Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Just a short note to the POS that tried posting these comments;

Rick Santelli is an idiot, no a fuxxxxx moronic imbicilic txxx swallowing axx munch. He is like a drug dealer complaining about crack cocaine adn the problems that are associated with it, fxxxxxxx. By Anonymous on The Whole World Is Watching at 11:33 AM
Comment has to be approved ? The same wimp about calling Florida Toady idiots for deleting posts, fxxxxxx hypocrit! By Anonymous on The Whole World Is Watching at 11:34 AM

The system is designed to filter out comments made by ANONYMOUS COWARDS that try to bury their profanity and hate in older posts, where they believe they are less likely to be found.


  1. Wait...I speak fluent retard...Let me decipher this.

    "Dear sir..I am a 17 year old fat girl."

    Yep...that is what it says.

  2. Nope Capt, says I'm a 400 pound arsehole with no friends. Can't leave my house cause I can't walk to my car and the fire department said quit calling 911 when you have to poop,

  3. Nope a different one, or at least a different IP number, carrier and provider. This one looks like it may be playing on the bosses time.

  4. I'm thinking they would need to call 411 to get the number to 911

  5. I was joking with Capt Grumpy. ;)

  6. Just a hunch, but he/she/it picks its nose then double dips the chips. Not a whole lot of social etiquette. Not that it matters though. it is the only guest in the basement.


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