Sunday, August 29, 2010


Just a few thing things I stumbled across last night while doing some research on other things. not a real blog...

Crist Will Return Money To Donors

cough, cough, err, uh,,, what I meant to say

The Aftermath

The Glenn Beck "Restore Honor Rally"

Reader Comment

philgrey9 wrote:

Personally, I think that the fact that the crowd didn't trash the mall says more about the crowd and the event than all the speeches and all the reporting put together.

In 20-plus years in the US Army Infantry, I was taught to look beyond what was in front of me and to look for the little things that told the real story. Having seen the behavior of leftist crowds contrasted to conservative gatherings, I think the real message is there for anyone who wants to see it. Repeat; the real message is there for anyone who WANTS to see it.

Obama's  Inauguration


By Typical Republitard Teabagger Conservative Neanderthal  Obamaite

From Dennis Prager

Frank Rich and the State of Liberal Commentary

"It is commonplace for liberals and leftists to avoid refuting conservative arguments and just dismiss the conservative with one of seven epithets: "Racist," "Bigoted," "Sexist," "Intolerant," and the three phobias: "Homophobic," Xenophobic," "Islamaphobic"

Parrot Choir ..  Read the quoted somments, starting about halfway down the page.

For the Left, Opponents Cannot Have Decent Motives: The Ground Zero Example   These are just a few, click the the title, there's tons more

HuffingtonPost, James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute: "Shame. Your bigoted appeals to fear and intolerance disgrace us all and put our country at risk in the world."

HuffingtonPost, Michael Hughes: "Even more hideous is the way in which these bigots try to hide their overt prejudice in the emotional guise of love and caring, purportedly because they believe we must be 'sensitive' to the families of the victims of 9/11."

New York Times editorial: "Republican ideologues, predictably ... spew more of their intolerant rhetoric.


1 comment:

  1. As we witnessed at TEA parties and various other minor protests throughout the decades. Peace & Race protesters tend to throw their garbage on the ground while TEA party participants realize their mother will not pick up after them. Much more responsibility from those who have a lick of Common Sense....


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