Wednesday, February 2, 2011

KFC 家鄉鮮魚柳軟包 - A版奧巴馬

Is That Barack Obama Selling KFC?

No, as far as we know, this not a Democratic Party approved stunt to get KFC in China to pay for Obamas re-election

In China, KFC is much larger than other American brands such as McDonald's, operating 3,200 locations in the country, according to Bloomberg. After the video hit the American corner of the Internet, however, Yum Brands Inc., which operates KFC, quickly retreated.

"The ad was created in Hong Kong for the Hong Kong market only. It was meant to be a spoof and no disrespect was intended. It is no longer airing and will not be re-aired," the company said in a statement.


  1. Hey that dude is good. SNL needs to hire him for their President impersonator. ;)

  2. Are we sure he's an impersonator? Kidding

  3. Minds BIGGER:


  4. He might as well give it a shot. He couldn't sell Healthcare or the "Let's all just sit down and talk about it." in the Mideast.


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