Friday, October 22, 2010

Florida Today; featuring Gannett and the Moderators,

Last Saturday and the following Tuesday I posted Blogs about Florida Today's repeated deletions of Gpabud's personal account of Operation Birmingham.  Most of us where under the impression Florida Today was going to try and get an explanation from their Pluck Moderators.  So far I haven't seen an explanation from Florida Today, but Pluck continues to make their policy known, it seems to pretty straight forward.

Meet Jim Manely, Jim who posts as Gabriel, writes Right Turn for Florida Today and has his own site Right Turn Forever.  Jim's one of two Featured FT Bloggers, Along with Sheree who writes "Talk to Me", Gabriel's picture appears on Florida Opinion Page, 

If you visit Gabe's Florida Today Blog Page this morning you'll find concrete proof Florida Today's Moderators are explaining themselves:
Censored twice...I am so DAMNED tired ot this.  Tell you what florida today.  That is a deliberate small caps because you ARE small caps.  You are one of two things: incompetent or complicit.  If you want me gone "Man Up" (a Sharron Angle quote reference Harry Reid)

Make that would have, that's been deleted as well

You have to admit, Gabe's got a point.   For Florida Today to blame the Moderator's for a screw up makes sense, and most of us can relate to it.  Anyone who has ever had employees or used subcontractors has found themselves explaining a employee or subcontractor mistake from time to time.  Most people get tired of explaining someone's "Mess Ups" (being polite) very quickly.  They fire the offending employee or sub.  If you go back, and look through the Right Turn Blog Archive for the last year you'll find hundreds of snippets that refer to Right Turn being censored, deleted or removed.

Right Turn is one example, there are a number of other recent examples, some from this week appear at the bottom of my blog page... Funny that three of the people who had their work deleted are Retired Military Officers, all Colonels..

Earlier I mentioned Gpabud.. Bud is the biggest reason for this Blog Post.  Jim Manely and the damage done to  Right Turn makes a perfect example of censoring on Florida Today becuase of it's scope, It's huge, and unless Florida Today decides to hide the facts and blocks it out, it's easy for readers to verify for themselves. Gpabud is eighty years old and has devoted his life to his wife of 58 years, public service and education.  This is from his Florida Today Profile:

About Me: Retired AF pilot,Asst. Prof. of Physiology, Lee County Commissioner, Commercial fisherman, Environmental Specialist for State, Married to my smokin' hot wife for 58 years, 6 kids all with advanced degrees

Jim Manely does political, clearly someone, with the power to delete posts from Florida Today's doesn't like his viewpoint. Bud very seldom does political, Bud writes humor, often mixing a little humor with his experiences in the military as he did in  Operation Birmingham.  Everyone who's ever worn a US Military Uniform has a few stories that make people smile.  Bud has the ability to write those stories and make them interesting reading. 

Some people who have worn an American Military Uniform didn't get to tell their stories.  They died so the rest of us can tell ours. As a combat Vet, Gpabud knows this all to well.  Yesterday on Florida Today he posted;

Fifty Thousand Names Carved in The Wall;  George Jones

It's a video and it is posted on this site directly beneath this Blog.  My ten year old grandson knows what the title means so I'm going to figure everyone reading here does.  I saw the Blog in the Florida Today Blog Rotation.  As several people already had, I gave it a recommend and left a comment.

Just before 8:00 pm last night I received and email addressed to myself and a Florida Today Editor Tom Kehoe.
 Tom, Today I posted a utube video,with utube permission. It was a George Strait song about the 50,000 we lost in Vietnam. Your trolls apparently found it offensive and Zapped it.  There was no question of copywrite problems. I added no script.  You can see the post on  Your trolls are completely out of control.


It takes at least two people for that to happen.  The first would be some Cowardly Son of Bitch who files Anonymous abuse reports.  The second would be the Useless Bastard that actually deleted the post at, or for Florida Today.  Clearly neither have any any respect for the people who died protecting their right to be Jackasses.

I'm hoping Florida Today has an explanation instead of an excuse this time


  1. Besides the deleting, they also engaged in USER ID and Image theft and posted vile disgusting comments in an attempt to discredit the original commentor. You hit the nail on the head Sir "Cowardly Son Of A Bitch" or "Useless Bastard". I am inclined to think both. Their usual midnight to 4:00 AM M.O. also fits in well with cockroaches, rats, and mice. All dirty disease plagued vermin.

  2. You should be removed for terms of service violations and violations of political correctness. It's people like you that cause ill-will and discontent in this world. It's good to see people like One Williams have their mouths duct taped shut and kicked of of National PUBLIC radio. No more free speech unless you agree with us!


  3. Anonymous,

    Some mangy critter's been spewing that garbage on Florida Today for almost two years now. You're a lousey immitation, not enough hate showing through

    Besides I saw your comment on "How many words is a picture worth" :)

  4. Just saw him on FNC. Never heard him on NPR. Good to see he is getting more money and definately more exposure.

  5. Wonder how long one of his blogs would survive on Florida Today?

  6. Grumpy, I think we should go coyote hunting. Are you in?

  7. Which kind?

    Open season in Florida, not permit required, restricted to the four legged kind..

    Virtual coyote are another matter. if it's determined they are nothing more than a bot.. like any other malicious computer bug, they can be zapped.

    If they are malicious two legged cayote hiding behind anonymous, they can be zapped virtually. If they show signs becoming a physical instead of virtual threat. You must use a State desiginated varmint hunter.


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