Friday, September 17, 2010

EAT IT And Like It, or else

That's about all my father ever said during diner when liver was the on the family menu.  My mother was good in the kitchen, she could make almost anything taste good, even brussel sprouts, sometimes.  Liver was the exception, to make matters worse, it was almost always served with canned lima beans or spinach. 

Note to Parents;  If you want to get your kids to eat their veggies, serve them with liver, then tell the child if they at least eat their vegetables they can be excused..

Note to kids:  If your mother is fixing liver for dinner, make sure the dog's inside by the time she's ready to serve.  The dog knows what to do, and here's some tips for you

For those of you too young to remember,  the 1950 and early 60's was before Dr Spock (not Star Trek Mr Spock) managed to convince the world that the way humans had disciplined their offspring for a million or so years was inhuman.  We won't go into my fathers opinion of the doctor.   Back then, anytime your father raised his voice there was an implied "Or Else".  Everything you younger folks have heard about the "Or Else", is true.

I had two young brother and two younger sisters,  none of them have ever eaten liver since they moved out of my fathers house.

President Obama has tried to sell Obamacare to the American People much the same way my father tried getting his kids to like liver.  Long before he, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid  forced the Law though Congress it was clear the American People knew the law was not only flawed but irrepairable...  The promises didn't add up, the numbers didn't add up and the Mandate.. is Completely  Un Constitutional..  Obama, Pelosi and Reid should be marketing liver, or snake oil.  They mananged to convince Democratic Senators and Members of Congress that if they only shoved managedthe liver,  Obamacare law down the throats of the American people, by  election day the voters would love them.   


Capitol Hill Democrats fell for it  If there was ever a simple test to determine if Republican or Democratic elected officials are smarter, that was it.  Democrats not only lost, they proved they're party's Image

Seems strange since many of them are old enough have choked down liver instead of facing the OR ELSE.

Worse for the Democrats the John Q Public turned out to smarter than the people they send to Washington, and now everyday we see more of this typre headline type

On Obamacare, Wilson was rude but right

Grasping for an Obamacare Hangover Cure

Editorial: Suits could be stake in heart of Obamacare

Opinion: White House Should Retract Insurance Industry Threats

The Uninsured Numbers Are Bad, but Obamacare Can Make Them Worse

Less than six months after bragging Obamacare was the Democrats Most Historic Success  ever, most of them don't want to mention Obamacare, let alone talk about it.  The few that are, are taliking about helping to repeal the law..  Something 60% of the Country is in favor of..  Two of our local Reps are feeling the repercussions, the seats held by Susan Kosmas and Alan Grayson have moved to the "Likely to go Republican" side of Pollsters predictions.talking

Kosmas has to be hurting,  she was one of the last to vote... If she hadn't fallen for Pelosi's idioctic promisies she could be campaigning on a platform that said;

 "I stopped it"

And she'd be running uncontested


  1. Same here Grumpy, but I would also include turnips, sauerkraut, potato salad, broccoli, asparagus, and potatoes au gratin. I couldn't get by though on the just eat your vegetables. I got "There will be NO dessert if you do not clean your plate". I was and still am really big into apple, cherry, and peach pie, crisp, and cobbler.

    Would have to rate dirt as more palatable than barry.

  2. Eating the veggies didn't get you dessert.. but sometimes it got you out of the liver... if the old man was at work,

    It's tough to stick with lima beans and miss out on apple pie.. however, it was better than the liver.

    Something just popped up on the Big Journalism link--- Students visit terror linked Mosque to hear call to prayer.. Huh

  3. Well I'm with you on the liver and lima beans. Funny I liked it liver when I was a kid. Boy USMC I'm glad I'm not cooking for you.:)

    As for Grayson, OMG I cannot stand that arrogant idiot. Kosmos not a fan of her but she is better than Grayson

  4. According to the RCP Poll averages.. both are history unless something changes..

    Fishy you never ate my mother's fried liver.

  5. Why do the words childish and pathetic come to mind

    WASHINGTON – With just six weeks to avoid a possible election catastrophe, Democrats are trying to limit the damage with a closing argument that's more plea than platform: We know you voters are furious with us, but just let us explain why the Republicans would be worse.

    But the Democrats admit the Republicans have a big emotional advantage with voters who are fed up with high unemployment, soaring deficits and what many see as an arrogant Congress and administration that rammed a revolutionary health care plan down their throats.

  6. In my husband's family, you had to have a small "no thank you" portion of everything. If you complained, you got a second spoonful. All three kids learned to like almost every food imaginable. I still don't like liver and any southern greens that has been cooked until it's unrecognizable. Could we use that for energy fuel like corn into ethanol?

  7. But...GE, you NEVER gave us liver, or said OR ELSE. Your premise is false.

  8. I am retarded...I loved liver. Hated collard greens until I got older.

  9. Uhhh CL suggest you read it again.. I was talking about your grandfather

  10. According to the RCP Poll averages.. both are history unless something changes..

    From your mouth to God's ears my son.

    I only like liver with bacon and tons of sour cream. But I am an adult now and don't plan to eat it anytime in the future.

    Ms Lady, all that ethanol does is screw up small engines. But, I add please keep buying it because my hubby's family are corn farmers :)

  11. I also hated liver, but in college, when I was dating my future wife, I would always order it for me. It was the cheapest thing on the menu. After we got married, I let her know, so our kids never had to suffer through it.


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