Friday, September 24, 2010

Progressive Journalism's Attempt to Buttress Left's Declining Popularity

Given my propensity to read all main stream journalism with a jaundiced eye, I have been noting an increased Left tilt to Florida Today’s articles. Whether or not this is an attempt to buttress the Left’s declining political fortunes, each reader must answer for themselves. Today’s (24 Sep) examples of progressive-biased journalism were especially egregious.

The article “In run-up to Nov. vote, GOP unveils 'Pledge to America' “ stated the Pledge “focused largely on government spending, the economy and ways to roll back ideas proposed by President Obama.” This seems to me an attempt to disregard one of the basic tenants of the Pledge, which supports the fundamental goal of the new conservative movement, Government Accountability. The Pledge’s most important plan is to “Reform Congress and Restore Trust” so that power is put back in the hands of the people. Specific promises include requiring every bill to cite its Constitutional authority, and ensuring all legislators and citizens have at least three days to read any bill before a vote. These fundamental items were glaringly missing from the article.

The article “Big cash edge for GOP in state elections” stated, “unlimited donations from corporations…have helped committees working to elect Republican governors and state legislators...” Somehow missing was the disturbing fact that taxpayer-owned General Motors had recently reentered the political contribution arena by giving taxpayer’s dollars to numerous Democrat legislatures’ re-election campaigns. Are your readers to believe that private corporations’ decisions to use their profits as they see fit is somehow less honorable than a recently-bailed-out corporation using taxpayer money to fund its political benefactors’ races?

The world that today’s journalists and media live in is somehow upside down. A newly energized populace is parsing journalists’ words like never before and finding them, in the aggregate, biased. It is no wonder various medias’ readership and viewership is declining along with the public's trust.


  1. Cover your eyes ladies......

    Morgan - Wouldn't that be like a gauze fabric halter top trying to hold back 44 triple D's? Eventually, everything pops out.

    the MSM can try to hold back the Tsunami, but it ain't happenin'.......

  2. Good to hear Dear Lady. Laughter is the best medicine. If not for some humor these past 2 years, I sure would have been hitting the Paxil or Zoloft.

  3. Singing Fat ladies had a link to this story "Nevada’s Angle critical of health mandates for autism and pregnant mothers"
    posted earlier in a blog designed to Angle look bad.

    The story allowed comments, this one was at the top;

    T.L. D.

    September 23, 2010 5:50am PDT
    Mark as OffensiveJUST A REMINDER:
    Jim Rogers started Sunbelt Communications Company, which owns & operates NBC affiliate television stations in Las Vegas, Reno and Elko. Rogers, who owns 95 percent of Sunbelt stock, also owns affiliates across the country. He’s estimated to have a net worth of over $300 million, & in 1998, when asked by Reid to contribute a large sum of money to his campaign, responded by giving him twice the amount of $200.000. Brian Greenspun is the current editor of the Las Vegas Sun. He held a 1996 reception for Clinton which netted $350,000. He authorized a Las Vegas Sun interview with Clinton 5 days before the Harry Reid won that reelection." The Washington Post has reported that since 1992 Greenspun, his mother and other relatives have donated $11,000 to Clinton’s campaigns, at least $198,000 to the DNC and $6,000 to Reid. How smart would it be for Sharron Angle’s office to respond?

    Guess all the Corporate donations aren't going to the GOP


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