Sunday, October 24, 2010

Right Turn, deleted

Very Important update, Florida Today has restored Both USMC and Right Turn I've been checking the status of Right Turn fairly frequently all day...  to make sure I'm not misleading people.. I believe they corrected the issue within the last hour.   Will we get an explaination. that remains to be be seen.

Update; Gabriel just expressed his thoughts about his Florida Today Blog being removed by the editors on Right Turn Forever in a blog titled Censorship

Yesterday I went from to visit Florida Today Featured Blog  "Right Turn" written by Jim Manely who uses the name Gabriel on Florida Today.  I was on the Florida Today's Opinion Page so I scrolled down to the bottom of the page where Gabriel's Picture appeared directly underneath  Sheree's Photograph and clicked the link.  This is essentially what came up.  Click on Gabriel's Recommended  221 below and see for yourself.  I expect the link may get changed broken when Florida Today realizes how asinine it looks to advertise that they did this;

Gabriel's page Recommended (221)

This community member's page is currently being reviewed by the editors.

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Gabriel has not made any contributions yet. Check back for updates or leave Gabriel a message.

Maybe not, but there are now 93 now blank pages of blogs he didn't contribute, not counting all his comments elsewhere.  With a little creativity I was able to salvage this, the lead in from his first Florida Today Blog 

Right Turn

For those who think, care, and act
Right Turn

Posted 3/13/2008 7:38 PM EDT on

Hi All, This is my first effort. My hope is to stimulate genuine thinking among those who really care about the future of our country. We are all in this together and I truly believe that we all care about the future of America. Please take the time to read, to think for yourselves and then do something ... Read More »

Comments (2)
Permanent Link

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Unfortuately the the "Read More.........",  no longer takes you anywhere.

My FT Blog Archive has five blogs listed on each page, I believe Gabriel had seven per page.  If we use the five that I'm certain were there, we'd have a minimum of 461 Blogs Gabriel didn't contribute.  As everyone that posts blogs knows, there are days when you wonder why you didn't get a single comment, and wonder why you got skunked..  On the other hand, there are days when you are amazed at all the comments.  Gabe had a lot of  those before his blog started getting deleted several times a day.  I've seen him go welll over a hundred comments many times, for a long time he seemed to run well over 50 every day,  As his blogs started vanishing the the number started declining.  I'll pick a number I think is probably low..  If Gabe averaged 20 Comments per Blog we have around 9000 comments No One Ever contributed.  

I'd say conservatively, at least 10,000 posts are gone, the real number my easily be more than double..  Yet if you believe Brevard County's Largest News Outlet those Blogs and Comments never exisited,  The Media wonders why they no longer have the pubic trust they once enjoyed,  The idiocy of a media outlet doing what they did to Right Turn still advertising Right Turn on their opinion page tells you all uou need to know about how the paper is managed. 

In early 2008  John Glisch, the Editorial Editor of Florida Today approached Jim Manely and asked him to writes a daily blog for the papers website.  Jim agreed, and with the exception of a couple of a few vacations
has done so ever since.  I spoke to Jim last night, John Glitch had not even bothered with the simple coutesey of an email telling Jim the paper was ending the relationship.  In fact the paper did it through a process called Trick Banning. (explained here by Yugo Mary)  Jim Manley would not even have known his work had vanished until someone outside the paper told him.

In case you're under any illusions about becoming a Featured Blogger on Florida Today, it;s a pretty one sided deal. FT gives you a title and lists you as a Featured Blogger on their Opinion Page, end of compensation.  No Pay, No Benefits and not many thank-yous.  Since March 3, 2008 Jim has been doing this for free.  It appears that Florida Today decided to sever their relationship with Gabriel but didn't seem to think it was even worth the effort to tell  him.

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated

By the way Gabriel's Right Turn can still be found at Right Turn Forever


  1. What should be kept in mind is - not only did FT not pay Gabriel, on the contrary, Gabriel generated substantial revenue for FT through mouse clicks.

    FT is owned by Gannett, an international media conglomerate. They are only concerned with the bottom line; which is fact I think it's wonderful. Profit and loss is what makes the market work. It allows those who serve their fellow man to prosper by doing just that, while those that don't, or do it less than their competitors, become "yesterday's news".

    Having said that, just keep in mind what this is all about. Like all crony-capitalists, Gannett is willing to promote the increased control and pervasiveness of the state, so long as they get to be one of the ruling class and share in the plunder.

    Without the protection of coercive government, media conglomerates couldn't exist. This is why the state is desperately trying to regulate the internet...even creating an internet "kill switch". The state's mouth-piece is dying out along with the state itself, and rightly so. This process is being accelerated by the internet. We are lucky indeed.

