Friday, November 19, 2010

What up with Gannett and Soros?

Twice in about a month I've caught Gannett owned Publications quoting George Soros Funded Organizations as indisputable fact, wonder how many I've missed?

Like many of the people reading this I read and comment on several Internet news sites.  Most are a little slanted politically, personal opinion will show through regardless of how objective the writer tries to be.   If a site admits openly they're an opinion site, you expect their arguments to support their point of view.

The real question is what about newspapers?  Many of them masquerade as hometown newspapers and pass themselves off as honest news brokers.   Americans expect a little little slant, but what when a trusted News Media Outlet either ignores or forgets to mention the Information Source they're treating as Gospel Truth have an agenda all their own?  How trustworthy is the outlet.?

 That was the case recently in a Guest Editorial, Tea Party Racism published on Florida Today by Ken Warren.  I rebutted the article, (Another view: Tea Party racism?)   pointing out the the primary source for the writers information, Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights  was biased and the writer was apparently the only person out of several thousand to see something remotely offensive. Realistically I guess you can't hold Florida Today responsible for not not verifying information sources used in their guest editorials... I passed it it off  it as an isolated incident, and almost forgot about it.

Now might be a good time to point out that Florida Today is owned by Gannet ant the Institute for Research and Education is funded by George Soros.  Gannet actually owns over eighty news sites, most of them like Florida Today, community news outlets.  Gannett also happens to own USA Today, arguably their Premiere Site and Print Outlet.

Today an article in USA Today caught my attention,  Boycotts over immigration law cost Arizona millions;  written by Alan Gomez,  The USA TODAY Article starts off like this:

Economic boycotts against Arizona after the state passed an immigration enforcement law in April have resulted in more than $250 million in losses to the state's conference and convention industry, according to a report released Thursday.

Canceled conferences have led to the loss of more than 2,700 jobs, about $86.5 million in wages for Arizona workers and nearly $10 million in tax revenue for the state, according to the study conducted by the consulting firm Elliott D. Pollack & Company for the Center for American Progress, a liberal-leaning think tank. The study predicts the total damage to the conference industry could reach $388 million in coming years given the current rate of cancellations.

The study is the first to analyze the economic costs of the boycott.

IMMIGRATION LAW: U.S.-Latin America relations strained
HEARING STARTS: Ariz. illegal immigration law

Angela Kelley of the center said the study should serve as a "cautionary tale" to legislators in more than a dozen states who are considering similar legislation.

What Alan Gomez carefully forgot to mention in his article is the Center for American Progress, isn't exactly just a think tank, and left leaning is the understatement of the year,  The Center for American Progress is owned Lock, Stock and Barrel by none other than George Soros. Gomez doesn't seem to think this is remotely relevant in spite of the fact George Soros has spent a kings ransom promoting an open borders for America policy.   According to to an article in Bloomburg, the Center for American Progress is devoted to writing policy for the Obama Administration.  The Administration doesn't have to listen any more than they have to listen to any other lobbying group, that's true.  But if you read the Bloomburg article, it becomes clear they not only listen, they act.

To help promote its ideas, CAP employs 11 full-time bloggers who contribute to two Web sites, ThinkProgress and the Wonk Room; others prepare daily feeds for radio stations. The center's policy briefings are standing-room only, packed with lobbyists, advocacy-group representatives and reporters looking for insights on where the Obama administration is headed.
Premier Progressive'

``The center is the premier progressive think tank in Washington,'' said Mark Green, head of the New Democracy Project, an urban-affairs institute in New York.

Just eight days after the Nov. 4 election, CAP released a 300,000-word volume called ``Change for America: A Progressive Blueprint for the 44th President'' that offers advice on issues such as economic revival and fixing the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Work on the book began almost a year ago.

CAP, which has 180 staffers and a $27 million budget, devotes as much as half of its resources to promoting its ideas through blogs, events, publications and media outreach

Just yesterday George Soros "warned" Obama;  Olbermann: Soros Delivers Ultimatum To Obama That's a little more influence than the average K Street Lobbyist has on the President of the United States

 George Soros is also a big supporter of the United States having completely open borders.. Take a look at this 2006 article about Soros, much of it in his own words.   Now I suppose we could give Mr. Gomez the benefit of the doubt.  It's possible he had no idea who the Center for American Progress was or anything at all about their ties to the Open Border Society.  Hard to believe since Gomez writes a great deal about Illegal Alien Issues, I'm not buying it.. 

George Soros: Open Society and Open Borders 

(In Part)
The Open Society Institute is the cornerstone for the Soros Foundations Network, a group of Soros-funded organizations in more than 50 countries, which promote open-society concepts by influencing governmental policies. 
The various branches and paid instrumentalities of the network include Democracy Alliance,, America Coming Together, America Votes, The Center for American Progress, and other leftist front organizations, which advocate open borders for the United States — not for other nations but for the United States. These Soros-funded groups finance his camp followers, among them the Democratic Party, the National Organization of Women, abortion advocacy groups, various environmental groups, and last but not least, the increasingly powerful immigration special interest groups

Counting the Florida Today Guest Editorial this is twice in a relatively short period of time I've seen a Gannet Publication treat information distributed by a Soros funded group as indisputable fact. What's up with that??

I can only think of a couple reasons various Gannett publications would pass information presented by assorted Soros Funded Groups as fact without questioning the motivation.  The first of course, is money Soros makes no secret of the fact he uses his money to buy governments, part of that involves buying public opinion..  The second is  is Gannett considers itself do politically aligned with Soros that they'll blindly pass off any information Soros Funded Groups publish as fact..

The third possibility is I'm completely wrong...  The Florida Today and the USA Today events are a coincidence.   Gannett isn't giving Soros Funded groups a pass on either their motivation or the validity of their information...  It's just simple incompetence


  1. I remember in the 4th grade, the first time I had to write a paper, our teacher saying "Do not use the newspaper as a source".

    Newspapers are not sources for anything.

  2. Damned if Gannett isn't trying to prove her point.

  3. Grumpy, I tend to agree with you, but on the other hand doesn't the same apply to Rupert Murdoch's media sources?

  4. No Bud... Murdoch doesn't brag about buying National Governments. Murdoch doesn't Fund organizations to promote "Open Borders" or anything remotely similar to Media Matters, another Soros invention. I've yet to see Murdoch dictate a Presidents agenda, using China as a threat unless the President complied.

  5. He does fund Fox and a lot of talk radio that promoted Tea Party activities, and the far right agenda. Try to find someone slightly on the left in his outfit. The milquetoast Combes finally quit because he was always double and triple teamed. For fair and balanced-look again. They are worse than MSNB which is bad enough. Anything you hear on either needs to be fact checked by independent sources.

  6. Bud, I've been thinking about putting together a list of Soros funded organizations.. part of it reads like that list of Groups you had to swear you never had anything to do with when you got your security clearance.

  7. Interesting. I had TS and a couple others, but never swore to anything. They did snoop around my home town though.
    I sometimes think we spend too much time researching material to confirm our own convictions and not enough cross-checking sources on both sides of the issues. So say Confucius, or was it Confusedus

  8. Grumpy, Here is a pretty good place to start.

  9. YES,

    It was done in a local Erlanger Recorder(KY)in the Thursday March 3, 2011 edition by Jason Brubaker.

    "National study ranks local school well"

    "A national study by the Center for American Progress shows that school districts in Kenton County are getting a high return on their investment in education."

    A copy of this report can be found at



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