Friday, August 6, 2010

Where is the Press?

It’s a universally accepted fact that almost ALL politicians on both sides of the aisle lie. The press does a generally acceptable job of pointing out these misspeaks and integrity violations, though my personal assessment is that progressive politicians’ lies are generally “broken” by the press on Fridays and have very short legs.

That said, the press has been missing in action on shedding light on a nose-growing biggie told by our President. When giving campaign speeches regarding veterans, Candidate Obama made multiple claims of his father’s service in World War II. The simple fact the press never caught on to is that his father was only 3 years old at the outbreak of the War. Here is a clip of one of the speeches in which Candidate Obama makes his claim… . Pretty clear cut.

In his first of what I am sure are many memoirs of his Messiah-forming life, Barack Obama claims his father was born in Kanyadhiang village, Rachuonyo District on the shores of Lake Victoria just outside Kendu Bay, Kenya Colony, at the time a colony of the British Empire, on April 4th, 1936. World War II began on September 1st, 1939with the Nazi invasion of Poland and ended on September 2nd, 1945 with the surrender of Imperial Japan. Obama’s father was 3 years old at the start of the war and 9 years old at the end. Pretty clear cut.

A Google search of news organizations’ coverage of Candidate Obama’s declaration reveals zero coverage of this lie. In fact, numerous articles speak of this lie as if it were a fact…never having checked the obvious discrepancy. The press did not do their job. Pretty clear cut.

In the end, the actual lie is not the issue. The fact the press let Candidate Obama get away with this, and assuredly other lies, is the issue. The Freedom of the Press was established by our Founders to ensure the nation’s media would be a quality check on the ruling class. The press has repeatedly usurped this responsibility and have become widely accepted as press agents of the progressive agenda.

The press wonders why its authority and perceived fairness is at its lowest ebb in history. Americans are smarter than the press and the ruling progressives give them credit for.


  1. That speech was made in a setting where his comments would have been assumed to mean "His Father served in the US Military, returned to the States and our Veterans Programs "took care of him" Not bad for a nine year old kid living in Africa

  2. I noticed this was removed from FT website...nothing like free speech, huh??!!

  3. Do you know if it stayed in your blog archive, or did it go away completly?

    If it's still in your archive it probably was retired by FT. If it vanished from your archive it was probably removed ilegally.. the blog does not violate FT TOS. That means someone got playful with the abuse button and someone at FT didn't didn't do there job.

  4. Gabe, who writes Right Turn on FT had his blog taken down five times yesterday, mine was removed and restored.

    One advantage of posting your blogs here as well as FT is at least you can tell your regular readers to find you here if the FT version vanishes. You just have to keep track of who is reading you on Florida Today and send them a private message


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