    Once again, these are exciting times.

  2. From DFTTS:
    Seems like Donald Trump style has taken hold. It would be common courtesy to explain to Gabriel what is going on and improve the blogging service to the community by better explaining the rules; however, logic does not apply here. FT owns the site and owns the content posted. They can do whatever they wish and under no obligation to explain. I do notice that Mr. Captain has a string of blogs up and holding steady. I looked around his blogs and notice the absence of images. In his chicken series, no copyright infringement applies since the commentary is about chickens and likely the images come from the public domain or private library. So pictures seems to be a problem for the FT. At the same time, an overuse of images in the blog area drains the FT network, file size becomes an issue. These would be a logical explanations of the things going on - if logic applies. Having said that Grumpy, Gabriel, and others have private websites now with a following apparently so it really doesn't matter what FT does, right?

    I will exit from FT altogether and visit the half a dozen or so blogs that have a presence on the internet and post a comment from time to time if I feel like it and if the blogger has expressed an interesting point of view. I see Grumpy links to Yugo and vice versa. Allies of sorts? YugoMary leaves me speechless, a remarkable amount of time and energy to put it together.

  3. dftts

    They showed the same amount of respect for Gabriel as they give the one link advertisting spammers on their Opinion Blogs and Trick Banned him the same way.

    Yes, I guess Yugo and I are allies of sorts.

    Floriduhtody acts as a check for Florida Today Readers similar to the way Televised Political Comedy Shows act as a check on Politicians.

    The Vanishings and Trickbanning of various conservative political comments, blogs and authors on Florida Today indicate to me she provides a legitmate and necessary service if Florida Today is to remain somewhat fair and balanced.

    Yugo Mary's site is a lot more fun for the average reader than Grumpy

  4. Online media is the present and future of news and opinion delivery and Gannet doesn’t yet have a handle on how to manage it yet. It is at their own peril that they don’t. The old school news paper business model is dead and those who haven’t caught on are hemorrhaging money. Still very few outlets have come up with a way to make the Internet version profitable. Gannet in general and Florida Today are perfect examples of this.

    From what I am gathering from the communication that Grumpy is having with FT is that this online version is just some sort of a side thing that management doesn’t care much for. This interaction with the readers in the form of commentary and opinion blogs is wild and wooly when your experience is that of the total control that is easily exerted on print media. Again, they do so at their own risk because when someone comes along with a model for delivering interactive local news and opinion through the Internet paying advertisers will follow.

  5. Good work Mr. Grump! There will surely be more news along this line in the near future. I and other "Sons Of Liberty" have permanently cancelled all memberships, subscriptions and taken it a few steps further. One of those steps is to discontinue all present and future advertising in their daily rag. We are also encouraging other Brevard businesses "who care" to seek alternatives for their advertising $. We might even have a plan to bring some new competition into their "little market place", as you and Gabe have in your own way. Brevard County has over 1/2 million, mostly conservative residents who have had to put up with Florida Todays leftist slant for too long. Stand-by. . .more to follow.

    Due to recent threats made against my family on Florida Today, I will post as anonymous, but those who know me, know me.

    Does anyone else find it ironic that Florida Today, NPR and the rest of the Left are so concerned about the First Amendment that they abridge it almost daily??

  6. Florida Today's newspaper in print has been dying a slow lingering death for many years now. Their "activist" style of journalism has increasingly taken a leftist hue. This is no way to operate in a community of right leaning conservatives and straight up moderates. As they kill off the voices that make up the vast majority of Brevard County residents, they continue to kill the business that was Florida Today. This ladies and gentlemen is Darwin as applied to business. Survival of the Fittest.


  7. Just got an email from HBE, for heavens sake now they have banned Harry.


  8. From DFTTS:

    Have no clue who Harry is. Fishy. Note that Southern Perlo was pulled yesterday and not what you'd necessarily consider a right-leaning point of view. Sheree's post on the event of Mrs. Clarence Thomas went missing, replaced sometime today without any of the comments. Mr. Captain remains in the line up 100% and still holding steady. Further evidence in my mind at least that it is no coincidence that they remain without images. There's a lot going on.

    Nevertheless, the FT got a lot of folk started off in the blogging world, who might otherwise have never ventured beyond the FT blog space. Time to move on, folks...time to move on. Ta Ta...

  9. DTTTS.. Harry posted the FT General Discussion Forums. He leans left but he is one of the most polite and Reasonable Posters you will find anywhere on The FT Website.

    I visit the GD Forums enough to have a good idea who the regulars are and what they're like. I've met and talked to Harry a couple times, while we don't agree on some political subjects we agreed on a number of others.

