Friday, November 5, 2010

I Live Right Here

I was born in the small town of Gibsonville, North Carolina. I do not recall being asked by God if that is where I would like to live, or for that matter, if my parents were the ones I wanted.  The decision was not mine.  I will say that the time, the place, and the parents of my birth were the perfect choices. I can say this because I have lived and traveled to many places on this planet....most not of my choosing.

My ancestors arrived in this country in the late 1600's to early 1700's.  They were Scots and Irish.  Shortly after arriving they migrated from Virgina to North Carolina.  They were welcomed by the Germans living in that area.  For hundreds of years only a few people in my family have lived more than a few miles from where they were born. I am one of those few.

The military sent me on an odyssey around the world.  I have lived in Germany, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Montana. I have spent extended periods of time in many other places.  I love all of the places the military sent me.  Each has taught me far more than I could have ever learned by reading a book, or watching a documentary.  The people that I have met, and observed taught me much about myself..and the world.

In each of these places you hear..."You are were not born here.."...normally followed by some statement of what I can't understand because I was not born there.



  1. If you haven't some place all your life, there will be some things that, you can't understand the "way" they do.

    Gibsonville might have had Old Miss Sheree who taught 1st grade in the same classroom for 49 years, right up till the day she died chasin' that kid with a yard stick.

    Since she was the only first grade teacher for three generations, all the locals have stories that only they can full understand.

  2. Local stories about the school marm is endemic of anywhere. Mrs. Cheek taught 3rd grade for 50 years. Died while teaching.

    I think the danger of the type of thinking Sheree is participating in is apparent.


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