Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's almost time

Hey everybody;  I didn't mention this before but Starting around 7:00 I'll try to keep up with important happenings when the election results start coming in..

Not sure how far into the night I'll go, you guys are welcome to add to what I.

621 pm It won't matter in an hour, but the first number Is from Kentucky 1% reporting Rand Paul up 56-44

7:15 CNN calls Kent for Rand Paul and Ind for Coats  Rep  +1

South CarolinaGreene  0%DeMint  0%(0%)GOP Hold
7:30 Ohio called for Portman safe GOP                         no gain
8:01 CNN Calls Florida for Rubio
8:01 CNN Coons takes Delaware, no surprise
8:15  CNN  Projects New Hampshire GOP Ayotte

New HampshireHodes  32%Ayotte  65%(1%)-

8;30  ARK Boozeman GOP wins over Blanche Lincoln 
CNN Projects Connecticut Blumenthal Dem

 8:35 GOP Holds Semate Seats in Missouri, Ohio Georgia Alabama
        Dems hold Maryland, Vermont
8:40 Mansion Dem takes W Virginia

 8:42  Tenn Gov Haslem, GOP Pick up looks like a blowout


 9:17  CNN Projects at least 50 Seat Pick Up in the US House

O'Donnell's Concession, We won because Delaware Polittics and the GOP will never be the same, a great speech. 
9:42 GOP Picks up Govenors in Mich and OK, both look like blow outs
9:44, GOP  Picks up N Dakota Senate Seat                  Tally is now + 3

10:33 I'm looking at a CNN projection of a 62 Seat House Pick up
10:51 Feingold goes down in Wisconsin, GOP pickes up another Senate Seat
11:02 Nikki Haley wins S Carolina,
Pot Amendment fails.

Boxer and Reid hang on
Obama's old Senate Seat Goes to Kirk- big well deserved personal hit to Obama
Toomey takes Pa Senate Seat for GOP
Looks like the GOP House Pick Up limited to 60 Seats, worst loss since 1932, I think

Florida Governor, to close to call

Oregan and Colorado Senate, to close to call

Alaska, will stay GOP------ after a fashion, Palin may take a hit there.

Dems take heavy Governor losses..  so far the GOP picks up Iowa, Kansas,Wisconson, Wyoming, Tenn, Penn, Ohio, Michigan & Oklahoma

Rhode Island goes Independent

Jerry Brown, 1970's era Democrat has been becomes Governor of California again

Stay Tuned


  1. 8: 05 Early numbers Komas losing badly, Grayson's getting his ass kicked.

  2. Kosmos and Webster both conceded. Prayers do come true. I didn't see this one coming BOTH of them .

  3. Fox Calls 60 seats...Manchin a real democrat wins in WV..he may be the new voice of the democrats...time will tell.

  4. Yeah, The Dems are saying it doesn't matter since he's a D, but it does

  5. Rubio beat Crist...Twice...in the same election cycle. Too..Too..Funny.

  6. Should put an end to talk of Crist trying to become President

  7. All "R's" from my neck of the woods.


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