Friday, October 29, 2010

What Happens When You Don't Pay Attention to Detail

Democrat Tim Spear is running for the North Carolina State Legislature.  Tim is not exactly up to speed on history...especially Military History.

Tim's Campaign created a nice flyer showing his support for the troops.

A flier for North Carolina Democrat Tim Spear
Tim's Flyer
The Text Reads "In Combat, you always want another soldier covering your back".  Very Nice sentiment.  

One Problem...Lets look at the picture...only larger.  

A flier for North Carolina Democrat Tim Spear
Notice the Helmets?

Tim's Staff picked a picture of Actors in WWII garb...specifically the German Army.  But wait..there is more.

A flier for North Carolina Democrat Tim Spear
Those are Camo Uniforms!
In is the Camo Worn by the SS.

Thanks Tim...


  1. Some of this stuff would make an excellent Blooper book or video. It just can't be made up.

  2. Last night I stayed up late to respond to the community's preference and suggestion to get a "name" that's recognizable. So here it is. It was no snap-crackle-pop and my little picture isn't showing up here. I will have to log on each time, not matter. This will have to do.

    Now to the point of the blog. DETAILS - Yes, they sure DO matter. SOme can be fooled, just some. Widespread notion that any old thing, statement will do. Images are significant contributions to a story and require the same attention to detail and factual representation as the words.

  3. Way to go Young Lady. Happy to see the ID & image. It was not you we were referring to the other day as anonymous.

  4. DFTTS.. I agree fully with the Marine, on both parts,

    No-one could or would consider comparing you to Anonymous we were talking about underneath the cartoon Capt posted.

    If the thought even occured to you, that we were refering to DFTTS I apologise.

  5. That's hysterical, Black Eagle! Excellent find!

    One of the differences between a proglib and a True Conservative is that the True Conservative would have paid attention to that detail and it would not have been a total mess-up as Tim Spears' staff made. Amazing.

  6. ..... and a true conservative would not have failed to follow the Ethics rules on financial disclosure as our own State Senator Haridopolos.

  7. Haridopolis would have been fairly easy for the dems to target this year. Even before the disclosure issue.

    He raised taxes and fees that affect every resident in Florida while leaving big luxury items untouched. Regardless of how you feel about the subject, his extra buck a pack tax on cigarettes cost 20-25% of the states voters hundreds of dollars.

    His very well paid No Show Job at the Community College would have made him an easy target

    Don't forget the SB 6 fiasco. That's the biggest reason Crist had any support when he started running.

    Yet Haridopolis is running unopposed.

  8. How did we get to the point in this nation of "limited" Constitutional, representative government were politicians are thought of as anything other than thieves and bullies? How could they now deserve anything other than our derision and contempt? Exactly what do any of them engage in, other than predation and parasitism of productive individuals and endeavors?

    The Anti-Federalists have been vindicated.


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