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"This glove's for YOU!!!" |
- Bob Hope & Bing Crosby,
- Bud Abbott & Lou Costello,
- Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers,
- Roy Robers & Trigger,
- Dan Rowan & Dick Martin,
- Sonny Bono & Cher,
- The Captain &Toni Tenille,
- Reese's Peanut Butter Fluff & Milk Chocolate,
- Dr. Evil & Mini-Me
- Count Chocula & Frankenberry,
- Lady Gaga & her 'Meat Dress'
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Lada Gaga - Such a 'Rare Treat'... |
Yes, classic combinations each!!! And the thing of it is that none of these people / items / food groups were as popular alone as they would ultimately become once they discovered their 'Soul Mate', their 'Better half'.
In the prophetic words of Dr. Evil, "Mini-Me, you complete me."
Each of the above referenced combinations were 'completed' once they found, and internalized, their complementary missing 'part'.
Yings were firmly aligned with Yangs, and the rest, as they say, is 'history'...
After all, the (w)hole is greater than the sum of its respective parts... [Hey, speaking of 'Holes'!]
I am therefore pleased to announce today that yet another great pairing has recently taken place. An epic joining of two giants which will ultimately make the world a Weirder (but probably not safer) place.
Yes, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, I am duty-bound to announce here that the friendly gropers at the TSA have voted to be 'represented by'...
Go ahead, I'll give you a moment to let that sink in...
Yes, in order to form a more perfect Union, 40,000+ TSA workers voted last week and chose the AFL-CIO to represent them in labor negotiations going forward. Looking back a bit earlier in the year, it was February 4th, 2011 when the Obama Administration approved 'Organizing' for the TSA. In the past, the TSA was not allowed to organize because, well, their jobs are so very crucial to our country's flight-time security.
Yup, so now, if you ever THINK about suing a TSA worker for 'Touching your Junk', or 'Groping your six year old daughter' in violation of your, and her, 4th Amendment protections...
You need to 'get over it' - because they're represented by the AFL-CIO and they don't take "No _ _ _ _ from Nobody".
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Not their 'Actual Moto' but like they say, "Close enough for Government work." |
It's not that you don't have rights...
You have PLENTY of rights!
Come on, don't get so gloomy!!! Turn that frown upside down!!!
In the above instance, you have the "Right to Remain Silent"! Because the TSA will be using the resources of the AFL-CIO to help them settle un-called-for and 'messy' legal disputes about 4th Amendment violations.
Here's the thing: You don't get to vote on whether the TSA is represented by thugs or not, but in November 2012, you will have the right to vote (except in certain polling places in PA) to either continue the policies of the past 30+ months, or to make a course correction.
How you vote is up to you. It is still, for the time being at least, still America.
I guess all I'm saying is that I don't feel 'good' about the idea that the Union controlling my access to an airplane is NOT terribly dissimiliar to the Union Bosses who told Sanitation Workers in New York to 'slow down the clean-up' resulting in accidents, property damage, revenue losses, and yes, even deaths, during 2010's blizzard.
No, I don't feel too good about that at all...
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AFL-CIO Union Ad August, 2008 |
Funny, but I have MORE than 'two things' which I would like to protect. You'll find the abbreviated list here:
- My family,
- My religion,
- The US Constitution,
- The US borders,
- The Nation - to pass on to my kids
Wanting a gun and a job? Nope, not quite grand enough...
How about the following?
“Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Currently, our country appears woefully short on dreams. Perhaps it's time to shake ourselves awake and re-visit the dreams of our Founders?
“Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security” -- Benjamin Franklin
We sleep at our peril. Liberties taken for granted for generations continue to be leeched away by the Obama Administration with the promise that changes made are for our 'good' -whether we like them or not...
I, for one, do not.
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There has never been a clearer choice. Four more years of President Obama's Administration will bankrupt our kids' future. Not that there's anything wrong with THAT... |
We are flying 2 times over the next 30 days and I truly dread it.
ReplyDeleteI would have thought the TSA would fall under the same rules as say, the FBI and Secret Service. I'm pretty sure if the FBI decided to unionize there would be an outcry from the public. Perhaps not though. Many folks seem to have their heads in the sand.
(perhaps looking for small "change").
Why vote? the courts will just over turn the results. I remember Florida voters said "no" to red-light cameras, New Yorkers voting no on sissies and butchies marrying.. a lot of good it did.
ReplyDeleteAnother great team was President Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, and who could ever forget Brooks & Dunn?
ReplyDeleteUSMC let us not forget Bert and Ernie :-)
ReplyDeleteThis is great news--now even the most incompetent government groper can never be fired. Government unions need to be outlawed.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely Fishy. A couple more I remembered were Koufax/Drysdale, Larry Csonka/Jim Kiick, Gale Sayers/Brian Piccollo. Marino/Duper or Clayton, and Steve Young/Jerry Rice. Can we ever forget Johnny & June Cash or even Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn.