Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welfare Cell Phones

Yes, folks, it can't get any crazier in the United Socialist States of America. The federal government now provides free cell phones and air time if one meets the following qualifications (see

"How to Qualify:
1.You already participate in other State or Federal assistance program such as Federal Public Housing Assistance, Food Stamps and Medicaid.
2.Your total household income is at or below of the poverty guidelines set by your State and/or the Federal Government."

Soooo...let me get this straight. We are over $14 million in debt, yet we have money available to pay for cell phones for those who can't afford one themselves??? YGBSM!! I thought welfare was to take care of the truly needy by providing sustenance and basic life services.

How come politicians and bureaucrats can't understand that by providing 'nice to have' amenities like a cell phone, we, the American people, are enabling and encouraging folks to stay on welfare and not help themselves improve their lot in life to become productive citizens?

Having lived in welfare states around the world while on active duty, I fear we are rapidly approaching the point where the US population mirrors the entitlement mentality of the socialist citizens of those countries. What comes when we run out of money to support this socilaist utopia can be witnessed daily by watching the union/entitlement class riots in Greece UK, France, etc.

Lets hope our new House of Representatives will include this in their proposed weekly budget cutting efforts. As importantly, they need to ensure legislation is in place to ensure Progressives can't get similar tripe into future bills.

(BTW—if the cell phone entitlement was meant to provide basic safety communications, e.g. calling 911, there are plans available to do just that at a very cheap rate….and I imagine it would be even cheaper in massive bulk)


  1. I think thoes phone only come with nominal minutes.. 10 or 20 per month. Enough so you can a friend if you see SWAT or Drug Enforcement staging near their house.

    The primary purpose is for 911 access.

  2. You can dial 911 from any cell phone even it isn't connected to a newwork. (I think a cop told me this.

  3. Issue flares...Red ones. The really dumb ones will remove the rabble from the gene pool.


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