Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Note: 1040 am 11-3-2010, Sink Concedes, Scott takes Florida Governorship

A bad hangover if your name is Barack Obama.  The Illinois Democratic Machine couldn't even keep the President's old Senate Seat.   The real bad news for the Democrats might be that 40% of voters nationwide hold a favorable opinion of the TEA Party.  I don't think that's "good news" for the Republicans either, they won the election by default. .

Here in Central Florida, the results look like this;

The Governors race between, Scott and Sink remains too close to call,  Scott is claiming victory, Sink refuses to concede

Marco Rubio become the New Junior Senator From Florida, a hold for the GOP, a win for the Tea Party.  Crist is out of Florida Politics for the moment, it's safe to say he's already plotting something.   Not unexpectedly, Meeks lost badly, much of the blame goes to the Democratic Party who effectively deserted him.

Sandy Adams beat Susan Kosmas 60% to 40%, most likely over Obamacare,  It's sad that Kosmas only fared slightly better than Grayson.

Daniel Webster kicked Alan Grayson's Ass, it's disturbing that someone like Grayson managed to hold onto 38% of of the Vote,  makes it look like Democratic Loyalists don't care much about the person they vote for, as long as there is a "D" by the name

Bill Posey wins Big 60-40 No Surprise.

The Brevard County Delegation to Tally looks pretty much unchanged.  Not an ideal bunch, I think they won more on Anti Obama Sentiment and Weak  Opponents than because of their record.

On a national level the Democrats are trying to spin the at least 60 seat slacking they took in the House of Representatives anyway possible, except of being honest with themselves. The economy and unemployment situation no longer belong to George Bush, the American people don't want to hear it.  The dems claimed they could fix it, they haven't.

If they are are as smart as they claim, Democrats might figure out when the American People tell you something, it might be worth listening.  Dislike of the Obamacare and the Stimulus followed jobs and the economy as major reasons to vote against  them.  I haven't heard anyone mention it, but I'd guess the Presidents War Against Arizona didn't help the President's or the Democrat's cause at all.

Several million people live in Nevada, somehow Harry Reid got lucky enough to run against the one person he could beat.  While it might be good for Reid personally, it doesn't help the country or the people of Nevada much.  There's also some questions about possible fraud and violations of election law by the Reid Campaign.  One involves voting machines that were allegedly rigged to vote for Reid, regardless of who the voter, voted for.  The other involved some emails the Reid campaign supposedly sent to Harrah's, strongly suggesting they tell their employees to vote, and who to vote for.

Reid was one of several seats that helped the Democrats hang onto the Senate.  As of now the Dems can claim 50 Senate Seats, the GOP 47 with two races, Washington and  Colorado too close to call and Alaska is up in the air because of a Write in Situation.  Palin's Magic didn't seem to work in her home state.

The Democrats started out with 26 Governors, if they're lucky, when the smoke clears they'll hang on to 18.  In Rhode Island the Democrat came in a distant third behind an Independent then the Republican.

As to be expected, the President and the Democrats have promised to reach out to the Republicans in the Senate, they don't have much choice in the House.  We've heard that before.  It was less than a week ago, in a manner reminiscent of Richard Nixon, Obama called those that disagree with him "Enemies".  Harry Reid has promised to use the Lame Duck Session to  push through an Immigration Bill Americans have clearly said they don't want. 

Just a reminder to the Republicans.  This election was an outright rejection of the Obama Agenda by the American People.  That is the only reason the Republicans are back in power.  Had there been another choice ................



  1. Just heard from Harry Reid, the Arrogance is still there, I'll reach out--- if they want to do it my way.

  2. TaDa. We won the jewell, and if you count the Indy's, WV & AL, pretty even in the Senate. All we needed were 4 to overcome the RINO votes. Of bigger importance is all the new Republican Governors and state General Assemblies. Love it that for 2012 we now have Ohio, PA, and Michigan. Would have loved to have seen harry unmercilessly fired, but push comes to shove nancy was the most evil. Gaining those committee Chairs was tantamount to halting barry's agenda. Hey, gridlock has to be better than what we have experienced for 2 years. Guess who will now be the party of "NO".

    Just heard that dirty harry is now willing to tweak obamacare. Mighty big of someone who less than a year ago locket Senate Republicans out.

  3. Sink just conceded, not pretty.. It amounted to I convinced 2 1/2 million voters you are a crook, now you have to unite them..

  4. Now if only we could get Ron Paul as Speaker of the House...

  5. Anonymous: I would settle for Paul's bill to have an independent audit the FED. This way Obama will veto it (if it makes it out of the Sentate), and we will get to see who is really in charge - Ben Bernake.

    It's not time for liberty yet. Much, much more damage has to be done first; and it will, because nothing will change. We shall all see this plainly in the next few years.

  6. This Young Lady was our local Conservative Columnist. Her hubby is a Major in the Army, and she is a close friend. Last week she went National on the Cagle Blog site. Any help getting out the word and/or visiting her weekly Blog would really be appreciated.

  7. Wow! What a lovely lady. Hubby is a lucky man. Conservative women - God's gift to mankind.

  8. Lew. just heard the Fed is planning on cutting lose at least 600 Billion and possibly as much as 900 Billion immediately.

    Marine, Lew's right, that lady is gorgeous. I'll post a link to her new site momentary

  9. Grumpy, concerning the FED... It just goes to show that central planners are detached from reality. These guys aren't stupid, but power goes to their heads, and they think they can change reality for some reason. Bernake is supposed to be an "expert on the Great Depression"; but it seems he, like all of them, haven't learned the lessons of asset bubbles and inevitable subsequent recessions/depressions.

    Printing money out of thin air doesn't make a country richer, it makes it POORER. And it's common sense. If it could make a nation richer, Zimbabwe would be the wealthiest nation in the history of man.

    Wealth creation takes work, savings and investment, and POSTPONED consumption. The world economy has been driven by consumer debt, which has itself been driven by fiat money expansion (not prior savings) in the last 30+ years or so. ALL growth has been false. Real growth has been flat. That's why it can vanish overnight, and almost did back in 2008 (even more than it actually did). They should have let everything fail then as the market intended, because the world, including the U.S., would have been out of it already.

    They are just postponing the inevitable, and setting us all up for an enormous crash, that will be much, much worse than it would have in 2008. Hold on to your hats, everyone.

  10. Lew, they put ordinary folks in jail for writing bad checks.

    Adding to the money supply didn't seem like that that big a deal back in the sixties when we first went to Reserve Notes (and took the silver out on coins)

    Most of the products we purchased then were American Made. It was inflationary, but it took a few years for the rest of the world to catch on.

    In the last year the price of cotton is up almost 80%, add this in, and the cost of a pair of jeans, made in Chinia doubles at your local Walmart.

  11. Pelosi's still in hiding, Harry Reid's acting combative saying the GOP has to reach out to him. He's still in charge.

    Marine, I linked Cagle under Other Blogs , but not a specfic link for Susan Brown's page there. Check with her and advise.


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