    I'm not sure how Harry will take being banned.. or what he wants to do.. But I'll support him.

  10. Grumpy, he said he would have 10 more minutes in his day.

  11. Tell him he's welcome here, any time

  12. From DFFTS:
    I kept an eye today on things. I was curious. Mr. Captain BE has stacked the FT line up and held on steady all day. Not a one was pulled. Most of his posts had zero images and a few had chickens.

    I repeat this observation because it is important for serious bloggers. If you have your own website, you take the risks and responsibilities for reusing or repurposing other content. But the FT doesn't have to leave something on their courtesy community blog area that they may find questionable. It's not their job to validate.

    Having said that the FT has done nothing to help bloggers understand the rules. They let lots pass for a long time and now have the red light on much of the time. Community bloggers got some skills and continuing to blog in their own websites where they make the rules. In any case, I congratulate Grumpy and others for taking the leap. It doesn't matter whether we agree or not. You believe in something and in this new era of social media and blogging, you are not left behind. Everyone has learned much through the FT experience, in my view. And speaking of views......

    To Grumpyelder: In closing, reviewing a comment or two of yours, let me say that if my point of view is not one that deepens or expands a conversation, I will not engage. Seems it is bothersome. No hard feelings at all. You have never been nasty with me and that has been appreciated. Good luck to you.

  13. DFTTS, you have never given me any reason not to show yow you respect.. Bothersome, no, unique definitely. You always bring a different perspective into the conversation. Tell you the truth, I miss it when you're not around. Would like to see you get a gmail so you you could comment automatically under Dftts instead of having to type it in every-time. Then you'd come up that way on any Blogger Blog.

    You know the value I place on comments. less than 3% of the comments I've received have been removed.. they all appear to come from one computer. Where this your site I doubt you would allow them to stand

  14. lets all have a pity party.. you cost soo many people so many blogs anmd posts of their hard work all for your faggot bs tirade, now you should live with the karma that is bitting you in your bagger ass

  15. you baggers are not worth any effort on FT's part, you all have been bad mouthing them for a long time while they did your dirty work removing anyone yuou told them to, even Alf's profile because you thought it was cayote. what a pityful crock of hypocritical shit you are

  16. To All, My blogs seldom contain images..I prefer word pictures. I do in the course of entertainment create music videos..I have arrangements from EMI, Sony, and WMG...which I may add is not an easy thing to do.

    My degree is a B.S in Computer Science. I have read the TOS for this site and have not extended myself beyond them. Do I expect my blogs may eventually be deleted...maybe.

    The exercise this weekend was three fold. One as a demonstration of what could happen..the second was to test a theory that I had...the third was discovery. I feel that all three objectives have been met.

    I am presently creating an article that will highlight the problem, FT's response/failure to respond, and as you can tell by some of the other comments here..the unintended consequences.

    On the internet people vote by visiting your the real world...they vote with their dollars.

    Some puzzlement is why Perlo's post was deleted..I did not agree with it in its entirety, but he did provide the possibility for some real discussion. I am also not sure why DFTTS had their comment was a logical question. Also I am a bit confused as to why my response "Cokie Roberts" was offensive? The mystery of people...that's why I love them so.

  17. good riddens is what we all say!

  18. dont let the door slamm on your teabagger ass on the way out while your teabagging each other

  19. P.S. I guess one other issue that may protect me is that FT is not the only Gannet site I post on. Yet this and one other have been the only ones where there have been deletion of people's posts. I will say that I will only be posting on FT at key points and times.

    I found it funny that one of the posters today said they were "coming after my IP address". I will gladly give you my IP address and welcome your visit...but I will warn you...I am not nice in the wild.

  20. He seems to have Pinky and the Brain Complex.

    I'm debating, I hate to kill anyone's comments.. The ones he made tonigh are a big improvement over his norm. Even so, they're way beond what I'd allow from anyone else but almost looks like he tried. Do I delete/don't delete based on a feeble effort, or on the content?

  21. Grumpy, Kinda think its idiocy, obscenity, & disgusting mental stability needs to be left visable. Does more to help the cause of Conservatism than harm.

  22. kind of think someone is using a hospital ip address for their glen beckish comments, till now the hospital thought it was getting work for the salary it pays, not blog post trolls.. well that should change soon, even in tennessee they still demand real honest ethical work, even from cheating teabagger assholes. lets see how they like paying for this blog trash for morons

  23. Anonymous...

    Somehow I don't think he'll mind,, ever occur to you he might be on his own payroll

  24. i'm sure he's not paying for his ip address

  25. anon or anal same diff. As long as I continue to generate better than 100 times my salary annuals to the bottom line, they could care less how I spend my time. Besides, the various hospitals where I Consult are also against barry and that useless HC plan he and nancy concocted.

