Monday, November 22, 2010

Secure in their persons

This is how Janet Napolitano's TSA Treats a three year old little girl.

When asked about the objections of Muslim Women to the new security procedures this is what she had to say... 

No she didn't say Muslim Women would or wouldn't be exempt, she dance around the entire question for almost a minute without answering without answering.....   She didn't need to, Americans got the answer in September, before most of were aware of the current idiocy...

Well not all Muslims are Terrorists... but most terrorists, planning on taking down an aircraft, aren't three year old Christian or Jewish Girls.

Remember the Minister in Gainesville Florida that wanted to burn the Qu ran?  Admittedly it would have been  a stupid move that would benefit no-one..  However the reaction from the Muslim World Leaders was to expect increased violence against Americans..  The President,  Pentagon and Members of Congress were begging the idiot not to do it..  The message.  and we've seen it before is don't do anything that might offend Islam,

That Christian, Jewish, and Hindu Women might consider it equally offensive for the same reason Islamic law has a problem the idea seems irrelevant..  Islam is the religion we are not allowed to offend.....

People, regardless of their religion might object to it because it violates another law,

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Then again, this is the Obama Administration



  1. I am not Muslim, but I am complaining about being touched by a stranger. Religion is irrelevant. I don't like the scanners, but I will put up with them. The touching thing is offensive. IF the technology cannot "see" all relevant parts, then it's a technology problem.I see this is a no-win. If strong measures are not implemented and something happens, everyone will complain. If strong measures are implemented when Germany reports evidence of reason to be on heightened alert and the recent Fed Ex packages, we complain as well.

    Changes are being implemented, children will not be "examined." Pilots will not be radiated to death. Should the public have had ample warning? From a security perspective, the surprise factor would have been lost. So perhaps this has caused a necessary amount of disruption for the bad guys. We just don't know. I will put up with what I have to in order to complete travel plans in a couple of weeks, but there is a big question mark over my head IF I want to travel by plane at all.

    I read a "funny" that these special booths just ought to detonate explosives if they are on people......very dark humor, but certainly effective.

  2. DFTTS.. I don't think you'll be the only one who will question whether or not they want to travel by plane. I expect this to have a serious economic impact on the Airlines.

    Also as more people decide to bypass the Airlines, look for the Government to try to increase gasoline taxes.. And for Obama to promote expansion of the rail syatem.

  3. Grumpy: After the FedEx incident, reporting indicated that stepped up procedures would have an economic impact and that disruption makes the "bad guys" win. They don't need to blow up things to cause economic havoc.

  4. Don't misunderstand, if this causes an economic issue for the Airlines it won't be because Americans are afraid of the "Bad Guys". It will be because of TSA Policy.

    I'm trying to figure out if there is a potential unintended consquence to the the Detonation Boths.

  5. My military career was all about security. The threat..where material is less than the size of a packet of sweet-n-low.

    Tuck it under your boobs...x-ray will not see it.

    Tuck it up your butt..xray will not see it.

    The scanners, and pat downs will NOT stop or even slow down a serious attacker.

    Dogs go much further in deterring explosives but even they are not effective.

    This is just a political make you feel good move. Nothing to do with security.

  6. I agree with you Capt., except I think this is a "make government and their cronies feel good" move. Like everything government does, it is completely self-serving. They have no role in "security" of private property; that is unless consumers want the most inept, expensive, and inefficient security possible. And of course, consumers wouldn't. That's why everything government does requires coercion.

  7. If it was designed to be a Politically Feel Good manuver someone at the highest levels of government needs a course in basic human nature. This is an execise in power... and the public isn't happy..

  8. It's a no-win. If they had done nothing, the public wouldn't be happy and say "where was the government?" If they do something, the public isn't happy, "why are they doing this?"

    I'll put up with the scanners, but object to the pat downs. Capt. BE is right, a serious attacker can create vast havoc without getting on an airplane.

    These scanners were announced during the previous administration. Michael Chertoff is a consultant to the firm that manufactures them. Nothing new in this. An exercise in $$$$$$$$.

  9. We all know these "people" will stop at nothing. They are willing to die for the cause. Who knows what some woman would shove up her vjj. Pat downs won't find that. I used the scanner last summer in SLC. I wondered why that security line was so short. WTH if some pervert wants to look at my saggy boobs so be it. IMO we need profiling. Ok I'll step off the cross someone else might need the wood! :)

  10. Some kind of profiling system makes sense. Omar Khadr's sister could walk right through because the TSA is afraid of PO'ing CAIR. Meantime Fishy, (I've met her, so I know this) an all American girl from the Mid West is a prime target.

    Reports of searches are popping up all over, in every case I've heard so far the subject has been intimidated, and in some cases threatened. We're being told the Fourth Amendment doesn't apply because Air Travel is voluntary.. If the TSA doesn't modify this program PDQ there won't be enough volunteers to keep the Airline Indusry flying

  11. "We're being told the Fourth Amendment doesn't apply because Air Travel is voluntary."

    That's the biggest joke of all isn't it? And here us mundanes thought that inherent rights were inalienable...No one consents to government, btw. The airlines haven't and neither have citizens. It's just that government has many more instruments of death and torture, and can use them legally at will.

  12. Years ago someone said the governments attacks on organized crime had more to with eliminating competition than fighting crime.

  13. My husband and I are agreeing to disagree but then he is a man and well lets just say, he's a man.:) I repeat I don't mind the scanner but I am against some untrained idiot, who couldn't get a job anywhere else, groping me. TSA needs to give these people proper training. Hell today at work, I called a little girl by here name and she ran to her dad, asking, "how did that lady know my name". But they want complete strangers touching her "hoo ha". The 4th amendment doesn't apply anymore. We have lost our rights under this regime.

  14. Fishy.... you and I are around the same age.. (you're better preserved) for our entire lives we've watched the erosion of freedoms we took for granted when we were younger...

  15. If you recall, the one 9/11 attacker who was stopped was stopped by a security officer who didn't like the way he answered questions, his nervousness, his mannerisms. She talked to him and that is all it took.

    A similar incident happened at the US/Canada border and it was also stopped by a border security person talking to the person who had explosives in the trunk and the security person realizing that the driver was nervous, edgy, sweating, etc.

    Both of these people were stopped via methods that are no longer in use. We have stopped asking questions and watching the reaction of the person, and now we rely solely on machines and illegal pat downs. We will stop nothing with these methods becauee there are ways to get around them and the bad guys know those ways. Talking to someone and watching their eyes, their twitchiness, their foreheads sweat cannot be done by a machine.

    If we get rid of the machines, the illegal pat downs and the wrong-thinking PC, we can return to the methods that have been proven to work and save the hassle, prevent long lines (and frustration) and probably save lives.


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