Posted For
Lefty Green
I am grumpy at all the liberal whiners complaining that tax cuts cost money. Then I remember that most of them can't read, write, or comprehend to an adult level and momma always said not to make fun of the ignorant. So I thought I would use simple words, situations, and metaphors as a different brush to paint the picture and illustrate the different types of economics so that it will be clearer for some to understand (same principle as Ebonics). So herewith, I offer a primer for liberals that goes beyond “There is no such thing as a free lunch”.
Little Bobby's mother dispatches him to the store for a gallon of milk. He arrives at Brady’s Family Mart and finds there is none in the cooler. He tells Mr. Brady he wants a gallon of milk. Mr. Brady replies "we don't have anymore because we ran out". Little Bobby then says "I WANT MILK" and demands to know when there will be more (mouthy little nipper isn't he?).
The merchant says "I don't know because we had to put old Daisy the cow down to feed the family".
Little Bobby grins ear to ear and says "I want one of them there steaks then".
Mr. Brady says "well ok, yet I don't know how I will feed my family tomorrow".
The grocer packages the steak up and Little Bobby proceeds out of the store with it, when the grocer says "wait, you have to pay". Little Bobby nods over to the well dressed person in the checkout line, hocks a lugey, and says "looks like he has enough money, just add it to his bill" and then strolls off.
That clearly illustrates liberal economics.
On the way home, Little Bobby is whistling a happy tune knowing that his mother will be pleased with his accomplishment, when he passes by the union market and sees signs in the window for fresh dairy products and beef. Little Bobby goes in and with wide eyed amazement he sees the dairy counter full of milk, butter, cheese, and more. Sure enough the meat counter is well stocked as well. Little Bobby asks the manager "how come you have sufficient stock and not Old Man Brady’s store?” The manager responds, "It's like this: We went over to Farmer Johnson's ranch, and he says he wasn't going to sell us any milk because we wanted a steep discount on the milk, additional dairy products tossed in, and free delivery by a union driver that he pays. He still wouldn't sell on our terms, so we picketed his ranch, wouldn't let scabs or delivery trucks cross the picket line, yet he still wouldn't budge, so we made him an offer he couldn't refuse.” The manager continues ”Mr. Brady’s store is non-union so he couldn’t benefit.”
"Golly" says Little Bobby, "that explains the dairy products, what about the meat?”
The manager grins with a toothy smile and says, "Well, ol' Buford wasn't of much use after we castrated him, so Farmer Johnson tossed him in on the deal as well." The manager added, "Not sure what the next generation is going to do for milk, but at least we have enough dairy products for now."
That clearly illustrates union economics.
"I'm broke."
That clearly illustrates conservative economics.
This is so perfect, thank you Lefty!
ReplyDeleteWho Won
Hey, now I know why I'm a conservative.
ReplyDeleteIMO unions and regulation have been the two biggest factors in driving jobs out of the country
Grumpy, I agree with your two reasons, but you forgot the third--greed. Executives have greatly benefitted, but not the stockholders.
ReplyDeleteYes.. there is NO FREE Lunch in the USA.. the Greeks and Romans proved it as well. Still, there are folks who think stuff is free without a catch.
ReplyDeleteBud, don't think you'll find many union executives in danger of becoming homeless either.
ReplyDeleteSockholders have the opportunity to object to executive paychecks if they feel they're taking too much out of the company..
Swan, still enjoying that email you sent last night.. Not sure if I want to post it on News Forums, or give it to Bud, he likes to make people smile, and they visit him because of it.
Boy they certainly are a whiney lot. You'd think someone whizzed in their beer after the 2000 election results. Most grow out of it by 3rd or 4th grade.
ReplyDelete49,000 Factories have shut down and left the United States since Bill Clinton was in office. It's not the Left's fault and it's not the Right's fault and it's not the weather's fault.
ReplyDeleteI too am looking for a new country of domicile for my retirement. I heard Tennessee is good.
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SOL4eva - It is, but take a zigzag course coming in our hide your tracks. We don't want any of those whiners following you.