    You are correct. Based upon a random hub, I could be on any of dozens of IP addresses daily. And yes, My High speed connection is an expense re-imbursed by my current client. They find that cost much better than weekly travel expenses. They also furnish my cell phone and land line, and a new PC at least every 2-3 years. It is a great gig. Kinda why I did not retire at the end of last year.

  26. Better be sure...nothing is worse than breaking federal law

  27. Any idea how many he's already broken,

  28. From DFTTS

    Digital watermarking embedded in some types of audio, images, or video alerts an application to block content for copyrighted materials from appearing on a website. It is possible that FT is applying a setting available through Pluck that recognizes, identifies, and blocks such content. I am no expert at all on Pluck, but I follow the lightening paced development and applications in the social media world.

    Southern Perl was removed rather quickly over the weekend and had three images. As noted by Captain BE, benign comments were removed quickly that violated no TOS or Community Rule. My comment, a short question, could have fallen "victim" to a trolling finger on the Report Abuse button to disrupt.

    FT fails to advise bloggers and commenters on what will pass or not in its Community Rules.
    FT fails to apply other recommended mechanisms, some are quite simple, that would maintain a vibrant blogging environment.

    Regarding blocking comments: If individuals use a commenting section on the FT website or in a private website to veer into vulgarity, personal attacks, and other efforts to disrupt a discussion, then the owner/moderator has an obligation to block such posts. THe owner/moderator also has the responsibility to declare what the rules of the road are.

    To Grumpy: Acknowledging the tip on the gmail account. Not ready to do that. Some sites I visit are not Google Blooger sites and I do not always comment.

  29. All video/audio content is digitally watermarked. Pluck does not use the technology to determine its legality. What they do is only allow you to use video/audio from the major players in that technology...if it passes muster there..then their legal obligation is assured.

    This weekends foray was less about dominating the blogs..and more about discovering and highlighting the issue...I hope to have that blog completed today..or tomorrow.

  30. Dftts, with or without, you're welcome,,, I had a blog go AWOL once and Kehoe asked if I had another copy.. I did and I sent it to him. A few minutes later he came and sounded a little confused, saying this doesn't violate anyone's TOS.

    last night on when Right Turn came back.. Gabe made a comment about FT having a problem with what was getting Censored. I came bak with a simple "Yes they do" Both comments were redlined.

  31. Capt BE: Pluck's software absolutely makes settings available that flag watermarking that indicate copyright.Not all video/audio will be watermarked for copyright. Obviously the software cannot determine legality. That is a human determination. I will look for your elaboration on the topic of blogging responsibilities. It's important for all to be aware in esay to understand language.

  32. P.S. The post to Capt BE is from DFTTS, in case that wasn't obvious.

    Grumpy: FT has a problem, doesn't it! LOL

  33. A nice addition to copyrighted that if the copyright is removed it will not play on any of the major software WMV, quicktime, etc.

    What is your source for plucks capability..couldn't find it on their site

  34. Capt. BE -
    On their site, but it took time. If I have time again this week, I will retrace my steps and provide the info.

    My interest is not casual. This type of info is important for what I do on my paid time and free time.


  35. Neither is mine...I make a living off this stuff

  36. Hey there dung for brains. You better believe it is paying off. Have you seen all the latest polls. You really should knok off the obscenity and personal threats. There are ladies present, and you just might anger the wrong person. But then logic and decency have never been your strong points.

  37. Capt BE: I spent a moment trying to retrace, then I changed my mind. I really don't have time to retrace. What you are doing by putting together an article/blog in a way that is easy to understand has great value: (1) to educate bloggers who may not know the details to blogging that are important to consider, (2) to educate the FT on what the latest recommendations are for building effective blogging communities. Clearly, they are failing in that regards and (3) this FT community has bonded or developed some type of commitment to the community blog, as strange as this may sound. So, what you contribute to #1 and #2, may affect #3 in a positive way.

    So here's my suggestion, ask the FT to define what rules they are applying, not as a complaint, but as a question to lead to improvement. I suspect they may not be fully informed themselves as to the power of the tool they are employing.

    Since I can't invest more time right away and since it's a code that will recognize a digital watermark in copyrighted images, and protection of images is a hot topic in the digital media community, let's start for the sake of argument that the loss of FT blogs MAY have something to do with Pluck's capablility to filter content with embedded code. It's a reasonable assumption, I think.

    Here's the info on the PHP -

    No offense if you blow off my suggestions. I'm curious though. If you do get answers and as a result start consulting on social communities, just remember where it all started. :-)



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