Tuesday, September 14, 2010


No book burning last Saturday - I suggested to my PNJ posters that we burn Mein Kampf, but was hooted down. I shudder at the idea of burning any book, just like burning the flag (unless it's being disposed of, in which case burning is appropriate).

Everything that people have ignored for months has come to a head, apparently because it's election time. I'm so tired of all the bickering - we need to dialogue calmly, even if we don't agree - and we never will on everything. (I think Grumpy's bear needs a haircut to look more like him - I doubt he'll get one!)

See you on the flip side.

Old Lady


  1. I recommended "The Audacity of Dope" (err HOPE) and "An Inconvenient Truth".

  2. Nope I'm with Granny. I shudder at the thought of burning books. Already ordered GWB's for the kindle. Looking forward to reading his take on things. I admire the man for staying out of the limelight since leaving office. He has done many good things and the MSM doesn't seem to give a chit.


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