Monday, March 14, 2011

Horrific Attack: Children were Slaughtered in their Beds (Warning: Graphic Video in this Article)

First video, shortly after the horrific terrorists murders of the Fogel family (WARNING: GRAPHIC NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, OR THOSE WITH WEAK HEARTS):

Murder of the Fogel family in Itamar - Name and Faces of Victims

SECOND VIDEO, shortly after Sunday afternoon funeral in Jerusalem:

It is time the truth is told to the West, the E.U., U.N. and all who favor this Administration's (and that of the Quartet) "Road map" to peace between the Palestinians and the State of Israel.  Last Friday evening, on March 11, 2011, a horrific act of terrorism was committed in Samaria, just north of Jerusalem.  From what we know to-date, two Palestinian terrorist slipped through the windows of a Jewish family sleeping, and murdered the father, mother and three of their six children; the youngest, a 3 month old baby.

The world has been mostly silent about this latest act of terrorism occurring in Israel.  As a matter of fact, the latest word from the Obama administration is one of condemnation towards the State of Israel, accusing Israel of inciting the Palestinians to anger, because Israel announced that they would build more homes in Judea and Samaria in honor of the blessed memory of the Fogel family's senseless murders by Palestinian terrorists.  What this administration has done is sided with the Palestinians and continue the lie that Jews are occupying their own land - land the Arabs claim belongs to the Palestinian Arabs.

Real Americans has been monitoring this horrific story over the weekend, as have many friends of Israel.  Thousands of Israelis attended the funeral of the Fogel family on Sunday afternoon; while those in Gaza distributed candy in celebration of this young Jewish family dying at the hands of cowardly terrorists.  There is talk that Israel may have captured the terrorists earlier today, however, we are still awaiting final word from Israel's leaders to confirm this news.

What makes this recent act of terror different from other acts of terrorism?  What has caused Israel to release videos and photos of the scenes of this murder, when in the past they have not done so, to respect the dead?  Perhaps, this murder is the "last straw"; the camel that broke the backs of all Jews and their only Jewish home, Israel - a place where Jews should be safe and live in peace. Normally, the State of Israel, out of respect for the dead, will not distribute graphic photos.  However, the family asked that these photos be released to demonstrate to the world exactly what Israel faces on a daily basis, from her so-called neighbors and those professing to want "peace", while refusing to accept the  Land of Israel's right to exist.

How many videos; how many photos has America presented of the Islamic attack on our soil Sept. 11th?  Thousands - too many to count and we say, rightfully so, "We shall never forget".  Our administration would like us to forget who did this to us; he has attempted to make 9/11 a "Day for Volunteers" and I ask, "Volunteer for what - to become a suicide bomber?!"  He supports the attempts to allow the Islamic community leaders in NY to build a Victory mosque at Ground Zero, rather than support the majority of Americans who are against the building of a mosque so close to our 3,000 dead at the hands of Islam.  He has proven over and over again, that when he said he would stand by the Muslims, he has kept his word, over the wishes and safety of America.

So, there is nothing new under the sun, and nothing surprises me about Obama's support for the Palestinians, over the best friend America has, the only democratic country in the Middle East, Israel.

With that in mind, I would like to ask you to please take a moment and sign this Petition:

If you wish to search the sidebar of Real Americans Defend Israel, to read more about Israel, or this latest act of terrorism, I welcome you and thank you, in advance, for your interest and support.

Bee Sting


  1. Bee Sting, I know this was a very difficult post for you to make. It is something Americans need to know about. Thank You

  2. Excellent blog BeeSting, this is what the Israelis have to deal with daily, I say enough!

  3. Bee and Grumpy, the words:
    "the Obama administration is one of condemnation towards the State of Israel, accusing Israel of inciting the Palestinians to anger" makes me naseuous at best, as this is exactly the same tact and reason for his world apology tour in support of his moslum brotherhood. Does this traitor not realize he himself is fueling and inciting the American people to action? He will in 2012. . . Not to let the point go astray of the Fogel family tragedy, may there be peace and happiness in their afterlife, and that the loss be of value here on earth as contributing to a resolution towards peace and happiness to future generations.

  4. Excellent column and comments. And to think many question Congressman King's hearings to investigate the radicalization of American Muslims.

  5. I agree Marine, Bee Sting did an excellent job of reporting on tragic incident. I know from a private conversation it was painful for her to write the post..

    The comments you, Lefty and Madpole made show that you "Get It" even if Obama doesn't..

    As Lefty said;

    Not to let the point go astray of the Fogel family tragedy, may there be peace and happiness in their afterlife, and that the loss be of value here on earth as contributing to a resolution towards peace and happiness to future generations

  6. Excuse the delay in responding - my cable company apparently had a "meltdown" yesterday and so, not on computer until this morning.

    Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts and comments. I don't think anyone but Glenn Beck reported on this horrible act of terrorism on Monday evening; CNN and others gave a brief report, calling the terrorists "intruders" - must have made our president quite pleased.

    I agree with USMC 1949 - King's Congressional hearings are the most important, to reveal exactly who America's enemies are both here and abroad. Obama's support for radical groups, such as CAIR, should end his political career by 2012, if these investigations dig deep enough into how far-reaching Islam has become in America and in our federal government.

    thank you, dear friends, for your kind responses.


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