Thursday, August 5, 2010

Comment Approval

Today,  an individual who has been banned from Florida Today numerous (hundreds) times for name calling, race baiting, user-name impersonation and filing over TEN THOUSAND  illegal abuse hits, made an appearance here.

While here he tried to assume USMC's Identity and made a number of comments,  He spammed those comments repeatedly.  he did the same with a number of comments made under his most recent Florida Today User name Bumpyfeller.

As a result I have set the site to comments must be approved.  I will approve comments as quickly as possible.  I am very sorry for the inconvenience

I believe all the offending comments including those involving identity theft have been removed.  If you find one that hasn't please contact me and it will be taken care of. 

Contributors should be able to post with no issues


  1. Thanks Grumpy. The only problem with still having to work. I can't qickly get down there, spend a few days, and eliminate the perp. His kind usually do not last long. Kinda thought it had found a girlfriend, job or both during that 2 month respite when all Blogs maintained a level of civility and mutual respect. Guess he got dumped and fired all in the same week. Guard the Paxil & lexipro.

  2. Hey Grumpy, this is Monkeypuzzler. You've been hacked on the FL Today site. Pic, name, all of it. Didn't send you a message on it because I didn't know if it would even get to you. Here's a link...
    Good luck, and have a good day. Monkeypuzzler


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