Sunday, November 7, 2010

Walter: The grumpy elder

Walter: The grumpy elder gobluesgogo  69

Bayoumariner,  A Gannet Friend and occasional reader from Maine sent this to me.... No I'm not Walter, but she has the right idea.   

Today is Sunday, after the elections I figured everyone needed a short break, anyway.  

Last night, after doing a little research,  figuring became a certainty.  I decided to let Walter fill in today;.

I'd started looking for some evidence to confirm, the Presidents statement that India was a "Creator not a Poacher of American Jobs"  A quick search of" American Jobs sent to India"  left me wondering who the president thought he was fooling, or if I'd gone nuts..

If anyone can help me with some factual links that prove President isn't as far out of touch about "Outsourcing"  as he appears, please let me know.

In the meantime have a few laughs, and watch the Grumpy Elder 

You can find out more about the Grumpy Elder, not Grumpyelder, at The Official Home of Jeff Dunham


  1. American businesses sent call centers overseas. I'm not sure how much of that is still going on in 2010. However, I don't think that's what the President was referring to. India does a lot more. It has developed science and technology sector expertise with highly talented and educated employees. That talent base was welcomed in the States for some time. Smart folk who developed answers to world demand and developed a middle class. India also manufacturers medicines sent all over the world. India has an element of business saavy successful entrepreneurs, plus India is an important ally.

    Look who has joined him in this visit:
    "The roster, a veritable Who’s Who of American business, includes Jeffrey Immelt of General Electric, Jim McNerney of Boeing, Honeywell International CEO David Cote, PepsiCo chief Indra Nooyi, McGraw-Hill Companies boss Terry McGraw III and United Technologies CEO Louis Chenevert."

    China has beat us in trade with India. The goal is export U.S. goods.

    I don't think you've gone nuts. To be fully informed these days requires a lot of time. I happened to hear this aspect of the visit reported somewhere before the elections, but vastly underreported by MSM.

  2. DFTTS,

    Just from memory, Boeing just took a 10 Billion Dollar contract to supply India with some aircraft. If I was running Boeing, I'd be there too. The contract might create 50,000 jobs here. That as well as the number of those jobs to be filled by "Guest Workers from India" remains to be seen. I read somewhere last night that in 2004 the Indian Government demanded we increase the number of "Guest Worker Visas" for the country by over 100,000. I also read that that something like 11% of American Jobs had been sent to India as of 2004.. Many things that need more confirmation, including the use of sweatshop child labor in India to produce American Products.

    General Electric was a major donor to the Obama Campaign and stands to bene heavily from Cap and Trade... regardless of whether Congress approves it, or Obama's EPA regulates it into existence.

    Isn't Indra Nooyi an Indian?

  3. Your blog is about Obama's trip to India, which is about exporting US products to the Indian market, as I understand it. Looks like Boeing may have made a sale and will be negotiating a $1.7 to $2.9 billion dollar deal to supply aircraft. This absolutely means jobs for U.S. workers.

    On what you read "somewhere" last night, provide the reference please. I think it might have been US industry pushing for greater numbers of guest worker visas for professionals in science and industry in that time period.

    What has been produced since 2004 overseas fed the U.S. consumers obsession with buying stuff, cheap stuff, and lots of it. We buy tons of stuff from China - some days I can find nothing but "manufactured" in China. I hope we will become wiser consumers.

    Nevertheless, importing goods to the American market is not what this trade trip is about. It's about exporting to the Indian market. The trade deficit numbers are not favorable to us in 2010. The Chinese have been beating us there and personally, I am hopeful lots of sales will be made and as a result jobs created for U.S. workers.

  4. More on the visit:
    "Lobbying for billions of dollars in contracts to overhaul India's mostly Russian-supplied military, a relic of their Cold War-era partnership, has underlied preparation for the trip. Those orders include a billion deal for 126 fighter jets that could benefit Boeing and Lockheed Martin Corp. France's Dassault, Russia's MiG-35, Sweden's Saab and the Eurofighter Typhoon as also competing."

    Competing with France, Russia, Sweden on this deal. Competing with China on other infrastructure deals.

    I found zero MSM sites that list the deals accomplished. I found a partial list on one non-US site. I think Grumpy started a good blog today.

    Do we really want to be left out? I support U.S. manufactured goods.

  5. As I said, I'm going to do somemore looking. From what I saw last night.. and I'll provide links in a blog. I expect the outflow of dollars and jobs to continue. We haven't had a positive balance of trade in decades.

  6. Spock said:

    I don't think you've gone nuts. To be fully informed these days requires a lot of time.

    Classic: That's why we need you to keep us informed.

    Thank you.

    Grump: I melt and G.E. were the # 2. contributor to the President's campaign, right behind the Trial Lawyers Association @ #1! I don't know where the other "Corporate Welfare Recipients" fit in with Soros, Buffet and the rest of the "Puppet Masters" committee. Some possible good news rumor that I heard but haven't verified: Supposedly the President was reading his teleprompter at a press conference Thursday or Friday and said that the government will offer Reaganesque Investment Tax Credits (the old ITC's) and Accelerated Depreciation on Capital Investment (like the old Reagan ACRS program). Supposedly will allow a current year 1-year = 100% tax write-off on Capital Equipment Investments; If this is true, our economy will soar. No explode!

    Please don't correct me if I'm wrong, Spock. Let me enjoy the week end.

  7. I love Walter! That's all I have right now. Long weekend :)

  8. I thought Walter would give us a funny, non political distraction for a day. But I left the back door open..I'm glad I did, DFTTS found it and took a look at the politics I left on the table and added some new ingrediants.

    SOL there's a damn good reason Kirk liked and respected Mr Spock. You're a risk taker, as such you tend to look at an overall and make a snap judgement, most of the time you're right enough.

    DFTTS is more methodical, you make the quick call, give her a few minutes she'll tell you all the details. Including the ones that are likely to bite you in the butt. Might not be what you wanted to hear.. but it beats bleeding

  9. Don't worry about it Fishy.

    Capt. India and the Paki's have nukes, and the ability to send them across each others borders. Contray to popular media belief those two were at each others throats long before 1947 when Pakistan was granted Independece..

    Would be nice, but I doubt a suggestion from Obama or any other US President will change that.

  10. Grumpy, I always like to read what Dftts has to say, even when I can't comprehend it. She is a valuable asset to this blog. No arguement here.

  11. Geez Capt, you'd have India, China and the Paki's all trying to grab a chunk

  12. I know, you don't think that;

    The Chinse would just back off, so if they were partially pushed out;
    The Paki's would want to convert Tibet to Islam

    India wouldn't allow it to happen.

    And everybody except the poor Tiebetians have nukes.


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