Last year Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid forced Obamacare through the US Senate for Barack Obama, this year he led the fight to prevent the Senate from joining the House in voting to repeal the law.
Reid must not be paying attention, Nevada is requesting an exception, a wavier for portions of the law. Nevada is also one of the 28 states suing to have Obamacare overturned in court. Guess Harry puts party over the people he's supposed to representing.
Virginia has a lawsuit of it's own against Obamacare, the State Legislature passed a law exempting it's residents fom the Federal Mandate to Purchase insurance as is their right under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which says "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
It seems that Virginia's two Senators, Mark Warner and Jim Webb, both Democrats, haven't read the Constitution, and could care less what Virginians want. They both voted against Repeal,. Shortly afterwards Mark Warner decided running for reelection might not be fun and announced his retirement.
Michigan is another example of a state that can't afford the Presidents Health Care scheme, The state is part of the multi- state lawsuit led by Florida to have the law ruled Unconstitutional.. Michigan make the mistake of sending two Democrats to Washington as their representatives in the Senate. Once again Democrats Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow let political party trump voters. They could have saved their state a fortune in legal expenses, but he party was more important than the voters..
Simple logic tells you that if the voters in 28 states are supporting lawsuits, and two states not involved in the suits are trying to get out of implementing the law, something must be wrong with the law. Simple math tells you that if 30 states are fighting the law, 60 US Senators should have supported their states and voted for repeal. It can be argued the President would have vetoed it, and yes he may well have, but it might have been a mistake. It takes 66 votes in the Senate to over ride a veto. I won't guess how many of the remaining twenty states are opposed to the law but haven't filed legal action. I know Missouri is not involved in a lawsuit, but Missourians voted overwhelmingly for a referendum to prohibit the mandate from taking affect in their state. It would only take two more to not only kill the law, but make Obama look very foolish had he vetoed it.
Take a look at the map below and read Chairman of the House Ways and Means, Dave Camp's piece titled Lawsuits, Exemptions, and Exceptions Are Not Health Care Reform
23 more liberal Senators on the block in less than 20 months.