Thursday, October 28, 2010

Another view: Tea Party racism?

Was the title of the Florida Today Guest Editorial written by Ken Warren with a great deal of help from  from Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights.   Even though the title suggests a question the Warren made it clear the editorial was a verdict.  A quick stroll through IREHR's website will convince all but blindest of liberals that the the organization is not an unbiased source of information.  The general impression I got was, If you don't love Obama, you're a racist.  
Wondering what was behind an organization that went to such extremes to lump as many white people as as they possibly could into one evil anti-this or that, group or another, I went looking for the money.  The site did have a please donate, my feeling was that wasn't paying the bills.  Not with offices in Washington State, Missouri and Europe 
 Their Major Funding sources must like their privacy.  I couldn't find a list of major donors on their site, so I expanded my search, A quick glance told me I'm  I'm not the only only one looking.  I found several sources suggesting their money comes from Media Matters. George Soros and they have very close ties to the NAACP.  Funding by Soros would not surprise me since most of their open borders and Muslim Friendly  agenda could have been written by him.      
The thing I found out about their funding was that they have enough of it to investigate everyone else's from the NRA to your Aunt Millie's.  Don't worry, Aunt Millie's safe, as long as her Church donates to liberal causes and politicians
Getting back to Ken Warrens Editorial.. after he's done quoting  IREHR he tells us a little story, in his own words;

"In the 1980s, I served in a military unit near Indianapolis. One day, our commandant walked into our conference room for his weekly staff meeting. He started by talking about his recent vacation to a Spartan location.

“It was like going back to a better place and time. No TV, no telephones, no running water, no blacks,” he said.

I was the only black in the room. I felt every stunned eye pan toward me. After a few awkward moments, the meeting went on as if he’d never spoken those words and as if I was invisible."

The editors comment at the bottom of Mr. Warren's editorial tells us that Ken Warren is a retired military officer.  I was surprised they neglected to mention his his rank or branch of service. Most of the retired officers I know personally would be offended if the paper left of the Lt Col. USA ret. Whatever rank and branch were appropriate.  Mr Warren didn't mention what happened to the unnamed Racist Commandant.  The military does not approve or  tolerate comments like that, any officer making them at staff meeting would find himself relieved of command, and probably his pension.

Then Mr Warren tells about attending a TEA Party Rally here in Melbourne, but feeling uncomfortable when he saw a  Confederate Flag in the back of a pick up truck, he left.  One truck, out of a thousand or more vehicles?  To me  it sounds a little lame.  I can't help but wonder if he attended the Tea Party in the hopes of finding something, anything to prove all the people there were white racists.  The one truck, with one flag, provided all the proof he needed, or wanted.  Once again let me refer you to the IREHR website.

That's what I think, what do you think?

Update...  I thought something had changed from the time I originally read the editoral and the time I posted my blog, so I went back and took a look at my Florida Today Comments and found this

Grumpyelder wrote:

"Those events, plus the sight of a Confederate battle flag at a Melbourne tea party rally, triggered memories of my first encounter with overt racism and sparked concerns about the motivations of some conservatives."

Please enligten us. is Mr Warren saying there was a Confederate Flag Flying over the Melbourne Tea Party Rally? Or is he saying he happened to notice one on the radio anteana of one vehicle so he left? There were over 2000 people there, what exactly did he see?

10/28/2010 7:56:45 AM

Currently the editorial reads;

So it bothered me when I saw a huge Confederate battle flag flying on the back of a pickup truck at the April 15 tea party meeting at Wickham Park.

Funny, Florida Today didn't mention making editing changes to the article, and I have to ask the questions;

How does a Huge Flag fly from the back of a pick up truck, except in a parade,  How is it that no one noticed this remarkable sight except Mr Warren.  Was not Florida Today's own Matt Reed there as an observer? Why are there no photographs of this?

And why did the flag become a "Battle Flag"

You have to appreciate Florida Today's Ethical Editing. 


  1. I think this "racism" nonsense is played out, and isn't changing any minds. If anything, people on the fence are getting sick of it, expected it to be done with when a half-black man was elected President, and it's creating resentment against liberals more than anything.

  2. I'm inclined to agree Lewis, organizations like IREHR [lay it as the only reason anyone could not approve of Obamma, where is there any logic in that?

  3. The libs thought that was their ace in the hole. And it worked in the beginning. Obama was given a huge benefit of the doubt. But after horrible policy/decision after horrible policy/decision, that just won't play anymore. People forget how Presidents were treated in just recent history. Obama is still treated with kid gloves for the most part.

    There is absolutely no evidence that he is an intellectual heavy weight, but we're supposed to just take that for granted. He isn't, and he isn't a competent leader either. Everyone he has surrounded himself with is complete failure. His SCOTUS nominees were a total joke. I honestly can't believe we are experiencing this embarrassment of an administration. That says more about the morons that voted for him, and continue to support him, than anything else.

  4. I'm not sure why Florida Today ran a piece that left it's self as open to critisism as Tea Party Racism. There was very little there credible..

    I could post my reply as a blog, then see how long it last.

  5. One would have thought their advisors would have figured out the Racist chant caused their support to go down following the skippy gates debacle. Only the idiots and fools still cling to that idea. Oops, just answered it.

  6. I often wonder if anyone would actually recognize the Confederate States of America's Flag if it was flown. Most people mistakenly identify the Battle Flag, or Naval Flag as a CSA Flag.


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