Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Viet Nam Vet's Vanishing Blog

As of 4:05 10-20-2010 

Gabriel a Florida Today Featured Blogger, with his picture posted on FT's Opinion Page had Today's Blog removed from Florida Todays Blog Page , so did Morgan Sailor

Gabriel's Blog can be found at  http://rightturnforever.com/2010/10/obamas-bribe-a-thon/

Morgansailors piece "Cloward-Piven Strategy: Conspiracy or Happenstance?" can be found right here on Grumpy.

Both posters are politically conservative, and both like Bud are retired Military Officers 

Updated Update 1:30 Pm 10-20-2010

Florida Today has lost Bud's Blog AGAIN.  Bud sent The FT Media Editor and myself an email around 11;00 am this to say that it had VANISHED once again.  As of a minute ago, it was gone.. I wanted to give Florida Today a chance to fix the problem so I waited to post this update

It took who ever approves such things two days to sanction the blogs return.  Now they decide there is still a problem,  No. someone has other reasons, maybe they're still Protesting the Viet Nam War and the People that fought it?  There was nothing political in Bud's Blog.  So does Florida Today have no control over their Moderators or their Blog Page..??

You tell me...

Update overnight Operation Birmingham reappeared in Gpabud's Florida Today Blog Archive.. It Was Not returned to the Blog Rotation, when I checked a few minutes ago..  I guess it's allotted Rotation time was used up while it was in Never Never Land.  Florida Today will hopefully allow it to be reposted

The Comments which were complementry, appear to still be under review, mine has returned to my Recent Activity, but does not appear on the Blog. 

You can find it in Bud's FT Blog Archive here



Vanished again from the Florida Today Website.  Once again someone either at Florida Today or from their Moderators have proven they don't want gpabud to be able to talk publicly about his role in the 1966 Viet Nam "Operation Birmingham".

In an email exchange yesterday Florida Today assured me it wasn't removed because the Gannett owned publication didn't want solders telling their stories.  Florida Today also said their Moderators might have been over zealous in removing blogs for Potential Copyright Infringement.

Bud had included a report by Col.. Ray Bowers in 2003 for the Air Univesity Review, specifically highlighting Col Bowers' Report and giving him full credit.  To avoid that being an issue, Bud removed the offending portion and reposted the the piece on  Florida Today.  The rest of the blog contianed nothing except some photos of aircraft, the operation citation. a Viet Nam Service Ribbon  and  Bud's own work. 

The blog  vanished again within minutes of posting.   The moderators must have had second thoughts, possibly they knew that the blog had caused issues.

So they waited until the after the close of the business day and zapped it again.  It has not been seen or heard from since.

An American soldier can survive a war, but his story can't survive censorship by an American Newspaper.

Shotly after 10:00 pm I sent the Editors of Florida Today asking what excuse their Moderators had for removing the Blog this time..

As of now, I have not recieved a reply, Possibly because the Florida Today Website currently has several reader blogs posted that look suspiciously like they could be "Potential Copyright Infringement"

The blog can be read by clicking Operation Birmingham, by gpabud

That site does not accept comments any longer due to an anonymous spam attact by a coward that clearly hates those who have served.

Feel free to comment here.


  1. Perhaps we will hear from Stover and other in the comments of the breaking news articles later this afternoon. Stay tuned.

  2. Disgusting pukes. People or vermin such as whoever deleted gpabud's Blog make me realize there are times when exceptions can be made to my Pro-Life stance.

  3. They are destroying themselves. It's only a matter of time, hence their desperation. They see it all crashing down around their pencil necks and narrow shoulders, and they know there is nothing they can do about it.

  4. Unbelieveable.. I would keep trying.

  5. Swan.. You are well recommended an more than welcome here. No private messaging here Grumpyelder@gmail.com works

  6. So I understand the copyright thing. BUT what about the dozens of jerks that sign on everyday trying to sell chit.Which would you rather read, and old veteran's memories or someone selling crap to make your pee pee bigger? Think I'll stick with Bud. JMPO tho

  7. DFTTS, a commenter who's opinion I respect, (even if we disagree a lot) has suggested Bud's use of one cartoon image may be the justification for deleting the blog.

    A Grumpy Member Capt Black Eagle has a different interpretation of the rule.

    OK we elect lawyers to write laws that keep lawyer arguing about what the laws mean and the rest of us trying to obey them.. As far as I know, bothe DFTTS and the Capt are in with the rest of us.
    That said, is one tiny cartoon image, that could have been easily removed, justification for trashing a first hand account of account of a Large Military Operation that involved thousands of American soldiers??

  8. I guess FT didn't learn any lesson last night. I have a feeling that we are going to see comments from Stover, Mikolajczyk. and maybe even more FT staff tonight on the breaking news articles. This time, maybe all of them.

    They are sorely outmatched on this one. If they wish to behave as petulant children, they shall be treated as such.

  9. and on top of all of this the idiots banned ME!. Course I sent an email but I think they are up to their eyeballs in other problems. I would appreciate any support ya'll could give me. I sent Tom and email but so far no word.

  10. Sorry about that, Fishy. Same thing happened to me in July. Simply because I had the audacity to respond to YugoMary in a civilized manner. I'd hate to think you were banned because of responding to me (whether or not Tommy thinks YM and I are the same poster), but that is my suspicion.

    Quite a pathetic "God complex" he has going on there.

  11. Actually Lewis I think it was a shall we say, little d...wad on the forums. His nik is SoBeach and he's had it in for me since I first appeared July 2009. What this poor sucker doesn't understand is I never forget and it doesn't take much to set him off. Pay backs are my favorite thing.

  12. So you think another member got FT to trickban you? How could another member get FT to trickban you?

  13. They hit the abuse button and then type in a bunch of crap. He has tried for a long time. Actually succeeded with a couple of others. The people on the forums eat their young and this guy is the worse. You should see some of the pm's I have received from him and his buddies. I've been called every name in the book. They have someone's ear at the paper and pretty much get their way. I've been dealing with them for quite some time. The forums are different than the front page post. Not for the faint of heart I can tell you. Sad thing is I have forwarded some of this to Tom and nothing ever gets done. SoBeach actually knows where I work and what I look like. To say I felt threatened is an understatement. I had to explain this crap to my boss.

  14. Grow a set, wouldja?

  15. Anonymous said...
    Grow a set, wouldja?

    October 21, 2010 3:14 PM
    Care to clarify that statement?

  16. Congratulations, Fishy! Looks like you are back.

  17. Yep, Just looked, she's people again

  18. Hey chicken boy with no name. I have a beautiful set of 38d's. So much for your pair if you can't even lay claim to your comment!

    Thanks Lew and Grumpy, I just checked. Guess that email to Tom followed by several from Selina and who knows who else paid off.

  19. FishyGal, Don't tell JUST your boss about this. Print out some of the things said and take copies to your local police/sheriff's department and let them know that you are being stalked. This is NOT something to ignore. If he went to the trouble to find out where you work and what you look like DO NOT ignore that effort. Take the pms to the cops. Let them deal with the dirtbag. Payback is hedoubletoothpicks. But the threat is real.

  20. I have the all SCC. Talked off the record to a local cop and he advised to hang loose. Of course for a month he was right there when I got off work. This all happened back in April and May and nothing since. I'm on my toes and very careful. AND he knows I carry. Thanks for the advice I'll be watching.

  21. I meant I have all the messages. Hell I need to go to bed. LOL...

  22. Fishygal - A pair of 38's are great, but I highly recommend the Taurus Judge. Perhaps a bit unbalanced, but will take .45 LC or .410 Gauge. Heckuva a kick, but oh the damage at close range.


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