Monday, November 1, 2010


I'll  bet someone is PO'ed, Florida Today returned this to their Blog Page,  minutes after I announced publicly it was gone.

Election Eve here in Florida, not that term applies any more, since roughly ha 50% of the votes here in Florida, and many other places have already been been cast.  I miss the time when Election Day was a Holiday and most people where off.  Generally it was a boring holiday.  

Well except for the year when a buddy of mine turned 21 on election day.  The poor guy was a Vietnam Vet, but couldn't buy a drink across the bar,  He'd gotten busted trying the Saturday night before his Election Day Birthday..  So  on Tuesday Morning we went looking for an open bar, then an open liquor store, finally had to settle for a "beer only" bar another friend managed.  With the back door unlocked we started inviting friends about 10:oo am that morning.  Since the cash register was full by the time he could legally open, the owner didn't even object to loudly about the couple holes birthday boy shot into the ceiling.

This election has been every bit as entertaining, but a lot less fun.  Two years ago the American people voted for change, and they got it, in ways they never imagined.  Washington DC was taken over over my a one party system of arrogant educated elitists who decided they'd been mandated to "Rule", not lead the country.  They boasted they'd rule for the next forty years without opposition.  For two years they ignored everything the voters told them.  If sixty or seventy percent of the voters told them something was a bad idea, the Administration with a rubber stamp Congress was almost certain to do it.. The economy, jobs, bailouts, stimulus. Obamacare and the War on Arizona come to mind, I could think of dozens more, but you get the idea.

The Administration, and it's supporters went to great lengths to vilify it's enemies, enemies being anyone who questioned the judgement of the chosen one.  They were called neanderthals, knuckle draggers, inbreds, ignorant, violent extremists, racists, teabaggers and worse. Did I remember to say racists?  That seemed to be the favorite accusation. Since the administrations supporters had to "sound" intellegent whether they were or not, let me defer... Dennis Prager put it this way in Frank Rich and the state of liberal commentary

It is commonplace for liberals and leftists to avoid refuting conservative arguments and just dismiss the conservative with one of seven epithets: "Racist," "Bigoted," "Sexist," "Intolerant," and the three phobias: "Homophobic," Xenophobic," "Islamaphobic."
Such ad hominem dismissals of conservatives and their arguments testify to the shallowness of those using these terms, meaning, unfortunately, most mainstream commentators and spokesmen on the left. The fact is that epithets substitute for thought -- and at the same time render it easy to write a left-wing column

The the next thirty hours will determine if America wants to be Ruled by people who talk like that, or led by people who not only talk like the rest of us, but understand and listen to us. I'm betting on the latter, it's a pretty basic concept and one Americans have gotten used to over the years.  Traditionally we've never reacted well to being ruled, or dictated to..Surprised they don't teach that at Harvard.

Earlier today is saw the tally of Florida  Early Voters According to their Party Affiliation there is no way to tell who actually got the votes, but if the Party Afflitation is any indicator Arrogance is in deep do do..

Party .................2010............................2008................................. 2006

Dem .................36.5% ........................45.6% ................................43.6%
Ind................... 14.3%........................ 17.1%................................15.4%
Rep.................. 49.2% .......................37.3%.................................41.0%
Source: Early voting is over in Fla., and Dems still trail badly

The early tally represents approximatley 50% of the expected vote total and untill they are counted there is is no way of knowing who actually got the vote.  All indicators are that this is going to be a vote very much along party lines with the Independents likely to vote heavilly against arrogance.

If these numbers hold throughout the day tomorrow, Florida is going to be a very Red State

I'm looking forward the post mortum on arrogance


  1. Tomorrow Tomorrow the sun will come out Tomorrow...

    I'm ready. Got my cute r/w/b outfit with flag earrings laid out and my sample ballot marked.

    It it great to be an American.

    BTW the year I turned 21 they lowered the drinking age in Wyoming.

  2. My Buddie Ernie got fined 200 bucks, in 1970 dollars for underage drinking, 3 day before his birthday

  3. Well I didn't say I had never drank before just sayin....

  4. Damn poor Ernie, getting caught was the tricky part ;)

  5. It was in Colorado, they had beer bars for 18 year olds, and real bars if you were over 21. Ernie tended bar at one of the beer bars part time, He was celebrating with a few friends in a real bar, figuring the bar patrol knew him and would leave him alone.

    The Bar Patrol walked, figured a couple people at the table were under 21.. They recognised Ernie thought he was over 21 so to make it easy, they ID him first.

