Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Basic Sales

All of us are salespeople, all of us have an instinctive ability to sell.  We all sell ourselves, or try to, anytime we're meeting new people, showing off something we've accomplished or at a job interview.  Selling products, services, ideas or new laws involves the same basic instincts, with a few extra rules. In fact, before you can sell a product, you have to sell yourself to the customer.  They customers trust is critical, especially when the product is complex, the customer relies on  the sales persons expertise.  No one can argue that Barack Obama sold himself to the American People.  He entered office with a 68% Approval Rating

Next, there has to be a need for the product.  If no one ever got a toothache, we'd have a ton of unemployed dentists,  if people didn't like Ice Cream the best salesperson in world couldn't sell the stuff.  Sometimes the "need" for a new product is because an old product has become to expensive.  American Healthcare is a necessity that has become cost prohibitive for many Americans, the perfect example..

Any good salesperson will take a look at a customers wants, budget and needs.  The wants almost always exceed the budget.  Most of the time the majority of the needs and some of the wants can be squeezed into the budget.  People aren't stupid, they know there's a cost associated with a product, and they know the more options they add the more they run up that cost.  A smart salesman will prioritize the customers wants and put together a proposal that covers the basic needs, and as many of the wants as he can squeeze into the budget.  Then he sells the proposal by carefully explaining to to the customer what is, and more importantly what isn't included..

Barack Obama is a lousy salesman, if he hadn't settled on politics the best sales job he could keep would be at a Ghetto Used Car Dealership where the sole object is to separate the sucker, victim, idiot, customer from his money.  Those dealers rely on desperate people and concentrate on selling based on the customers need.  They refuse to go into the details of the deal, what the true cost is, or  if the car will run long enough to get the customer home.  They tell you the car has a warranty.  Lord help you if you need to use it, that's when you find out it was written by their lawyers for their protection..

Every salesman wants to make the "Big Sale", the one that will get them into company record books, trade magazines and ensure their income for a long time.  Most of them end up settling for a string of smaller successes and repeat customers.  The good build a solid business by being straight with the customer.  It's not always easy.  Very often it means telling people what they don't want to hear.  It's easy to dodge the tough questions wit avoidance, half-truths and downright lying.  Truth of the matter;  it will come back to bite in the rear end.  The surest way to get good repeat business is from repeat customers and good references.  If a customer doesn't feel like he's been treated fairly, he's gonna be out to get even.

Obama was out to make the "BIG SALE" His Heathcare Law was going to rank HIM in the history books right up there with George Washington.

Yes there are some that "believe they think
 Obama deserves to replace George Washington
Most of them live in the White House

Worse than that he was desperate to make the sale.  He was desperate to get his name on the biggest most complex and far reaching law in American History  He didn't care what it said, he didn't care what it cost, He didn't care what it did as long as every American in the Country thought of him when they went to the doctor.  Never, Never Ever buy from a sales person who has to make the sale.

Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass the law to find out what's in it.  If you were at Ghetto Used Cars, and the salesperson told you you had to buy the car to find out if it ran or or not.... odds are you'd be running.  Unless you had no other way to get off the car lot..  Thankfully  used car dealers can't hold you hostage and force you to buy the car.  Congress, which was all to willing to back anything Obama , can and did force Americans to buy Obamacare..  Imagine a fenced used car dealer with guard dogs, and the salesman telling you your choice was take the deal, or walk past the dogs.  And you'd drive straight to the nearest cop shop, except in this case, Congess and the President own the cops and the car lot.

In countless polls Americans made it clear they weren't buying what the President was selling.  The President didn't care.  His name was going to be on that bill and the American People could go to Hell if they didn't like it. 

When a good salesman, an honest salesman realizes his proposal isn't what the customer wants.  He sits down with the customer and figures out where he went wrong.  If the customer trusts him, the customer will let him revise proposal and take another look... from there the proposal gets fine tuned.  In the summer of 09 the American People still trusted the President enough to plead that he rewrite Obamacare into the product they had in mind. The President essentially looked down his nose and said

"I am the President, screw you".

Barrak Obama is not only a lousy salesman, he's a desperate and dishonest salesman

Video By Wolfie 559

Even the Washington Post and NY Times are starting to Get It



  1. Gullible & Pig in a poke is all that comes to mind. Perhaps the myth about "Truth in Advertising" also.

  2. A sucker is born every minute. P.T. Barnum


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