Thursday, September 23, 2010

Woman Stoned to Death by followers of The Religion of Peace

This Blog was originally published by Country First Now, and with Country First's permission I'm posting it here.  The video is a graphic example of Shariah, the so called "Law of God" is taken to extremes by some Muslims.  As Bluntly as I can say it, it is not sutible viewing for some people

       Living in this town

My view of living in Clarksville and the US
Woman Stoned to Death by followers of The Religion of Peace

Posted 9/22/2010 1:31 PM CDT

I don't have a very much to say. This video speaks for itself. I don't have a translation for the voice over, but I don't think one is needed. This video is savage and brutal. Watch it at your own risk.

The next time some ignorant, self-serving liberal tells you that your opinion on Islam is too hardline or too extreme, show them this video. I won't hold my breath for the NOW bunch to get involved either...


Grumpy note;

Hadd crimes are those which are punishable by a pre-established punishment found in the Qur’an. These most serious of all crimes are found by an exact reference in the Qur’an to a specific act and a specific punishment for that act. There is no plea-bargaining or reducing the punishment for a Hadd crime. Hadd crimes have no minimum or maximum punishments attached to them. The punishment system is comparable to the determinate sentence imposed by some judges in the United States. If you commit a crime, you know what your punishment will be. There is no flexibility in the U.S. determinate model or in the punishment for Hadd crimes of Islamic Law.


  1. At least animals only kill to eat. How can any sane human being condone such disgusting barbaric Political ideology. All our bleeding hearts should have to live among these heathens before they can even have a say as to their religious rights. This is what happens when there is not a separation of church & state.

  2. It's not ha,ha funny, but;

    Under Islamic Law, strictly enforced, Bill Clinton would have received 100 lashes.. and the same for Monica Lewinsky.. if Lewinsky had been married, then she would have died the same way this woman did.

  3. Thanks for the email this morning Grumpy. I had received this in an email but only watched a few minutes of it. I am still shaking my head. USMC got it right. My question is, why do I see these young American woman joining this barbaric group? I just don't get it.

  4. Fishygal,

    Young American women join this "religion" because it is full of rich men who can give them anything they want: except the truth. When the young American women find out that their converting to Islam was a bad idea, it is already too late. Their children are already under the husband's tyranny and ownership -- women have no rights to their children in Islam -- and they either stay for their children's sake, or they can try to get away (with a price on their heads) and leave their children to be raised in the religion of hatred and death.

  5. Grumpyelder,

    I hate to do so, but I disagree. Clintoon would have received nothing because he was in a leadership position; a man of authority. Saddam Hussein's sons did similar things and never received any lashes, but their lovers probably were punished if caught. Islam is a "Man's Religion": they have all of the power, all of the rights, all of the freedoms and are allowed all of the sins with no consequences except in extremely rare circumstances. Islam is slavery and dirt for women, power and corruption for men.

  6. Fishy, not one you'd want to show people without warning them first..

    As for your question.. Ihink a couple forum poster are both "WHO" Feminists and GZ Mosque Supporters. There is a debate in England about allowing Sharia to take precidence over Brittish Law within the Muslim Community..

    If it happens, I wouldn't expect it to stop there.

  7. Space Coast.. Hussien's son's weren't exposed to Congressional Hearings with CNN and FOX watching. Might have made a difference


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