact he was so pissed he told me I had to leave, (without actually looking at me) so he could have a "Talk" with my brother..

    My brother started laughing, I couldn't help myself.. That made the old man madder--then took a second look

  4. You can post a photo or a video in the blog body, not as part of a comment.

  5. If you have one, sent it to me and I'll edit it in.. along with what you'd like to say with it.

  6. Reckon most all you folks heerd 'bout how me an ole Tom come back to life in church that time.

    Ain't sayin yo ought let folks think you croaked. But church part sure were funny.

  7. Yeah, I missed mom told me about it on the ride home...bummer...the best I did was to meet Bill Daily years later.

  8. Wish I could come up with one Grumpy but personally, that was just too emotional a time to consider surprises. I just wanted to see, touch, and know my loved ones were well.

  9. Ask wife/family to be at the airport to pick up a comrade who is coming in "early" and who doesn't have someone to pick him/her up. Then--show up yourself and get ready for the tears to flow!

  10. From Florida Today we have these two additions,

    Gabriel wrote:
    Grumpy...Thank gpabud for all of us; and thank you also. GREAT Blog!
    9/25/2010 9:25 AM EDT on
    Recommend Report Abuse Permalink

    Hard-2-B-Humble wrote:
    My thanks young man. It is brave and conscientous yong men and women like you who protect us back home. Tonight, I will treat 2 101st Screaming Eagles from Ft. Campbell, Ky to dinner at Outback in your honor. Travel safe, and once again thank you.
    9/25/2010 3:58 PM EDT on
    Recommend Report Abuse Permalink

  11. private email from Sons of Liberty a couple real creative suggestions; Hmm wonder if the second one is doable?

    If he had paratrooper training, have some one drop him out of a plane

    What city does he live in? Get a HELO or a someone who has a military Hummer H1 to “deliver” him to someplace where his family is. If he is in a big city like Atlanta, go to EBAY and there should be someone nearby with a H-1 they would lend rent or go along just for the publicity.

  12. Why does it have to be a surprise. Get everyone he knows to meet him at the airport. A public display is most appropriate.


  13. fishygal
    Posts: 11381
    First: 7/8/2009
    Last: 9/27/2010 In Response to Re: Surprises for One of our own:

    I think he should tell his old man to pick him on one date.. then be sitting in the kitchen around daybreak, when people start to wake up and are still a little grogy. For a couple seconds they'll think some stranger's in the house house
    Posted by Grumpyelder

    Good Idea grumpy. Remember the Folgers coffee commercials. He could just be sitting on the front porch

  14. From Garthvader, private email

    Phil, someone can take the family out to lunch or dinner and have him already there and seated when they walk in.

  15. You contact a local non-corporate restaurant and arrange for them to call the famiy and invite them to dinner in his honor as a local military member serving overseas. They set up a firm reservation. Then, the airmen arrives before the reservation and dresses as a server. When the family arrives, he comes out as their server.



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