Friday, November 5, 2010

Rebels for a Cause

A good read:

I've never been part of a "Rebel Movement" before....kind of feels nice. This is a WSJ piece on the Tea Party movement....warts and all. The good news is Tea Partiers generally acknowledge their warts and fix them as rapidly as possible (as compared with both major political parties, who couldn't care less). The Tea Partiers do this because they're "real people" vice political ideologues.

The bottom line--and REALLY good news--is that more and more Americans are rallying around the Constitution vice allowing the political parties to rule by fiat. Party operatives would do well to realize that and start legislating accordingly...a good start would be requiring each proposed bill to explicitly tie to the paragraph in the Consitution that gives the Legislature the authority to propose the bill.

One caveat on WSJ's accuracy: I've never seen/heard objective evidence of racial and gay epithets at the anti-health care bill rally...I don't think WSJ got that correct, but I'm going to check other sources to see if I missed something.

Regardless, having attended multiple Tea Party events, I have never personally seen anything but racial harmony. I believe that's because the real people who make up the Tea Party get along as Americans. We do not hyphenate ourselves in order to place our personal interests into self-indulging and self-serving groups...we are, white, brown, purple, you-pick-the-amount-of-melanin-that-pigments-our-skin.

1 comment:

  1. "...a good start would be requiring each proposed bill to explicitly tie to the paragraph in the Consitution that gives the Legislature the authority to propose the bill."

    I agree...but then shouldn't they also have to repeal everything since, and especially including the New Deal? LOL


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