Sunday, April 10, 2011

States Where Parents Oppose Teaching to the Test

Posted for

Sandra in Brevard

For the last couple of weeks, I have been reading what parents have to say about schools that are no longer centers of learning, but rather centers of test preparation and testing. This map is the third update and reflects locations where parents have organized in opposition to excessive testing. Some parents have successfully opted-out, some have inquired and found it not possible, and others have decided to homeschool. There is no talk of political ideologies, the common unity between parents in these states is concern for their children's education. They are fed up with government at all levels. While parents have complained for years about teaching to the test, there is something new in this current level of dissatisfaction.

UPDATE: Leon County parent advises the middle school principal that her son will not take the FCAT. See the report below.

Read all of Sandra's blog's on Education Reform


  1. Up to Sixteen States....

    Just heard there's noise in Maryland.. the legislature there's looking at merit pay. That's going to put a democratic legislature and governor up against the teachers..

  2. It's the noise parents are making that is the interesting event to me and reflected in the map. From all I read, parents are NOT against accountability or a test that indicates their student's progress; but they are against the multitude of standardized tests given through the school year satisfying national, state, and local requirements. These tests include pretesting for The Test, diagnostic testing, and in some places more than one standardized Test is taken, one type in the Fall and the other in the Spring. The new federal initiative promised more tests, but a new, improved variety.
    SO it's no wonder, parents are complaining.

  3. I'm waiting for the taxpaers who were lulled into believing their state had federal money to pay for all of this find out they don't have close to enough..


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