Friday, September 17, 2010

Obama's Religion: You Will Know Him by His Fruit

The question has recently arisen, "Is Obama a Muslim?" It's a fair and valid question. Knowing someone's religious beliefs -- true religious beliefs -- tells you something about that person.

In Matthew 7:16 we see these words, "You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" We see it elsewhere in the Bible as, "As the old saying goes, 'From evildoers come evil deeds,' so my hand will not touch you." (1 Samuel 24:13), or "My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water." (James 3:12), and, "Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right." (Proverbs 20:11).

Say, for instance, your brother just announced he has recently become a Catholic. You believe he is sincere in his statement because he has been honest with you in every instance of conversation and written communication previously, so you believe his conversion to Catholicism to be genuine. You now know that he has accepted as important and -- hopefully -- factual, the teachings of the Catholic Church. That tells you that he will now be doing some predictable things: using a rosary, praying certain prayers, going to certain church services, eating certain things (or not eating them), etc. You know that he is now going to be crossing himself, wearing a Crucifix instead of an empty cross; he'll be praying to Saints and Martyrs instead of just God via Jesus Christ. You know what to expect. You're familiar with the signs and "symptoms" of being a Catholic. If your brother does not do those things, then you can seriously doubt his conversion statement as being legitimate and sincere.

Same holds true of Obama being a Christian. Obama says he is a Christian. Therefore, according to the Bible, we should see certain things from him as far as his actions and words are concerned. We should see him going to a church that teaches and preaches the Bible as the loving word of God. Read more here.


  1. If not Muslim, for sure a believer in black liberation theology.

  2. Ever look up "Liberation Theology"? Wikipedia's definition is enlightening and, according to their own website is not about Christianity, unless it is to deny its actual teachings, to "reconstruct" Christianity as a whip to beat people into being a Marxist/Communist/Socialist.

    Liberation Theology is NOT theology in the traditional sense of the word because theology is defined as, "The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions." In Liberation Theology, it is not about GOD; it is about MAN not being "created equal" (U.S. Constitution), but enforcing equality of possessions and position throughout everyone but the "ruling class" who, of course, can have more. GOD enters not into Liberation Theology unless He is used as a guilt trip, a whipping stick, an enforcer, which is not the biblical, nor true, God.

    Therefore, I believe that if Obama's only belief was in Liberation Theology, he would not be so hateful toward Israel, nor would he be so hateful toward the Bible. Liberation Theology uses the Bible to beat people over the head; for Obama, it is a joke, a mocking block, a farce.

    When the doctor is deciding whether you have the flu or a cold, he/she considers every symptom, not just one or two. Same holds true when considering Obama's religion: consider the whole picture, all of the symptoms. Liberation Theology does not cover it. There must be something else that makes Obama tick and Islam is the only thing that covers every symptom.


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