Several Media outlets are Report Bin Laden is dead... President is making an unscheduled announcement... 2130 eastern...
Bin Laden was killed May 2nd, 10 years after the 9-11 attacks. He was shot in a firefight with a small team of U.S. Navy Seals that raided the compound where he was holed up with some trusted advisers. He was hiding more or less in plain sight only 35 miles from Pakistan's capital Islamabad
Details of the raid are sketchy, it sounds like the Seals arrived in two choppers and a rehearsed plan, that reduced the likelihood of collateral damage.. Reports suggest the besides Bin Laden, three other people including one woman were killed. There has been no mention of American casualties. Bin Ladin's body is in American hands and has been positively ID-ed...
Obama finished addressing the nation, WE GOT THE SOB; Here's the video
From the CNN live Blog.. 0042am eastern
[Updated, 12:24 a.m. ET] A team of U.S. Navy SEALs carried out the operation in Pakistan that ended in the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, CNN's Chris Lawrence reported. The operation lasted about 40 minutes, and the team had practiced the raid a few times.
Earlier, CNN's Nick Paton Walsh, citing a senior Pakistani intelligence official, reported that members of Pakistan's intelligence service - the ISI - were on site in Abbotabad, Pakistan, during the operation that killed bin Laden. The official said he did not know who fired the shot that actually killed Bin Laden
In DC Crowds celebrate the Son of Bitch's Death in front of the White House after Obama's Speech
G-d bless the SEALs.
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful news. Everyone should be on guard though. This is going to set those radicals off.
ReplyDeleteBBC reports he was shot in the head, US forces took possession of the body, which was buried at sea.
ReplyDeleteThey should have dragged his rotted corpse through the streets of New York.
ReplyDeleteIt was a shame to have polluted the water with his body. I hope that it doesn't float.
Sounds like that waterboarding of KSM worked?
ReplyDeleteThis was apparently the source of the intel that led the US military to his luxurious quarters in Pakistan. Don't expect to hear much about it on TV or in print though.
If politically-correct types are still crabby about water-boarding - wonder how they feel about giving this dirt bag a 'lead aspirin' and feeding him to the sharks?
Sincerely hope afforementioned sharks don't break a tooth while recycling him (although I hear that the tooth will grow back...). Bin Laden will also grow back - there's another Extremist just dying to take the 'title' in the wings somewhere.
Bin Laden yesterday - shark pooh today.
C'est la vie.
Guess I'm still one of the politically-correct types. We executed Japs for waterboarding Americans. And Mike, what makes you think waterboarding of KSM had anything to do with getting OBL.
ReplyDeleteBud, Heard the initial reports that the source of the intel was KSM on several news channels over the past nine hours.
ReplyDeleteJust found this on The NY Times site:
"For nearly a decade, American military and intelligence forces had chased the specter of Bin Laden through Pakistan and Afghanistan, once coming agonizingly close and losing him in a pitched battle at Tora Bora, in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan. As Obama administration officials described it, the real breakthrough came when they finally figured out the name and location of Bin Laden’s most trusted courier, whom the Qaeda chief appeared to rely on to maintain contacts with the outside world.
Detainees at the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, had given the courier’s pseudonym to American interrogators and said that the man was a protégé of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the confessed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks."
According to this report from the Times, info came from a 'protege of KSM'. More details will come to light as this thing unfolds, but preliminary reports late last night and this morning pointed the source of the intel as 'KSM' himself, presumably after a bout on the board.
I don't wish anyone a 'waterboarding', but then again, if I could prevent one more American from dying at the hands of a group of 'bad guys'... Well, what can I say? I value our respective lives more than I value their ability to 'breathe regularly'. From a waterboarding, administered with an MD standing by, you re-cover.
From a guy screaming in a foreign tongue as he saws off your head with a knife? Not so much.
Mike, Bud's an old soldier, well old Air Force pilot.. a strong believer in the rules of war.. also capible of fine tuning them a bit if it means saving lives..
ReplyDeleteSOL; No arguement from me
Sandra, I saw a photo, little rough to post here.. looks like him, if he took up using Grecian for Men...also looks very dead..
Good point Fishy... pretty sure this won't make people on their side happy..
Yishai... God bless them, each and every one.
When all is said and done, It is results that matter. I for one am happy to see that barry learned from carter's mistakes. (Militarily that is NOT Economically)
ReplyDeleteMike, You have completely missed the point. Info gained from torture is not reliable. The victim will say anything he thinks the torturer wants to hear. I wouldn't be willing to risk our troops lives, based on info from someone tortured. The main thing I learned in POW training, was you only had to resist until your guys learn that you were captured--they then change plans, locations, etc. I believe the bad guys are smart enough to figure that out. But---hooray for the our SEALS
ReplyDeletePS. If you're just looking for revenge--that's another story.
ReplyDeleteI'm for the rules of war if everyone is following them. The Japanese and vietcong didn't play by the rules and neither do the bastards in the middle east. Bud you're right revenge can taste sweet.
ReplyDeleteThere are no rules in the war game anymore; haven't been since 1864, more particularly since 1944. Ask any civilian survivor who lived in Dresden or Hiroshima or Nagasaki or who worked in the WTC. But torture as an instrument of policy only serves to increase an opponent's will to resist. That being said, all forms of 'enhanced interrogation' are not necessarily torture.
ReplyDeleteVery well said Bob. A well place electrode can get you a lot of info.
ReplyDeleteFishy, don't think I ever want to get you POed
ReplyDeleteThere ARE rules in war, but they only apply to Israel, and they are applied in a manner to make us fight with our hands tied behind our backs.
For instance, if terrorists are shooting at our civilians from a heavily populated area (often with their full support), we aren't allowed to neutralize them.
Having character and morals is not an easy thing. Like most of you I would love to exact a little revenge on the enemy. I would have been all to willing to participate.
ReplyDeleteBut then I have to stop myself and realize who I am and what I try to represent. It sucks to be a good guy.
Captain.. we intentionally took out Yamamoto in WWII, spent a fair amount of money to do it.. I don't recall hearing about any revenge arguements over that.