Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Education: Prevention of Tyranny

In reading the book, “The Coming Insurrection” by The Invisible Committee I found quite a few things that I saw happening here in America. Used as part of the evidence in an anti-terrorism case in France, this book tells us how the progressives think. They believe in anarchy, completely and totally: until they get what they want. Then everything changes. What is it they want? They want to be in charge.

They don’t want “equality”. That’s for the bourgeoisie. They don’t want “freedom”. That’s for those who think too small. They want anarchy: murder, mayhem, burning whole cities if necessary to put them in charge.

Read more here.


  1. Did you happen to read "Cheering Immaturity"
    By Thomas Sowell

    If not, I'd suggest it

  2. Grumpy, Not yet. I do LOVE Dr. Thomas Sowell, though. So it will be a pleasure.

  3. SC, Knowing his often exressed feelings on the subject, I think Sowell would live your blog.

  4. Grumbpy, That is so sweet of you to say! How flattering that is. I would hope that Dr. Sowell would love my blog. That would be seventh heaven!


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