Friday, August 6, 2010

HI-JACKED Is Imitation really flattery?

Early, way to early this morning I had a message on my website from a friend on mine saying I'd been Hi-Jacked on Florida Today, the messenger was kind enough provide a link, so I took a look.  Looked at the clock, had some coffee and a cigarette and looked again...  There I was,  right in the Center of the Blog Rotation

"Censorship is Wrong but not for Teabag members"  By: GrumpyeIder From: 8/5/2010, 11:14 PM EDT

Sorry, but with this program I can't align the text next to the picture,  the way FT does in the Blog Rotation.  There might be a way, but I don't feel creative at 3:30 in the morning, so this will have to do.  I couldn't resist (could you?) I clicked on the blog to find out what I'd said..  The first thing I did was look at the profile.  Here the imitator clearly differentiated between itself and me, but if you know the the profile of a blogger you read routinely how often do you look at it? I'm going to have the same alignment problem here.

GrumpyeIder's page Recommend (9)
Female, Age: 79, flagulate farms
About Me: come join our teabag racist partys, or we will get you banned from florida Today by crying to Tom keyhoe
You're most likely to see me around town at: crying jag
On the weekends I love to: run and tell my mommy on you
The high school, college or pro sports teams I root for are: tea bag blues
If I'm watching a movie or listening to music, it's probably: tea bag polkas

Nope, that's not me,  The blog is not mine either,  It's not something I would write under any circumstances

I doubt the editors at Florida Today will be happy to see this persons blog, or it's contents,  posted on their site.


Censorship is Wrong but not for Teabag members

Posted 8/5/2010 11:14 PM EDT on

Temporarily all comments on this site will have to be will have to be approved by an administrator. Someone has decided this is a good location to tea bag tom keyhoe so he will ban all our teabag oppositions

We can't out smart or out debate anyone so we must smear everyone against us by throwing crap from the out house and running white racist storys and nazi scare theorys from our leader glen beck. We are the mighty Tea Bag Nation, and we think everyone should do as we say and follow our teabag rules. I personally call Tom keyhoe every 5 minutes and cry and beg him to ban more democrats because we don't want the truth to be known. And tom banns anyone we tell him to He does it for me and my pals all the time. I got him to ban 5 democrats today and I was so proud of how we censored more 1st ammendment rights of American Patriots who were against our KLAN. Tom always makes our posts permanant and above any rules. that the way it should be fair and balanced for teabaggers and damn every one else. we are RACISTS and Proud of it! We love to Censor other people and the only thing we like about the Constitution is the 2nd ammendment so we can make veiled threats of revolutionary teabagger partys and create a Confederate REPUBLICAN STATE to live in

Comments (2)

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 GrumpyeIder wrote:

Great teabagger blog, but you have to be a teabagger to post your free speach!

8/5/2010 11:29 PM EDT on

Recommend (2) Report Abuse Permalink


Did I report the incident to Florida Today like this person said I would,  Absolutely!!  Not reporting something only insures the bad will decide you're an easy victim.  

I included the one comment because it was make by the person pretending to be me.  The other was only a casual reference made by a regular FT Blogger to the this this blogger when he was using another name.

Yesterday on this, and the other two Grumpy Sites, including one dedicated to the stories and memories of American Servicemen and Women similar events occurred.  A person, pretending to be Florida Today Poster USMC spammed  dozens of profanity and obscenity filled Race Baiting Hate Comments.  All indications make it a reasonable assumption both incidents are related,  This person seems to think that because he's an Obama Supporter and a Democrat who dislikes the TEA Party the rules about about name calling, race baiting and hate speech don't apply.

I'd like your opinion, but as I'm sure you understand, under the circumstances, they will be reviewed before they're posted.


  1. Grumpy - Merely an obot following his/her/its marching orders. I have not seen it this devisive and close to armed insurection since those "Sizzlin' 60's". Those misguided children are now the same ones thinking they know how to lead and what is best for 80% of the American public. The children who follow and bide their will are simply star struck and incapable of independent thought. barry was still in Indonesia during that turbulent sad time in our History.

  2. What's sad is that the bot obviously has some talent. Misspent talent, but misusing gifts is a common thing. I've said this a thousand times: calling names and bait and switch tactics don't lead to useful dialogue.
    That being said, it seems that this e-goblin has hit a wall lately at the FT website. Human nature says that it will get worse before it gets better. Think of it this way: if you use a door every day and it is always unlocked, what do you do when you go to use it and it is locked? You try to turn it harder... This kind of behavior means that he thinks that he's on the ropes, or at least that he's getting desperate. Let's hope that he's right. Congratulations to Grumpy for being important enough to draw the goblins attention.
    BTW - Fancy new digs, Grumpy. Very cosmopolitan...

  3. Check out the new blog...

  4. Monkey, you're more than welcome to post your blogs here, They don't suddenly vanish, they don't get retired because some clown fills up the recommended slots by recommending spam and reasonable comments don't get poofed


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