Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Wind of Change


  1. Nice Capt. The winds are blowing in the right direction. Only 35 more days. I wonder how amused he will be on the Morning of November 3.

  2. There's getting to be some last minute push back. And the Media is still on their knees. If Bush had proposed email wiretaps and more reporting of personal banking information the same day... there would have been a mob in front of the White House, with pitch forks.

  3. Oh well, that fickle fulcrum only swings back as far Right as it had gone to the left. Let's hope they heed the message and remember the consequences this time around.

  4. I co-founded the Tea Party in Great Falls...we expected about 100 people. We got about 500. That made it the largest gathering that did not involve alcohol.

    The city had threatened to shut us down at one point...but the crowd was not going to allow that, and being Montana...most of them were armed.

  5. Capt, don't you just love the west. My brother is running for mayor of his little town on a tea party platform and is favored to win. I get their local, one day a week paper, and marvel at the things they get worked up about. Little town with big growing pains. I guarantee you they all carry. I would move back in a minute except for that nasty weather.

  6. Yes, the weather is horrible. The thing I loved about Montana was the absolute freedom you have in many ways.

    There are certainly lots of nuts out there...but they tend to stick together.

    Neighbors seriously care for one another...outside the major cities. Of course..there are no real major cities.

    I love where I am now..I am happy, healthy, and with the woman who I love, and loves me..can't think of a better place to be.


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