  6. Where and when was Election Day a holiday? It would be a State decision, I suppose. In spite of it being a regular workday, people manage by early voting which includes Saturdays, send in absentee ballots, or just stand in line if they need to on election day in their communities. I can only remember one election that I've missed.

    I may not be happy with the results, but I am very proud of the way we maintain an orderly process each electoral season and an orderly continuation of government business. To live in our democracy requires participation to keep it alive. The civil and passionate disagreements are part of that participation.

  7. Grumpy - Both sides were unpleasant and leaned to vilification. I reject it from whatever corner it comes from, but no side cornered the market.

  8. DFTTS.. Up until [rpbably sometime in the 70's polls closed at 6;00, small employers knew if they gave someone time off to vote, they'd be gone for the rest of the day anyway. Many polling sites were located in schools.. kids weren't allowed near the polls so they'd be a school holiday. Places that sold alcohol couldn't open until after the polls closed..

  9. LBJ used to tell this joke.

    While campaigning in El Paso I came upon a young boy crying. So I asked him "Paco Why are you crying?"

    Paco said, "My father was in town yesterday, and he did not come by to see me."

    "Paco", I said, "You know your dad has been dead for nearly 4 years."

    Paco said, "Well according to the polls he found the time to vote."

    Absentee voting used to be just for the disabled..and the dead.

  10. "LOOKS LIKE I OFFENDED FLORIDA TODAY AGAIN, Went to vote and grab coffee about 07:15, got back around 08:20 and this had been removed comments and all from their blog page"

    FT only allows patronizing, sanctimonious pablum on election day; as evidenced by Matt's column this morning.

  11. I just noticed they put it back up! Of course my reply to Gpa on his vote blog was removed. I got the message loud and clear........YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE NO ON THE AMENDMENTS........Sorry I was simply pointing out when we amend the state constitution we are saying the govorner can call out the National Guard to enforce. I don't think we need the NG to enforce pigs in boxes, high speed rail or the class size in our schools. JMO

  12. Just commented on Matt's piece, suggested FT should try following his advice.

  13. Grumpy, in reference to that whole Confederate flag and racism nonsense, here is an article this morning from Walter Williams about blacks who served in the Confederate army.

    First sentence says it all - "One tragedy of war is that its victors write its history and often do so with bias and dishonesty."

  14. I don't mean to change the subject drastically, but we are waiting to see how things unfold. There are some other recent stories running by, sort of follow ups on previous Grumpy blogs:
    1) Afghan police unit defects to the Taliban and leave behind a burning building. No talk on the war in these elections.
    2) The youngest Gitmo prisoner got his day in court and sentenced to one year more in Gitmo before completeing 8 more years in Canada, his home country. Canada has rejected taking him back thus far. I guess we'll know next year.
    3)A Saudi prince says the proposed mosque is too close to the WTC, which causes pain in the too recent wound in citizen hearts, and not a decent enough neighborhood for a mosque. He suggests moving several more blocks away. I guess we'll watch that one develop....or fade.

  15. Regarding Matt's piece, there's something missing I think. Some time ago, a newspaper reported the results of a research project that seemed odd to me. So, I went to the original report and could not figure out how the reporter came up with the conclusions. In other words, it was not fact reported but an interpreation, and a poor one. Then, another instance, a reporter provided factual results, but did not provide the details of the test or issue being studied. That information makes a difference in understanding.

    So, I make it a habit to read the source materials and draw my own conclusions.

  16. DFTTS, I think Matt tries, but Matt has a familly to support. Not a matter of ethics, just kids who like to eat.

    I saw a couple articles on Khadr. It's going to be interesting, Canada doesn't want. The reunion between him and his brother (the one that turned CIA) could prove interesting. I'd also be willing to bet that shortly after that reunion (if he survives)he'll disappear into Pakistan.

    I think the developers were counting on Al Waweed and friends for a lot of money. Without it, you're right, the Mosque might fade away.

  17. Talk of Afghanistan was a no win for either side. The GOP couldn't use it without voters being reminded that regardless of the reason, they started it. The Dems couldn't use it without reminding the 25% or so who still strongly back Obama that we are still there and troop levels have increased.

    Questioning everything and making your own judgement calla is skill all to few of us have or use, keep it up.

  18. Lew, if it wasn't so sad, it would be funny. Had my daughters at Mt Vernon about ten years ago. I was amazed to find that unlike his neighbors who got rich growing tobacco, George Washington, (being politicaly correct) was a soybean farmer.


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